18 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kebijakan Mutasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Pegawai di Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud

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    Introduction One of the purposes of the implementation of mutations policy is to seek the rightperson in the right place "the right man on the right place". Will thus be able to improve employeeperformance. Although we have already arranged for the purpose of putting the right people in the rightplace, but it does not mean the problem has been completed. A work that is routine may lead to boredom,so that in these circumstances the possibility of his enthusiasm and excitement down. This can happendespite the fact that the placement in place the right people have been executed. For that reason inmutates we must see to it that a new task is still in line with the duties and previous work. Therefore, thisstudy aimed to determine the effect of policy transfer of civil servants to the improvement of theenvironmental performance of employees in the education department of youth and sports district Talaudislands. Methods The method used is quantitatively using simple linear regesi analysis, and correlationanalysis is simple. And the sample studied were 30 people, in the data collection techniques using SampleRandom Sampling technique, a questionnaire (questionnaire) or a list of questions, and observations.Results The results of the overall analysis shows that the policy of transfer of civil servants have a positiveinfluence on the improvement of the performance of employees in the Ministry of Youth and SportsTalaud Islands. Conclusion As the results of this research as well as theoretical idea then it can be statedthat the policy of transfer of civil servants have a positive influence on employee performanceimprovement

    Peranan Pemerintah dalam Mengimplemntasikan Kebijakan Pembangunan SDM ( di Kelurahan Tewaan Kecamatan Ranowulu Kota Bitung)

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    ABSTARCT: Every good areas of the city to the village level have programs of human resource development to its citizens. but whether the government has implemented its policy implementation is well or not in each region ? So that will impact the results. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of government in implementing human resource development policy in the sub-district Tewaan villages of Bitung city. The method used in this study is a qualitative method , as well as to find the percentage of analytical techniques with the help of the formula P = F / NX100. Data sources and respondents were 14 respondents taken 6 staff employee in the office of the villages 8 community leaders. Data collection using questionnaire and with interview techniques assisted. The results of data analysis showed : The Role of government in the implementation of human resource development policy is positive and highly significant, capable of both high and directed in improving standards of living. Based on the results of these studies concluded that the role of governmnent in implementing human resource development policy in the villages tewaan of bitung city, the government has been able to implement a very good and high quality human resources development policy because it has been as expected and needed by the community. Based on these conclusions suggested : Maintaining implementation pattern of development that has been done, focus on the implementation of human resource development in improving standards of living, continues to establish communication with all level of society in order to support the implementation of development