152 research outputs found

    The inverse Laplace transform as the ultimate tool for transverse mass spectra

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    New high statistics data from the second generation of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion experiments open up new possibilities in terms of data analysis. To fully utilize the potential we propose to analyze the mm_\perp-spectra of hadrons using the inverse Laplace transform. The problems with its inherent ill-definedness can be overcome and several applications in other fields like biology, chemistry or optics have already shown its feasability. Moreover, the method also promises to deliver upper bounds on the total information content of the spectra, which is of big importance for all other means of analysis. Here we compute several Laplace inversions from different thermal scenarios, both analytically and numerically, to test the efficiency of the method. Especially the case of a two component structure, related to a possible first order phase transition to a quark gluon plasma, is closer investigated and it is shown that at least a signal to noise ratio of 10410^4 is necessary to resolve two individual components.Comment: 13 pages (PostScript, including figures), BNL-NTHES

    Two-photon final states in peripheral heavy ion collisions

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    We discuss processes leading to two photon final states in peripheral heavy ion collisions at RHIC. Due to the large photon luminosity we show that the continuum subprocess γγγγ\gamma \gamma \to \gamma \gamma can be observed with a large number of events. We study this reaction when it is intermediated by a resonance made of quarks or gluons and discuss its interplay with the continuum process, verifying that in several cases the resonant process ovewhelms the continuum one. It is also investigated the possibility of observing a scalar resonance (the σ\sigma meson) in this process. Assuming for the σ\sigma the mass and total decay width values recently reported by the E791 Collaboration we show that RHIC may detect this particle in its two photon decay mode if its partial photonic decay width is of the order of the ones discussed in the literature.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Inverse flux quantum periodicity of magnetoresistance oscillations in two-dimensional short-period surface superlattices

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    Transport properties of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) are considered in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field BB and of a {\it weak} two-dimensional (2D) periodic potential modulation in the 2DEG plane. The symmetry of the latter is rectangular or hexagonal. The well-known solution of the corresponding tight-binding equation shows that each Landau level splits into several subbands when a rational number of flux quanta h/eh/e pierces the unit cell and that the corresponding gaps are exponentially small. Assuming the latter are closed due to disorder gives analytical wave functions and simplifies considerably the evaluation of the magnetoresistivity tensor ρμν\rho_{\mu\nu}. The relative phase of the oscillations in ρxx\rho_{xx} and ρyy\rho_{yy} depends on the modulation periods involved. For a 2D modulation with a {\bf short} period 100\leq 100 nm, in addition to the Weiss oscillations the collisional contribution to the conductivity and consequently the tensor ρμν\rho_{\mu\nu} show {\it prominent peaks when one flux quantum h/eh/e passes through an integral number of unit cells} in good agreement with recent experiments. For periods 300400300- 400 nm long used in early experiments, these peaks occur at fields 10-25 times smaller than those of the Weiss oscillations and are not resolved

    Photon polarization in radiative B decays

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    We study decay distributions in B -> K pi pi gamma, combining contributions from several overlapping resonances in a K pi pi mass range near 1400 MeV, (1^+) K_1(1400), (2^+) K^*_2(1430) and (1^-) K^*(1410). A method is proposed for using these distributions to determine a photon polarization parameter in the effective radiative weak Hamiltonian. This parameter is measured through an up-down asymmetry of the photon direction relative to the K pi pi decay plane. We calculate a dominant up-down asymmetry of 0.33 +- 0.05 from the K1(1400) resonance, which can be measured with about 10^8 B B-bar pairs, thus providing a new test for the Standard Model and a probe for some of its extensions.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Constraints on the CMB temperature redshift dependence from SZ and distance measurements

