9 research outputs found

    Mutation profiles detected by new generation dna sequence analysis in gynecological cancers, single centre case series results

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    Amacımız, yaş ve aile hikayesinden bağımsız olarak merkezimizde over (OC) ve endometriyum kanseri (EC) tanısı ile cerrahisi ve ardından genetik mutasyon analizi uygulanan hastalarımızın mutasyon sıklığını ve sekanslarını araştırmaktır. Son yıllarda önleyici stratejilerin gelişimi dışında tedavi seçeneklerindeki fırsatlar ve genetik çalışmaların artışı herediter kanserlere ilgiyi arttırmıştır. En sık görülen herediter jinekolojik kanserler; herediter meme over kanseri (HBOC) ve Lynch Sendromu (LS) dur. Hastalığın düşük prevalansı, test pahalılığı ve etik sebepler popülasyon bazlı taramayı kullanışsız hale getirmektedir. Birimimizde 01.04.2018-01.10.2019 tarihleri arasında genetik araştırması yapılan 37 EC ve 15 OC tanısı almış hastamız çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. BRCA1/2 ve LS genlerini de içeren (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS 2) 25 genden oluşan geniş ailevi panel testi uygulanmıştır. Ailevi gen paneli testi yapılan 27 EC hastamızda, 1 MLH1 ve 1 ATM geninde patolojik mutasyon saptandı (%3.7 LS,%3.7 non LS). 11 hastada önemi belirsiz varyant mutasyon (VUS) görüldü (%40.7). BRCA mutasyon araştırması yapılan 20 EC’li hastamızda patolojik mutasyon saptanmadı. BRCA mutasyonu araştırılan 14 OC’lu hastamızda 3 patolojik varyant identifiye edildi ve hepsi BRCA1 genindeydi (HBOC %21,4). Ailevi kanser paneli değerlendirilen 4 OC’lu hastada 1 MSH6 ve 1 ATM geninde patolojik mutasyonlar izlendi. Over ve endometriyum kanserlerinde ailevi geniş mutasyon verilerinin çoğalması ve literatürde paylaşımı VUS oranlarını azaltacak, BRCA ve LS dışındaki genlerin jinekolojik kanserlerdeki rolünü ortaya çıkartacak ve yeni tarama algoritmalarını oluşturacaktır.Our objective is to investigate the mutation frequency and sequences of our patients, who underwent surgery with a diagnosis of ovarian (OC) and endometrial cancer (EC) and subsequently underwent genetic mutation analysis, regardless of age and family history. In recent years, apart from the development of preventive strategies, opportunities in treatment options and increase in genetic studies have increased the interest in hereditary cancers. The most common hereditary gynecological cancers are hereditary breast ovarian cancer (HBOC) and Lynch Syndrome (LS). The low prevalence of the disease, cost of testing, and ethical reasons make population-based screening impractical. 37 patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer and 15 patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer were included in the study, and their genetic research was conducted in our department between 01.04.2018 and 01.10.2019. A large familial panel test consisting of 25 genes including BRCA1/2 and LS genes (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS 2) was performed. Pathological mutation was found in 1 MLH1 and 1 ATM genes in 27 patients with endometrial cancer who underwent familial gene panel test (3.7% LS, 3.7% non LS). Eleven patients had a variant mutation of uncertain significance (VUS) (40.7%). No pathological mutation was found in our 20 patients with endometrial cancer who were investigated for BRCA mutation. In our 14 patients with ovarian cancer whose BRCA mutation was investigated, 3 pathological variants were identified, and all of them were in BRCA1 gene (HBOC 21.4%). Pathological mutations in 1 MSH6 and 1 ATM genes were observed in 4 patients with ovarian cancer whose familial cancer panel was evaluated. The proliferation of comprehensive familial mutation data in ovarian and endometrial cancers and their sharing in the literature will reduce VUS rates, reveal the role of genes other than BRCA and LS in gynecological cancers, and create new screening algorithms

    Blau syndrome with a rare mutation in exon 9 of NOD2 gene

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    Blau syndrome is an autosomal dominant rare disease caused by mutations in NOD2 gene. Less than 200 patients published with Blau Syndrome Worldwide. We reported a 41-year old female Turkish patient diagnosed as Blau syndrome. Granulomatous dermatitis and severe headache, as well as recurrent chest and pelvic pain have been present since she was 8 years old. Arthritis started when she was teenage, hypertension diagnosed when she was 20 and other symptoms also occurred during the lifetime (severe preeclampsia, ischemic stroke, recurrent hemiparesis, recurrent-transient-vision-loss and renal-artery-stenosis). Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood and 12 genes sequenced in Autoinflammatory panel on IonTorrent-S5-NGS platform with Parseq-VariFind™AIPassay. NGS analysis showed 107 variants in in the index case, mainly benign with no strong association with Blau syndrome. Additionally, we identified one very rare missense mutation in NOD2 gene (c2803G>A, p.Val935Met) and in silico assessment of the mutation indicated possible pathogenic significance and strong association with Blau syndrome. In addition, we analyzed family members of the index case and identified the same mutation in NOD2 gene. The segregation analysis shows the presence of the same mutant allele in NOD2 gene in the index case affected sister, as well as in her son with arthralgia, while in her non affecter brother we didn’t detect the Val935Met mutation in NOD2 gene. Blau Syndrome is known as a very rare disease, mainly caused by mutations in NOD2 gene. Missense mutation diagnosed in our case could be responsible for the phenotype of the index case. Our results indicate the importance of NGS testing and its major role in the detection of rare mutations that may responsible for the onset of autoinflammatory disorders

