27 research outputs found

    Discontinuous Galerkin finite element investigation on the fully-compressible Navier–Stokes equations for microscale shock-channels

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    Microfluidics is a multidisciplinary area founding applications in several fields such as the aerospace industry. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are mainly adopted for flow control, micropower generation and for life support and environmental control for space applications. Microflows are modeled relying on both a continuum and molecular approach. In this paper, the compressible Navier–Stokes (CNS) equations have been adopted to solve a two-dimensional unsteady flow for a viscous micro shock-channel problem. In microflows context, as for the most gas dynamics applications, the CNS equations are usually discretized in space using finite volume method (FVM). In the present paper, the PDEs are discretized with the nodal discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (DG–FEM) in order to understand how the method performs at microscale level for compressible flows. Validation is performed through a benchmark test problem for microscale applications. The error norms, order of accuracy and computational cost are investigated in a grid refinement study, showing a good agreement and increasing accuracy with reference data as the mesh is refined. The effects of different explicit Runge–Kutta schemes and of different time step sizes have also been studied. We found that the choice of the temporal scheme does not really affect the accuracy of the numerical results

    Hemodynamics of the heart's left atrium based on a Variational Multiscale-LES numerical model

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    In this paper, we investigate the hemodynamics of a left atrium (LA) by proposing a computational model suitable to provide physically meaningful fluid dynamics indications and detailed blood flow characterization. In particular, we consider the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation to deal with the LA domain under prescribed motion. A Variational Multiscale (VMS) method is adopted to obtain a stable formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations discretized by means of the Finite Element method and to account for turbulence modeling based on Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The aim of this paper is twofold: on one hand to improve the general understanding of blood flow in the human LA in normal conditions; on the other, to analyse the effects of the turbulence VMS-LES method on a situation of blood flow which is neither laminar, nor fully turbulent, but rather transitional as in LA. Our results suggest that if relatively coarse meshes are adopted, the additional stabilization terms introduced by the VMS-LES method allow to better predict transitional effects and cycle-to-cycle blood flow variations than the standard SUPG stabilization method

    Modeling isovolumetric phases in cardiac flows by an Augmented Resistive Immersed Implicit Surface method

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    A major challenge in the computational fluid dynamics modeling of the heart function is the simulation of isovolumetric phases when the hemodynamics problem is driven by a prescribed boundary displacement. During such phases, both atrioventricular and semilunar valves are closed: consequently, the ventricular pressure may not be uniquely defined, and spurious oscillations may arise in numerical simulations. These oscillations can strongly affect valve dynamics models driven by the blood flow, making unlikely to recovering physiological dynamics. Hence, prescribed opening and closing times are usually employed, or the isovolumetric phases are neglected altogether. In this article, we propose a suitable modification of the Resistive Immersed Implicit Surface (RIIS) method (Fedele et al., Biomech Model Mechanobiol 2017, 16, 1779-1803) by introducing a reaction term to correctly capture the pressure transients during isovolumetric phases. The method, that we call Augmented RIIS (ARIIS) method, extends the previously proposed ARIS method (This et al., Int J Numer Methods Biomed Eng 2020, 36, e3223) to the case of a mesh which is not body-fitted to the valves. We test the proposed method on two different benchmark problems, including a new simplified problem that retains all the characteristics of a heart cycle. We apply the ARIIS method to a fluid dynamics simulation of a realistic left heart geometry, and we show that ARIIS allows to correctly simulate isovolumetric phases, differently from standard RIIS method. Finally, we demonstrate that by the new method the cardiac valves can open and close without prescribing any opening/closing times

    An electromechanics-driven fluid dynamics model for the simulation of the whole human heart

