883 research outputs found

    Response inhibition deficits in externalizing child psychiatric disorders: An ERP-study with the Stop-task

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence from behavioural studies suggests that impaired motor response inhibition may be common to several externalizing child psychiatric disorders, although it has been proposed to be the core-deficit in AD/HD. Since similar overt behaviour may be accompanied by different covert brain activity, the aim of this study was to investigate both brain-electric-activity and performance measures in three groups of children with externalizing child psychiatric disorders and a group of normal controls. METHODS: A Stop-task was used to measure specific aspects of response inhibition in 10 children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD), 8 children with oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder (ODD/CD), 11 children with comorbid AD/HD+ODD/CD and 11 normal controls. All children were between 8 and 14 years old. Event-related potentials and behavioural responses were recorded. An initial go-signal related microstate, a subsequent Stop-signal related N200, and performance measures were analyzed using ANCOVA with age as covariate. RESULTS: Groups did not differ in accuracy or reaction time to the Go-stimuli. However, all clinical groups displayed reduced map strength in a microstate related to initial processing of the Go-stimulus compared to normal controls, whereas topography did not differ. Concerning motor response inhibition, the AD/HD-only and the ODD/CD-only groups displayed slower Stop-signal reaction times (SSRT) and Stop-failure reaction time compared to normal controls. In children with comorbid AD/HD+ODD/CD, Stop-failure reaction-time was longer than in controls, but their SSRT was not slowed. Moreover, SSRT in AD/HD+ODD/CD was faster than in AD/HD-only or ODD/CD-only. The AD/HD-only and ODD/CD-only groups displayed reduced Stop-N200 mean amplitude over right-frontal electrodes. This effect reached only a trend for comorbid AD/HD+ODD/CD. CONCLUSION: Following similar attenuations in initial processing of the Go-signal in all clinical groups compared to controls, distinct Stop-signal related deficits became evident in the clinical groups. Both children with AD/HD and ODD/CD showed deficits in behavioural response-inhibition accompanied by decreased central conflict signalling or inhibition processes. Neither behavioural nor neural markers of inhibitory deficits as found in AD/HD-only and ODD/CD-only were additive. Instead, children with comorbid AD/HD+ODD/CD showed similar or even less prominent inhibition deficits than the other clinical groups. Hence, the AD/HD+ODD/CD-group may represent a separate clinical entity

    Statusbericht Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft - Land und Ernährungswirtschaft im Freistaat Sachsen - Statusbericht 2008

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    Der Statusbericht 2008 zur Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft in Sachsen beschreibt die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft sowie ihre volkswirtschaftliche Einordnung. Die Bruttowertschöpfung der sächsischen Land- und Forstwirtschaft stieg 2007 aufgrund guter Markt- und Preisbedingungen auf 830 Mio. Euro. Zusammen mit dem Ernährungsgewerbe wurde eine Bruttowertschöpfung von 2,1 Mrd. Euro erzielt. Das ist ein Anteil von 2,5 % an der gesamten Wertschöpfung Sachsens und entspricht etwa der Wertschöpfung der wichtigen Wirtschaftszweige Maschinenbau (2,0 Mrd. Euro) oder Fahrzeugbau (2,25 Mrd. Euro). Die Landwirtschaft ist eng mit vor- und nachgelagerten Wirtschaftsbereichen verflochten. Sie ist einerseits Abnehmer von Betriebsmitteln, Investitionsgütern und Dienstleistungen, andererseits Produzent und Lieferant von Erzeugnissen für die industrielle und handwerkliche Verarbeitung oder den Direktabsatz. Das Agrarbusiness beschäftigt insgesamt mindestens 87.700 Erwerbstätige. Somit sind fünf Prozent aller sächsischen Beschäftigten im Agrarbusiness tätig, d.h. jeder 20. Arbeitsplatz steht direkt oder indirekt mit der Agrarwirtschaft in Verbindung

    Nanoscopic Study of the Ion Dynamics in a LiAlSiO4_4 Glass Ceramic by means of Electrostatic Force Spectroscopy

