9 research outputs found

    Real Estate Valuation Model for Categorised Roads for the Purposes of Legal Transactions

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    The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia has found that the unregulated state in the land-register of the land on which classified roads had been constructed was brought about by the ineffective implementation of land acquisition procedures. Such encroachment upon constitutionally guaranteed property rights shall be treated as expropriation, and the expropriation obligor shall in general be entitled to a refund or compensation in kind for the expropriated real estate. In the particular case dealt with herein, concerning real estate compensation, the provisions of the Spatial Planning Act (ZUreP-1) shall apply, according to which the compensation shall amount to a real estate value which is to be determined by taking into account the actual use of the real estate in question as well as the extra expenses incurred through expropriation. It has been shown that, taking into account the International Agreement and the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, the value of this particular real estate may be represented by its market value only. Concerning this particular case of real estate compensation, this paper analyses in detail all the elements of compensation, in particular, the decreased value of the remaining land. Based on these foundations and having selected an appropriate method, the real estate valuation model for classified roads has been created for the purposes of legal transactions. The difference method selected has been proven appropriate for the implementation of the valuation of classified roads for the purposes of legal transactions, however, for the implementation of valuation within the land acquisition procedure in the entire Republic of Slovenia, certain additional conditions need to be complied

    Informacijske podlage za posamično vrednotenje nepremičnin : Information Required For Single Real Estate Valuation

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    Si: Članek analizira potrebne informacijske podlage za posamično tržno vrednotenje nepremičnin. Republika Slovenija na področju tovrstnih informacijskih podlag nima tradicije. V zadnjih letih je vzpostavila oziroma posodobila evidence in registre za namen množičnega vrednotenja nepremičnin. Podatki, zbrani za namene množičnega vrednotenja nepremičnin, niso primerni za oblikovanje ustreznih informacijskih podlag za posamično vrednotenje nepremičnin. Ustrezne informacijske podlage bi pripomogle k večji objektivnosti, nepristranskosti in neodvisnosti pri poročanju o tržni vrednosti nepremičnine. Analizirani so pojmi »objektivnost«, »nepristranskost« in »neodvisnost« ter njihova povezanost z informacijskimi podlagami. Prikazani so najpogostejši viri, ki jih cenilci uporabljajo pri svojem delu, ter potrebne informacijske podlage pri posameznih metodah ocenjevanja tržne vrednosti nepremičnin. Prikazana sta metodološki pristop k oblikovanju ustreznih informacijskih podlag v Republiki Sloveniji in konkreten primer oblikovanja sistema povprečnih stroškov gradnje za tipične objekte kot podlaga za ocenjevanje tržne vrednosti nepremičnine po metodi stroškov. EN: This article analyses the information required for a single real estate valuation. The Republic of Slovenia has no tradition for this type of information. Only recently, the records and registers required for the mass real estate valuation were set up or updated. The existing data collected for the mass real estate valuation were inadequate for gathering the information required for the single real estate valuation. More adequate information would contribute to greater objectivity, neutrality and independence of reporting on the market value of a particular real estate. The terms of “objectivity”, “neutrality” and “independence” are analysed as well as their links to adequate information. The most frequent sources used by valuers in their work and the information required for the particular methods of assessing the market value of real estate are presented. The article shows the methodological approach to gathering adequate information in the Republic of Slovenia and presents a concrete example of creating a system of mean construction costs for typical buildings as a basis for assessing the market value of a single real estate item by the cost method

    Protection and Conservation of the Value of Public Infrastructure\ud \ud

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    This paper discusses the system of public infrastructure protection on the systemic and implementation levels, and public infrastructure as a part of the local community assets. In this regard, special attention is paid to the present position and particular role of the cadastre of public infrastructure in ensuring the protection of public infrastructure, real depreciation accounting and the establishment of new relationships between local community and utility companies

    Kataster gospodarske javne infrastrukture (nov naziv, stara miselnost, dodatni problemi) : Cadastre of public infrastructure facilities (New Title, Old Mentality, Additional Problems)