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    The relation between redshift and the CMB temperature, TCMB(z)=T0(1+z)T_{CMB}(z)=T_0(1+z) is a key prediction of standard cosmology, but is violated in many non-standard models. Constraining possible deviations to this law is an effective way to test the Λ\LambdaCDM paradigm and search for hints of new physics. We present state-of-the-art constraints, using both direct and indirect measurements. In particular, we point out that in models where photons can be created or destroyed, not only does the temperature-redshift relation change, but so does the distance duality relation, and these departures from the standard behaviour are related, providing us with an opportunity to improve constraints. We show that current datasets limit possible deviations of the form TCMB(z)=T0(1+z)1βT_{CMB}(z)=T_0(1+z)^{1-\beta} to be β=0.004±0.016\beta=0.004\pm0.016 up to a redshift z3z\sim 3. We also discuss how, with the next generation of space and ground-based experiments, these constraints can be improved by more than one order of magnitude.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    Nonresonant Three-body Decays of D and B Mesons

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    Nonresonant three-body decays of D and B mesons are studied. It is pointed out that if heavy meson chiral perturbation theory (HMChPT) is applied to the heavy-light strong and weak vertices and assumed to be valid over the whole kinematic region, then the predicted decay rates for nonresonant charmless 3-body B decays will be too large and especially B^- --> pi^- K^+ K^- greatly exceeds the current experimental limit. This can be understood as chiral symmetry has been applied there twice beyond its region of validity. If HMChPT is applied only to the strong vertex and the weak transition is accounted for by the form factors, the dominant B^* pole contribution to the tree-dominated direct three-body B decays will become small and the branching ratio will be of order 10^{-6}. The decay modes B^- --> (K^- h^+ h^-)_{NR} and bar{B}^0 --> (bar{K}^0 h^+h^-)_{NR} for h = pi, K are penguin dominated. We apply HMChPT in two different cases to study the direct 3-body D decays and compare the results with experiment. Theoretical uncertainties are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures. New experimental results of direct 3-body D decays as Reported at ICHEP2002 are included. To appear in Phys. Re

    Gauged Inflation

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    We propose a model for cosmic inflation which is based on an effective description of strongly interacting, nonsupersymmetric matter within the framework of dynamical Abelian projection and centerization. The underlying gauge symmetry is assumed to be SU(N+1)SU(N+1) with N1N \gg 1. Appealing to a thermodynamical treatment, the ground-state structure of the model is classically determined by a potential for the inflaton field (dynamical monopole condensate) which allows for nontrivially BPS saturated and thereby stable solutions. For T<MPT<M_P this leads to decoupling of gravity from the inflaton dynamics. The ground state dynamics implies a heat capacity for the vacuum leading to inflation for temperatures comparable to the mass scale MM of the potential. The dynamics has an attractor property. In contrast to the usual slow-roll paradigm we have mHm\gg H during inflation. As a consequence, density perturbations generated from the inflaton are irrelevant for the formation of large-scale structure, and the model has to be supplemented with an inflaton independent mechanism for the generation of spatial curvature perturbations. Within a small fraction of the Hubble time inflation is terminated by a transition of the theory to its center symmetric phase. The spontaneously broken ZN+1Z_{N+1} symmetry stabilizes relic vector bosons in the epochs following inflation. These heavy relics contribute to the cold dark matter of the universe and potentially originate the UHECRs beyond the GZK bound.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, subsection added, revision of text, to app. in PR