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    We use time-domain electrostatic force spectroscopy (TD-EFS) for characterising the dynamics of mobile ions in a partially crystallised LiAlSiO4_4 glass ceramic, and we compare the results of the TD-EFS measurements to macroscopic electrical conductivity measurements. While the macroscopic conductivity spectra are determined by a single dynamic process with an activation energy of 0.72 eV, the TD-EFS measurements provide information about two distinct relaxation processes with different activation energies. Our results indicate that the faster process is due to ionic movements in the glassy phase and at the glass-crystal interfaces, while the slower process is caused by ionic movements in the crystallites. The spatially varying electrical relaxation strengths of the fast and of the slow process provide information about the nano- and mesoscale structure of the glass ceramic.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Multi-Sensor Field Studies of Lightning and Implications for MTG-LI

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    Future geostationary satellite systems will offer a variety of improved observing capabilities which will be extremely useful for many applications like numerical weather forecasting, nowcasting of severe weather, climate research or hydrology. The planning for MTG (Meteosat Third Generation) includes an optical lightning imager (LI) as part of the payload. One requirement for a proper interpretation of these optical data is a better understanding of what components of a flash are to be seen from space and how these observations relate to ground based radio frequency observations. Therefore, the objectives of the present study concern the improvement of the understanding of the complex lightning process which then enables a proper interpretation of the optical data. For assessing the future performances and benefits of a geostationary lightning sensor this study takes advantage of the comprehensive lightning data sets obtained from the recent CHUVA field experiment performed in Brazil. (CHUVA - Cloud processes of tHe main precipitation systems in Brazil: A contribUtion to cloud resolVing modeling and to the GPM (GlobAl Precipitation Measurement)). During the rainy season of 2011-2012 a large number of ground based lightning detection systems was set up in the Sao Paulo area in Brazil. In the present study we look at the detailed radio frequency (RF) based observation from LINET (Lightning detection network operated by DLR, nowcast and USP) and observing strokes in the VLF/LF (very low and low frequency) range, the LMA (Lightning mapping array) from NASA observing RF sources in the VHF (very high frequency) range and the TRMM-LIS (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission-Lightning Imaging Sensor) optical space borne lightning imager. The LIS is used as a reference instrument for the future MTG-LI sensor as well as for the corresponding GLM sensor (Geostationary Lightning Mapper) on GOES-R. Thus it is possible to study the relations between the RF and optical signals from lightning in detail and to assess the performance of the future geostationary observations from a set of proxy satellite data generated from the ground based observations. In confirmation of previous studies, it was found that often a direct temporal coincidence of RF signals (LINET strokes) and optical pulses (LIS groups) exists. The short baseline configuration of LINET allowed to observe the strokes mapping the flash branches similar to LMA, but by locating the limited number of strong cloud strokes rather than a large number of weak source points from leader steps. An initial breakdown phase of vertically propagating sources can often be found in LINET and LMA data. The higher level LINET and LMA signals have higher probability to be optically detected. Lower level LINET and LMA signals are optically detected from above in case of missing high level precipitation as inferred from radar observations provided by USP. The new comprehensive data set allows for constructing proxy data for the future geostationary lightning mappers

    Scham und Schamlosigkeit:Grenzverletzungen im Spannungsfeld von Dissimulation und Ostentation