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    The article deals with the questions of a systematic and practical nature in terms of setting-up and maintaining the cadastre of public infrastructure facilities as well as the significance of the register for the surveying profession. The previous and new legislations are analysed, discussing the area of the cadastre of municipal facilities, graphic illustration of municipal facilities and the cadastre of infrastructure facilities, respectively. Further on, the legislation is discussed, which regulates different infrastructural networks and ownership, the role and significance of the cadastre of public infrastructure facilities as well as official registers and linkage to other real estate registers. In the conclusion, the author lists the tasks that need to be performed by the line ministry, geodetic service and profession, in order to fulfil the obligations at the national level in the area of expertise

    Izbrana dela, jubilejna monografija

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    Information Required For Single Real Estate Valuation : Informacijske podlage za posamično vrednotenje nepremičnin

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    Članek analizira potrebne informacijske podlage za posamično tržno vrednotenje nepremičnin. Republika Slovenija na področju tovrstnih informacijskih podlag nima tradicije. V zadnjih letih je vzpostavila oziroma posodobila evidence in registre za namen množičnega vrednotenja nepremičnin. Podatki, zbrani za namene množičnega vrednotenja nepremičnin, niso primerni za oblikovanje ustreznih informacijskih podlag za posamično vrednotenje nepremičnin. Ustrezne informacijske podlage bi pripomogle k večji objektivnosti, nepristranskosti in neodvisnosti pri poročanju o tržni vrednosti nepremičnine. Analizirani so pojmi »objektivnost«, »nepristranskost« in »neodvisnost« ter njihova povezanost z informacijskimi podlagami. Prikazani so najpogostejši viri, ki jih cenilci uporabljajo pri svojem delu, ter potrebne informacijske podlage pri posameznih metodah ocenjevanja tržne vrednosti nepremičnin. Prikazana sta metodološki pristop k oblikovanju ustreznih informacijskih podlag v Republiki Sloveniji in konkreten primer oblikovanja sistema povprečnih stroškov gradnje za tipične objekte kot podlaga za ocenjevanje tržne vrednosti nepremičnine po metodi stroškov. This article analyses the information required for a single real estate valuation. The Republic of Slovenia has no tradition for this type of information. Only recently, the records and registers required for the mass real estate valuation were set up or updated. The existing data collected for the mass real estate valuation were inadequate for gathering the information required for the single real estate valuation. More adequate information would contribute to greater objectivity, neutrality and independence of reporting on the market value of a particular real estate. The terms of “objectivity”, “neutrality” and “independence” are analysed as well as their links to adequate information. The most frequent sources used by valuers in their work and the information required for the particular methods of assessing the market value of real estate are presented. The article shows the methodological approach to gathering adequate information in the Republic of Slovenia and presents a concrete example of creating a system of mean construction costs for typical buildings as a basis for assessing the market value of a single real estate item by the cost method

    Real Estate Valuation Model for Categorised Roads for the Purposes of Legal Transactions