    Relationship between the DAT1 gene and the effects of methylphenidate administration in adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A magnetic resonance spectroscopy study

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    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the relationship between DAT1 gene polymorphisms and the effects of methylphenidate (MPH) administration on N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), creatine (Cr), and choline (Cho) levels in the anterior cingulate cortex, prefrontal cortex, striatum, and cerebellum in adult patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This was the first study to investigate the relationship between DAT gene variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphisms and the responses of brain metabolites to MPH. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Samples in this study were collected from 60 patients aged between 18 and 60 years with ADHD according to DSM-IV criteria. Genetic analysis of DAT1 gene polymorphisms was carried out using blood samples obtained after a detailed clinical evaluation. Levels of NAA, Cr, and Cho were measured in the anterior cingulate cortex, prefrontal cortex, striatum, and cerebellum by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. After this evaluation, 10 mg of MPH was given orally to patients, and the levels of the same metabolites were measured 30 min later. RESULTS: No marked difference in NAA, Cr, or Cho levels was detected before and after MPH administration with respect to the DAT1 gene VNTR polymorphisms. A considerable increase in Cr levels in the cerebellum was identified after MPH administration in individuals with the 10/10 repeat genotype as the DAT1 VNTR polymorphism (p=0.008). CONCLUSIONS: An increase in the previously decreased blood flow after MPH therapy may induce an increase in creatine levels in patients with the 10/10 repeat genotype. Our results thus suggest that the 10R allele as the DAT1 gene VNTR polymorphism might be associated with MPH-related changes in brain metabolites in adults with ADHD

    De novo mutations of the ATP6V1A gene cause developmental encephalopathy with epilepsy

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    none25V-type proton (H +) ATPase (v-ATPase) is a multi-subunit proton pump that regulates pH homeostasis in all eukaryotic cells; in neurons, v-ATPase plays additional and unique roles in synapse function. Through whole exome sequencing, we identified de novo heterozygous mutations (p.Pro27Arg, p.Asp100Tyr, p.Asp349Asn, p.Asp371Gly) in ATP6V1A, encoding the A subunit of v-ATPase, in four patients with developmental encephalopathy with epilepsy. Early manifestations, observed in all patients, were developmental delay and febrile seizures, evolving to encephalopathy with profound delay, hypotonic/dyskinetic quadriparesis and intractable multiple seizure types in two patients (p.Pro27Arg, p.Asp100Tyr), and to moderate delay with milder epilepsy in the other two (p.Asp349Asn, p.Asp371Gly). Modelling performed on the available prokaryotic and eukaryotic structures of v-ATPase predicted p.Pro27Arg to perturb subunit interaction, p.Asp100Tyr to cause steric hindrance and destabilize protein folding, p.Asp349Asn to affect the catalytic function and p.Asp371Gly to impair the rotation process, necessary for proton transport. We addressed the impact of p.Asp349Asn and p.Asp100Tyr mutations on ATP6V1A expression and function by analysing ATP6V1A-overexpressing HEK293T cells and patients' lymphoblasts. The p.Asp100Tyr mutant was characterized by reduced expression due to increased degradation. Conversely, no decrease in expression and clearance was observed for p.Asp349Asn. In HEK293T cells overexpressing either pathogenic or control variants, p.Asp349Asn significantly increased LysoTracker® fluorescence with no effects on EEA1 and LAMP1 expression. Conversely, p.Asp100Tyr decreased both LysoTracker® fluorescence and LAMP1 levels, leaving EEA1 expression unaffected. Both mutations decreased v-ATPase recruitment to autophagosomes, with no major impact on autophagy. Experiments performed on patients' lymphoblasts using the LysoSensor™ probe revealed lower pH of endocytic organelles for p.Asp349Asn and a reduced expression of LAMP1 with no effect on the pH for p.Asp100Tyr. These data demonstrate gain of function for p.Asp349Asn characterized by an increased proton pumping in intracellular organelles, and loss of function for p.Asp100Tyr with decreased expression of ATP6V1A and reduced levels of lysosomal markers. We expressed p.Asp349Asn and p.Asp100Tyr in rat hippocampal neurons and confirmed significant and opposite effects in lysosomal labelling. However, both mutations caused a similar defect in neurite elongation accompanied by loss of excitatory inputs, revealing that altered lysosomal homeostasis markedly affects neurite development and synaptic connectivity. This study provides evidence that de novo heterozygous ATP6V1A mutations cause a developmental encephalopathy with a pathomechanism that involves perturbations of lysosomal homeostasis and neuronal connectivity, uncovering a novel role for v-ATPase in neuronal development.noneFassio A.; Esposito A.; Kato M.; Saitsu H.; Mei D.; Marini C.; Conti V.; Nakashima M.; Okamoto N.; Olmez Turker A.; Albuz B.; Semerci Gunduz C.N.; Yanagihara K.; Belmonte E.; Maragliano L.; Ramsey K.; Balak C.; Siniard A.; Narayanan V.; Ohba C.; Shiina M.; Ogata K.; Matsumoto N.; Benfenati F.; Guerrini R.Fassio, A.; Esposito, A.; Kato, M.; Saitsu, H.; Mei, D.; Marini, C.; Conti, V.; Nakashima, M.; Okamoto, N.; Olmez Turker, A.; Albuz, B.; Semerci Gunduz, C. N.; Yanagihara, K.; Belmonte, E.; Maragliano, L.; Ramsey, K.; Balak, C.; Siniard, A.; Narayanan, V.; Ohba, C.; Shiina, M.; Ogata, K.; Matsumoto, N.; Benfenati, F.; Guerrini, R