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    Die Tagung widmet sich dem Verhältnis von Scham und Schamlosigkeit in der Vormoderne. Obwohl die beiden Phänomene kategorial unterschiedlich gelagert sind, lassen sie sich auf der Ebene der Grenzverletzung miteinander in Beziehung setzen. Im Mittelpunkt soll deshalb weniger die Frage nach Scham und Schamlosigkeit selbst, als vielmehr nach ihren Zuschreibungspraktiken stehen, nämlich wie eine Handlung im Prozess der öffentlichen Kommunikation zur Transgression wird. Aus dieser handlungsorientierten Perspektive bietet es sich an, die beiden Phänomene nicht als normative, ethische oder affektbezogene Kategorien, sondern als performative Operatoren zu untersuchen, deren Zusammenwirken über die Markierung eines Vorgangs als Grenzverletzung die Grenze erst hervorbringt. Scham und Schamlosigkeit unterliegen allerdings unterschiedlichen Aufführungsbedingungen: Scham ist paradox angelegt, denn sie macht körperlich sichtbar, was das Subjekt verbergen will. Somit lässt sich Scham als eine Kommunikationsform der Dissimulation verstehen. Die Schamlosigkeit erscheint dagegen als Ostentation: Das Sichtbarmachen der Grenze ist in diesem Fall eine zielgerichtete Geste, die für verschiedene Semantiken offen ist. Dabei geht es nicht nur um die Modi dieser Geste, sondern auch um ihre Funktionen und Effekte. Die Tagung umfasst ein breites Spektrum von literarischen und künstlerischen Inszenierungen von Scham und Schamlosigkeit, für die das Zusammenspiel von Dissimulation und Ostentation von Bedeutung ist. Sie zielt insbesondere auf vormoderne Zusammenhänge, da hier in der öffentlichen Verhandlung von Norm- und Verhaltensgrenzen keine strikte Trennung zwischen institutionalisierten Rechtsverfahren, rituellen Äußerungen und spontanen face-to-face Interaktionen herrscht.Scham und Schamlosigkeit: Grenzverletzungen im Spannungsfeld von Dissimulation und Ostentation, conference, ICI Berlin, 4–6 June 2009 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e090604

    Проект "Малая академия наук "Scientrium"" как пример организации исследовательской деятельности учащихся

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    Рассматривается исследовательская деятельность учащихся старших классов. Освещается реализация социально значимого проекта по вовлечению их в исследовательскую и околонаучную деятельность на базе Национального исследовательского Томского политехнического университета, Томской областной детской общественной организации «Хобби-центр» и Томского областного института повышения квалификации и переподготовки работников образования. Показан механизм формирования научных команд, позволяющий эффективно организовать исследовательскую работу учащихся старших классов под руководством сотрудников университета и студентов.The article discusses research activity of high schoolchild. Covers the implementation of socially significant project to engage them in research and allied activities in the framework of the National research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk regional children's public organization «Hobby-center» and the Tomsk regional Institute of advanced training and retraining of workers of education. The mechanism of formation of research teams to effectively organize the research work of senior students under the guidance of University staff and students

    Evaluation of in vitro and in vivo activity of benzindazole-4,9-quinones against Cryptosporidium parvum

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    A series of benzindazole-4,9-quinones was tested for growth-inhibitory effects on Cryptosporidium parvum in vitro and in vivo. Most compounds showed considerable activity at concentrations from 25 to 100 µM. For instance, at 25 µM the derivatives 5-hydroxy-8-chloro-N 1 -methylbenz[f]-indazole-4,9-quinone and 5-chloro-N 2 -methylbenz[f]indazole-4,9-quinone inhibited growth of C. parvum 78-100%, and at 50 µM seven of the 23 derivatives inhibited growth ≥90%. The activity of the former two compounds was confirmed in a T-cell receptor α (TCR-α)-deficient mouse model of chronic cryptosporidiosis. In these mice, the mean infectivity scores (IS) in the caecum were 0.63-0.20, whereas in sham-treated mice the score was 1.44 (P &lt; 0.05). There were similar differences in IS in the ileum, where the score for treated mice was 1.12-0.20 and that for mice receiving no drug was 1.32. There was no acute or chronic toxicity for any compound tested in vivo

    Влияние диаметра центрального отверстия горизонтальных ребер емкости объемом 60 литров на ее среднюю производительность

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    В данной работе представлена математическая модель нестационарного процесса заполнения вертикальных погружных емкостей газообразным UF6. Приведены результаты расчетов средней производительности, степени и времени заполнения емкости объемом 6·10-2 м3 с горизонтальным оребрением при изменении диаметра центрального отверстия ребер. Показано, что емкость объемом 6·10-2 м3 имеет максимальную среднюю производительность и минимальное время заполнения при диаметре центрального отверстия горизонтальных ребер 6,4·10-2 м.The mathematical model of non-stationary filling of vertical submerged tanks with gaseous uranium hexafluoride is presented in the paper. There are calculations of the average productivity, heat exchange area, filling time of horizontal ribbing tank with volume 6·10-2 m3 with change central hole diameter of the ribs. We have demonstrated that maximum average productivity and a minimum filling time are reached for the tank with volume 6·10-2 m3 having central hole diameter of horizontal ribs 6,4·10-2 m