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    Ustavno sodišče RS ugotavlja, da je neurejeno zemljiškoknjižno stanje zemljišč, na katerih so zgrajene kategorizirane ceste, posledica neučinkovitega izvajanja postopkov za pridobivanje zemljišč. Tak poseg v ustavno zagotovljeno lastninsko pravico je treba obravnavati kot razlastitev, razlastitvenemu zavezancu pa pripada za odvzeto nepremičnino v splošnem odškodnina oziroma nadomestilo v naravi. V obravnavanem primeru se glede odškodnine upoštevajo določila ZUreP-1, po katerem odškodnina obsega vrednost nepremičnine, ki se določi glede na njeno dejansko rabo, in stranske stroške, ki so povezani z razlastitvijo. Dokazali smo, da je, ob upoštevanju mednarodne pogodbe in Ustave RS, ta vrednost nepremičnine lahko le tržna vrednost nepremičnine. V članku so za obravnavani primer podrobno analizirani vsi elementi odškodnine tako glede upoštevanja statusa zemljišča, dejanskega stanja zemljišča, datuma stanja in datuma vrednotenja kot tudi glede stranskih stroškov, pri tem pa še posebej zmanjšana vrednost preostalega zemljišča. Na podlagi teh izhodišč in izbora ustrezne metode je oblikovan model vrednotenja kategoriziranih cest za namene pravnega prometa. Uporaba modela je prikazana na dveh različnih primerih. Ugotavljamo, da je izbrana diferenčna metoda primerna za vrednotenje kategoriziranih cest za namene pravnega prometa, za izpeljavo vrednotenja v postopku pridobitve zemljišč v celotni Republiki Sloveniji pa morajo biti izpolnjeni še nekateri pogoji, kot so: razpoložljivost ustreznih podatkov iz ETN, oblikovanje ustreznih informacijskih podlag in izobraževanje cenilcev, ki bodo v postopku posamičnega vrednotenja zemljišč odmerjali odškodnino.The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia has found that the unregulated state in the land-register of the land on which classified roads had been constructed was brought about by the ineffective implementation of land acquisition procedures. Such encroachment upon constitutionally guaranteed property rights shall be treated as expropriation, and the expropriation obligor shall in general be entitled to a refund or compensation in kind for the expropriated real estate. In the particular case dealt with herein, concerning real estate compensation, the provisions of the Spatial Planning Act (ZUreP-1) shall apply, according to which the compensation shall amount to a real estate value which is to be determined by taking into account the actual use of the real estate in question as well as the extra expenses incurred through expropriation. It has been shown that, taking into account the International Agreement and the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, the value of this particular real estate may be represented by its market value only. Concerning this particular case of real estate compensation, this paper analyses in detail all the elements of compensation, in particular, the decreased value of the remaining land. Based on these foundations and having selected an appropriate method, the real estate valuation model for classified roads has been created for the purposes of legal transactions. The difference method selected has been proven appropriate for the implementation of the valuation of classified roads for the purposes of legal transactions, however, for the implementation of valuation within the land acquisition procedure in the entire Republic of Slovenia, certain additional conditions need to be complied

    Zaščita in ohranjanje vrednosti gospodarske javne infrastrukture : Protection And Conservation Of The Value Of Public Infrastructure

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    V prispevku sta obravnavana sistem zaščite gospodarske javne infrastrukture na sistemski in izvedbeni ravni ter javna infrastruktura kot del premoženja lokalnih skupnosti. S tem v zvezi so posebej obravnavani položaj in vloga katastra gospodarske javne infrastrukture pri zagotavljanju zaščite in varnosti javne infrastrukture, pri obračunavanju realne amortizacije ter vzpostavitvi novih razmerij med lokalno skupnostjo in izvajalcigospodarskih javnih služb. This paper discusses the system of public infrastructure protection on the systemic and implementation levels, and public infrastructure as a part of the local community assets. In this regard, special attention is paid to the present position and particular role of the cadastre of public infrastructure in ensuring the protection of public infrastructure, real depreciationaccounting and the establishment of new relationships between local community and utility companies

    Protection ...

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    V prispevku sta obravnavana sistem zaščite gospodarske javne infrastrukture na sistemski in izvedbeni ravni ter javna infrastruktura kot del premoženja lokalnih skupnosti. S tem v zvezi so posebej obravnavani položaj in vloga katastra gospodarske javne infrastrukture pri zagotavljanju zaščite in varnosti javne infrastrukture, pri obračunavanju realne amortizacije ter vzpostavitvi novih razmerij med lokalno skupnostjo in izvajalci gospodarskih javnih služb.This paper discusses the system of public infrastructure protection on the systemic and implementation levels, and public infrastructure as a part of the local community assets. In this regard, special attention is paid to the present position and particular role of the cadastre of public infrastructure in ensuring the protection of public infrastructure, real depreciation accounting and the establishment of new relationships between local community and utility companies