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    We introduce a multiphysics and geometric multiscale computational model, suitable to describe the hemodynamics of the whole human heart, driven by a four-chamber electromechanical model. We first present a study on the calibration of the biophysically detailed RDQ20 active contraction model (Regazzoni et al., 2020) that is able to reproduce the physiological range of hemodynamic biomarkers. Then, we demonstrate that the ability of the force generation model to reproduce certain microscale mechanisms, such as the dependence of force on fiber shortening velocity, is crucial to capture the overall physiological mechanical and fluid dynamics macroscale behavior. This motivates the need for using multiscale models with high biophysical fidelity, even when the outputs of interest are relative to the macroscale. We show that the use of a high-fidelity electromechanical model, combined with a detailed calibration process, allows us to achieve a remarkable biophysical fidelity in terms of both mechanical and hemodynamic quantities. Indeed, our electromechanical-driven CFD simulations – carried out on an anatomically accurate geometry of the whole heart – provide results that match the cardiac physiology both qualitatively (in terms of flow patterns) and quantitatively (when comparing in silico results with biomarkers acquired in vivo). Moreover, we consider the pathological case of left bundle branch block, and we investigate the consequences that an electrical abnormality has on cardiac hemodynamics thanks to our multiphysics integrated model. The computational model that we propose can faithfully predict a delay and an increasing wall shear stress in the left ventricle in the pathological condition. The interaction of different physical processes in an integrated framework allows us to faithfully describe and model this pathology, by capturing and reproducing the intrinsic multiphysics nature of the human heart

    A mathematical model that integrates cardiac electrophysiology, mechanics, and fluid dynamics: Application to the human left heart

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    : We propose a mathematical and numerical model for the simulation of the heart function that couples cardiac electrophysiology, active and passive mechanics and hemodynamics, and includes reduced models for cardiac valves and the circulatory system. Our model accounts for the major feedback effects among the different processes that characterize the heart function, including electro-mechanical and mechano-electrical feedback as well as force-strain and force-velocity relationships. Moreover, it provides a three-dimensional representation of both the cardiac muscle and the hemodynamics, coupled in a fluid-structure interaction (FSI) model. By leveraging the multiphysics nature of the problem, we discretize it in time with a segregated electrophysiology-force generation-FSI approach, allowing for efficiency and flexibility in the numerical solution. We employ a monolithic approach for the numerical discretization of the FSI problem. We use finite elements for the spatial discretization of partial differential equations. We carry out a numerical simulation on a realistic human left heart model, obtaining results that are qualitatively and quantitatively in agreement with physiological ranges and medical images

    A comprehensive and biophysically detailed computational model of the whole human heart electromechanics

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    While ventricular electromechanics is extensively studied, four-chamber heart models have only been addressed recently; most of these works however neglect atrial contraction. Indeed, as atria are characterized by a complex physiology influenced by the ventricular function, developing computational models able to capture the physiological atrial function and atrioventricular interaction is very challenging. In this paper, we propose a biophysically detailed electromechanical model of the whole human heart that considers both atrial and ventricular contraction. Our model includes: i) an anatomically accurate whole-heart geometry; ii) a comprehensive myocardial fiber architecture; iii) a biophysically detailed microscale model for the active force generation; iv) a 0D closed-loop model of the circulatory system; v) the fundamental interactions among the different core models; vi) specific constitutive laws and model parameters for each cardiac region. Concerning the numerical discretization, we propose an efficient segregated-intergrid-staggered scheme and we employ recently developed stabilization techniques that are crucial to obtain a stable formulation in a four-chamber scenario. We are able to reproduce the healthy cardiac function for all the heart chambers, in terms of pressure-volume loops, time evolution of pressures, volumes and fluxes, and three-dimensional cardiac deformation, with unprecedented matching (to the best of our knowledge) with the expected physiology. We also show the importance of considering atrial contraction, fibers-stretch-rate feedback and suitable stabilization techniques, by comparing the results obtained with and without these features in the model. The proposed model represents the state-of-the-art electromechanical model of the iHEART ERC project and is a fundamental step toward the building of physics-based digital twins of the human heart

    Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Investigation on the Fully-Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations for Microscale Shock-Channels

