30 research outputs found

    Aborto inducido en cartagena, colombia: estimación mediante la ‘metodología de complicaciones de aborto inducido’

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    Objetivo Estimar la incidencia de aborto inducido en un hospital de referencia y en la ciudad de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia. Métodos Estudio ecológico que uso la ‘Metodología de Complicaciones de Aborto Inducido’ (MCAI). Se usaron datos de la Clínica Maternidad Rafael Calvo (CMRC) para estimar las atenciones pos-aborto en la ciudad. A partir de esos datos y el modelo MCAI, se obtuvieron razones y tasas de la incidencia de aborto inducido en CMRC y en la ciudad de Cartagena.Resultados La razón estimada de abortos inducidos en la ciudad de Cartagena fue de 261/1 000 nacimientos en 2005, 244 en 2006, y 259 en 2007. La tasa estimada de abortos inducidos por 1 000 mujeres de 15-44 años fue de 22 en 2005, 22 en 2006, y 21 en 2007.Conclusiones La tasa estimada es similar a la encontrada en la estimación realizada en la población colombiana con datos publicados previamente en 1989. Se recomiendan medidas de salud pública enfocadas a disminuir la presencia del embarazo no deseado

    Glycemia in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: Clinical implications

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    Spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage or intracranial hemorrhage accounts for 10-15% of all strokes. Intracranial hemorrhage is much less common than ischemic stroke, but has higher mortality and morbidity, one of the leading causes of severe disability. Various alterations, among these the endocrine were identified when an intracerebral hemorrhage, these stress-mediated mechanisms exacerbate secondary injury. Deep knowledge of the injuries which are directly involved alterations of glucose, offers insight as cytotoxicity, neuronal death and metabolic dysregulations alter the prognosis of patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage

    Traumatic cerebral contusion: Pathobiology and critical aspects

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    Traumatic brain injury is a major cause of mortality in developed countries. Cerebral parenchymal injury is evidenced by a significant percentage of patients. The most important structural lesion of the brain is the cerebral contusion, which is a complex and dynamic area, a result of the primary lesion and which is associated with ischemic and inflammatory phenomena that need to be known by the neurosurgeon. We present a review of the most important aspects of brain contusion

    Microglia: roles and rules in brain traumatic injury

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    Microglia are a special type of supporting cells in the nervous system. between the functions they perform are myelin production, structural support, regulation of extracellular fluid, glial scar formation among others. This cell type for its versatility, is also related to pathological events, where his multiple roles and the release of proinflammatory factors can contribute to understand especially in traumatic brain injury, as secondary injury and the healing process, important aspects the context of brain injury

    Fluid therapy in neurotrauma: basic and clinical concepts

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    The patient with head trauma is a challenge for the emergency physician and for the neurosurgeon. Currently traumatic brain injury constitutes a public health problem. Knowledge of the various therapeutic strategies to provide support in the prehospital and perioperative are essential for optimal care. Rapid infusion of large volumes of crystalloids to restore blood volume and blood pressure quickly is now the standard treatment for patients with combined TBI and HS The fluid in patients with brain and especially in the carrier of brain injury is a critical topic; we present a review of the literature about the history, physiology of current fluid preparations, and a discussion regard the use of fluid therapy in traumatic brain injury and decompressive craniectomy

    Neumotórax espontáneo asociado a fibrosis pulmonar en un paciente con neurofibromatosis tipo 2

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    El compromiso pulmonar en pacientes con neurofibromatosis ha sido reiteradamente descrito como una complicación muy rara en la variedad tipo 1. Se caracteriza por enfermedad pulmonar intersticial difusa, fibrosis pulmonar, neoplasias torácicas y formación de bulas, estas últimas, con alto riesgo de ruptura. Describimos un caso de neumotórax espontáneo en una paciente con neurofibromatosis tipo 2, como consecuencia de cambios fibróticos pulmonares. A nuestro conocimiento, esta asociación no había sido reportada

    Non traumatic fractures of the lumbar spine and seizures: Case report

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    Injury-induced seizures may appear clinically asymptomatic and can be easily monitored by the absence of trauma and post-ictal impairment of consciousness. Patients with epilepsy have a higher risk of compression fractures, leading to serious musculoskeletal injuries, this type of non-traumatic compression fractures of the spine secondary to seizures are rare lesions, and is produced by the severe contraction of the paraspinal muscles that can achieve the thoracic spine fracture. Seizures induced lesions may appear clinically asymptomatic and can be easily monitored by the absence of trauma and post-ictal impairment of consciousness. We present a case report

    Reconstrucción de encefalocele frontoetmoidal con injerto de acetábulo

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    El encefalocele frontoetmoidal es un defecto congénito deltubo neural caracterizado por una herniación parcial delcerebro y las meninges, a través de un defecto craneal anteriorque genera deformidad facial. Se presenta el reporte de unniño de 10 años con un defecto facial en línea media quecorrespondió a un encefalocele frontoetmoidal. Se realizócorrección quirúrgica acompañado de colocación de injertode acetábulo, obteniéndose una mejoría estética y anatómicafavorable. Este parece ser el primer caso en la literatura en elque se utiliza el injerto de acetábulo para la reconstrucción deun encefalocele frontoetmoidal

    Decompressive craniectomy in traumatic brain injury: Quo Vadis?

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    Intracranial hypertension is the leading cause of mortality in patients with cranial injury. Currently the traumatic brain injury is a public health problem worldwide. Decompressive craniectomy emerges as a treatment strategy for patients with refractory intracranial hypertension. The completed surgery requires careful surgical technique and exquisite. We present a review of the literature about the technique

    Bilateral traumatic paralysis of abducent nerves and clivus fracture: Case Report

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    Clivus fractures are a rare pathology, frecuently associated tohigh power trauma. Such injuries may be associated with vascular and cranial nerves lesions. The abducens nerve is particularly vulnerable to traumatic injuries due to its long intracranial course, since their real origin until the lateral rectus muscle. The unilateral abducens nerve palsy of 1-2-7% occurs in patients with cranial trauma, bilateral paralysis is rare. We report a patient who presented bilateral abducens nerve palsy associated with a clivus fracture