    Charmless Exclusive Baryonic B Decays

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    We present a systematical study of two-body and three-body charmless baryonic B decays. Branching ratios for two-body modes are in general very small, typically less than 10610^{-6}, except that \B(B^-\to p \bar\Delta^{--})\sim 1\times 10^{-6}. In general, BˉNΔˉ>BˉNNˉ\bar B\to N\bar\Delta>\bar B\to N\bar N due to the large coupling constant for ΣbBΔ\Sigma_b\to B\Delta. For three-body modes we focus on octet baryon final states. The leading three-dominated modes are Bˉ0pnˉπ(ρ),npˉπ+(ρ+)\bar B^0\to p\bar n\pi^-(\rho^-), n\bar p\pi^+(\rho^+) with a branching ratio of order 3×1063\times 10^{-6} for Bˉ0pnˉπ\bar B^0\to p\bar n\pi^- and 8×1068\times 10^{-6} for Bˉ0pnˉρ\bar B^0\to p\bar n\rho^-. The penguin-dominated decays with strangeness in the meson, e.g., BppˉK()B^-\to p\bar p K^{-(*)} and Bˉ0pnˉK(),nnˉKˉ0()\bar B^0\to p\bar n K^{-(*)}, n\bar n \bar K^{0(*)}, have appreciable rates and the NNˉN\bar N mass spectrum peaks at low mass. The penguin-dominated modes containing a strange baryon, e.g., Bˉ0Σ0pˉπ+,Σnˉπ+\bar B^0\to \Sigma^0\bar p\pi^+, \Sigma^-\bar n\pi^+, have branching ratios of order (14)×106(1\sim 4)\times 10^{-6}. In contrast, the decay rate of Bˉ0Λpˉπ+\bar B^0\to\Lambda\bar p\pi^+ is smaller. We explain why some of charmless three-body final states in which baryon-antibaryon pair production is accompanied by a meson have a larger rate than their two-body counterparts: either the pole diagrams for the former have an anti-triplet bottom baryon intermediate state, which has a large coupling to the BB meson and the nucleon, or they are dominated by the factorizable external WW-emission process.Comment: 46 pages and 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. D. Major changes are: (i) Calculations of two-body baryonic B decays involving a Delta resonance are modified, and (ii) Penguin-dominated modes B-> Sigma+N(bar)+p are discusse

    High-p_T pion and kaon production in relativistic nuclear collisions

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    High-p_T pion and kaon production is studied in relativistic proton-proton, proton-nucleus, and nucleus-nucleus collisions in a wide energy range. Cross sections are calculated based on perturbative QCD, augmented by a phenomenological transverse momentum distribution of partons (``intrinsic k_T''). An energy dependent width of the transverse momentum distribution is extracted from pion and charged hadron production data in proton-proton/proton-antiproton collisions. Effects of multiscattering and shadowing in the strongly interacting medium are taken into account. Enhancement of the transverse momentum width is introduced and parameterized to explain the Cronin effect. In collisions between heavy nuclei, the model over-predicts central pion production cross sections (more significantly at higher energies), hinting at the presence of jet quenching. Predictions are made for proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC energies.Comment: 26 pages in Latex, 19 EPS figure

    A Phenomenological Analysis of Gluon Mass Effects in Inclusive Radiative Decays of the J/ψ\rm{J/\psi} and $\Upsilon

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    The shapes of the inclusive photon spectra in the processes \Jp \to \gamma X and \Up \to \gamma X have been analysed using all available experimental data. Relativistic, higher order QCD and gluon mass corrections were taken into account in the fitted functions. Only on including the gluon mass corrections, were consistent and acceptable fits obtained. Values of 0.7210.068+0.0160.721^{+0.016}_{-0.068} GeV and 1.180.29+0.091.18^{+0.09}_{-0.29} GeV were found for the effective gluon masses (corresponding to Born level diagrams) for the \Jp and \Up respectively. The width ratios \Gamma(V \to {\rm hadrons})/\Gamma(V \to \gamma+ {\rm hadrons}) V=\Jp, \Up were used to determine αs(1.5GeV)\alpha_s(1.5 {\rm GeV}) and αs(4.9GeV)\alpha_s(4.9 {\rm GeV}). Values consistent with the current world average αs\alpha_s were obtained only when gluon mass correction factors, calculated using the fitted values of the effective gluon mass, were applied. A gluon mass 1\simeq 1 GeV, as suggested with these results, is consistent with previous analytical theoretical calculations and independent phenomenological estimates, as well as with a recent, more accurate, lattice calculation of the gluon propagator in the infra-red region.Comment: 50 pages, 11 figures, 15 table