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    Microfluidics is a multidisciplinary area founding applications in several fields such as the aerospace industry. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are mainly adopted for flow control, micropower generation and for life support and environmental control for space applications. Microflows are modeled relying on both a continuum and molecular approach. In this paper, the compressible Navier–Stokes (CNS) equations have been adopted to solve a two-dimensional unsteady flow for a viscous micro shock-channel problem. In microflows context, as for the most gas dynamics applications, the CNS equations are usually discretized in space using finite volume method (FVM). In the present paper, the PDEs are discretized with the nodal discontinuous Galerkin finite element method (DG–FEM) in order to understand how the method performs at microscale level for compressible flows. Validation is performed through a benchmark test problem for microscale applications. The error norms, order of accuracy and computational cost are investigated in a grid refinement study, showing a good agreement and increasing accuracy with reference data as the mesh is refined. The effects of different explicit Runge–Kutta schemes and of different time step sizes have also been studied. We found that the choice of the temporal scheme does not really affect the accuracy of the numerical results

    A machine learning approach to enhance the SUPG stabilization method for advection-dominated differential problems

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    We propose using machine learning and artificial neural networks (ANNs) to enhance residual-based stabilization methods for advection-dominated differential problems. Specifically, in the context of the finite element method, we consider the streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) stabilization method and we employ ANNs to optimally choose the stabilization parameter on which the method relies. We generate our dataset by solving optimization problems to find the optimal stabilization parameters that minimize the distances among the numerical and the exact solutions for different data of differential problem and the numerical settings of the finite element method, e.g., mesh size and polynomial degree. The dataset generated is used to train the ANN, and we used the latter "online" to predict the optimal stabilization parameter to be used in the SUPG method for any given numerical setting and problem data. We show, by means of 1D and 2D numerical tests for the advection-dominated differential problem, that our ANN approach yields more accurate solution than using the conventional stabilization parameter for the SUPG method

    Integrating C- and L-Band SAR Imagery for Detailed Flood Monitoring of Remote Vegetated Areas

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    Flood detection and monitoring is increasingly important, especially on remote areas such as African tropical river basins, where ground investigations are difficult. We present an experiment aimed at integrating multi-temporal and multi-source data from the Sentinel-1 and ALOS 2 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors, operating in C band, VV polarization, and L band, HH and HV polarizations, respectively. Information from the globally available CORINE land cover dataset, derived over Africa from the Proba V satellite, and available publicly at the resolution of 100 m, is also exploited. Integrated multi-frequency, multi-temporal, and multi-polarizations analysis allows highlighting different drying dynamics for floodwater over various land cover classes, such as herbaceous vegetation, wetlands, and forests. They also enable detection of different scattering mechanisms, such as double bounce interaction of vegetation stems and trunks with underlying floodwater, giving precious information about the distribution of flooded areas among the different ground cover types present on the site. The approach is validated through visual analysis from Google EarthTM imagery. This kind of integrated analysis, exploiting multi-source remote sensing to partially make up for the unavailability of reliable ground truth, is expected to assume increasing importance as constellations of satellites, observing the Earth in different electromagnetic radiation bands, will be available

    Flood monitoring in remote areas: integration of multi-frequency SAR data

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    The monitoring of inundation phenomena through synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data on vegetated areas can be improved through an integrated analysis of different spectral bands. The combination of data with different penetration depths beneath the vegetated canopy can help determine the response of flooded areas with distinct types of vegetation cover to the microwave signal. This is useful especially in cases, which actually constitute the majority, where ground data are scarce or not available. The present study concerns the application of multi-temporal, multi-frequency, and multi-polarization SAR images, specifically data from the Sentinel-1 and PALSAR 2 SAR sensors, operating in C band, VV polarization, and L band, HH and HV polarizations, respectively, in synergy with globally-available land cover data, for improving flood mapping in densely vegetated areas, such as the Zambezi-Shire basin, Mozambique [1], characterized by wetlands, open and closed forest, cropland, grassland (herbaceous and shrubs), and a few urban areas. We show how the combination of various data processing techniques and the simultaneous availability of data with different frequencies and polarizations can help to monitor floodwater evolution over various land cover classes. They also enable detection of different scattering mechanisms, such as double bounce interaction of vegetation stems and trunks with underlying floodwater, giving precious information about the distribution of flooded areas among the different ground cover types present on the site. This kind of studies are expected to assume increasing importance as the availability of multi-frequency data from SAR satellite constellations will increase in the future, thanks to initiatives such as the EU Copernicus program L-band satellite mission ROSE-L [2], and their tight integration with Sentinel-1 as well as with other national constellations such as ALOS 2, or SAOCOM