65 research outputs found

    Biophotons: a hard problem

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    About a hundred years ago, the Russian biologist A. Gurwitsch, based on experiments with onion plants by measuring their growth rate, hypothesized that plants emit a weak electromagnetic field that somehow influences cell growth. This interesting observation remained fundamentally ignored by the scientific community; only in the 1950s the electromagnetic emission from some plants was measured using a photomultiplier used in single counting mode. Later, in the 1980s, several groups around the world started extensive work to understand the origin and role of this ultraweak emission, now called biophotons, coming from living organisms. Biophotons are an endogenous very small production of photons in the visible energy range in and from cells and organisms, and this emission is characteristic of living organisms. Today, there is no doubt that biophotons exist, this emission has been measured by many groups and for many different living organisms, from humans to bacteria. However, the origin of biophotons and whether organisms use them to exchange information is not yet well understood; no model proposed to date is capable of reproducing and interpreting the great variety of experimental data coming from the many different living systems measured so far. In this brief review, we present our experimental work on the biophotons coming from germinating seeds, the main experimental results, and some new methods we are using to analyze the data to open the door for interpretative models of this phenomenon clarifying its function in the regulation and communication between cells and living organisms. We also discuss ideas on how to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the measured signal to open up new experimental possibilities that allow the measurement and the characterization of currently unmeasurable quantities

    Detecting Iron Oxidation States in Liquids with the VOXES Bragg Spectrometer

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    Determining the oxidation states of metals assumes great importance in various applications because a variation in the oxidation number can drastically influence the material properties. As an example, this becomes evident in edible liquids like wine and oil, where a change in the oxidation states of the contained metals can significantly modify both the overall quality and taste. To this end, here we present the MITIQO project, which aims to identify oxidation states of metals in edible liquids utilizing X-ray emission with Bragg spectroscopy. This is achieved using the VOXES crystal spectrometer, developed at INFN National Laboratories of Frascati (LNF), employing mosaic crystal (HAPG) in the Von Hamos configuration. This combination allow us to work with effective source sizes of up to a few millimeters and improves the typical low efficiency of Bragg spectroscopy, a crucial aspect when studying liquids with low metal concentration. Here we showcase the concept behind MITIQO, for a liquid solution containing oxidized iron. We performed several high-resolution emission spectra measurements, for the liquid and for different powdered samples containing oxidized and pure iron. By looking at the spectral features of the iron's Kβ\beta emission lineshape, we were able to obtain, for a liquid, a result consistent with the oxidized iron powders and successfully quantifying the effect of oxidation

    Biophotons and emergence of quantum coherence : a diffusion entropy analysis

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    We study the emission of photons from germinating seeds using an experimental technique designed to detect light of extremely small intensity. We analyze the dark count signal without germinating seeds as well as the photon emission during the germination process. The technique of analysis adopted here, called diffusion entropy analysis (DEA) and originally designed to measure the temporal complexity of astrophysical, sociological and physiological processes, rests on Kolmogorov complexity. The updated version of DEA used in this paper is designed to determine if the signal complexity is generated either by non-ergodic crucial events with a non-stationary correlation function or by the infinite memory of a stationary but non-integrable correlation function or by a mixture of both processes. We find that dark count yields the ordinary scaling, thereby showing that no complexity of either kinds may occur without any seeds in the chamber. In the presence of seeds in the chamber anomalous scaling emerges, reminiscent of that found in neuro-physiological processes. However, this is a mixture of both processes and with the progress of germination the non-ergodic component tends to vanish and complexity becomes dominated by the stationary infinite memory. We illustrate some conjectures ranging from stress induced annihilation of crucial events to the emergence of quantum coherence

    Strongest atomic physics bounds on Non-Commutative Quantum Gravity Models

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    Investigations of possible violations of the Pauli Exclusion Principle represent critical tests of the microscopic space-time structure and properties. Space-time non-commutativity provides a class of universality for several Quantum Gravity models. In this context the VIP-2 Lead experiment sets the strongest bounds, searching for Pauli Exclusion Principle violating atomic-transitions in lead, excluding the θ\theta-Poincar\'e Non Commutative Quantum Gravity models far above the Planck scale for non-vanishing θμν\theta_{\mu \nu} ``electric-like'' components, and up to 6.91026.9 \cdot 10^{-2} Planck scales if θ0i=0\theta_{0i} = 0.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Experimental test of Non-Commutative Quantum Gravity by VIP-2 Lead

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    Pauli Exclusion Principle (PEP) violations induced by space-time non-commutativity, a class of universality for several models of Quantum Gravity, are investigated by the VIP-2 Lead experiment at the Gran Sasso underground National Laboratory of INFN. The VIP-2 Lead experimental bound on the non-commutative space-time scale Λ\Lambda excludes θ\theta-Poincar\'e far above the Planck scale for non vanishing ``electric-like" components of θμν\theta_{\mu \nu}, and up to 6.91026.9 \cdot 10^{-2} Planck scales if they are null. Therefore, this new bound represents the tightest one so far provided by atomic transitions tests. This result strongly motivates high sensitivity underground X-ray measurements as critical tests of Quantum Gravity and of the very microscopic space-time structure.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2209.0007

    VIP-2 —High-Sensitivity Tests on the Pauli Exclusion Principle for Electrons

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    The VIP collaboration is performing high sensitivity tests of the Pauli Exclusion Principle for electrons in the extremely low cosmic background environment of the underground Gran Sasso National Laboratory INFN (Italy). In particular, the VIP-2 Open Systems experiment was conceived to put strong constraints on those Pauli Exclusion Principle violation models which respect the so-called Messiah–Greenberg superselection rule. The experimental technique consists of introducing a direct current in a copper conductor, and searching for the X-rays emission coming from a forbidden atomic transition from the L shell to the K shell of copper when the K shell is already occupied by two electrons. The analysis of the first three months of collected data (in 2018) is presented. The obtained result represents the best bound on the Pauli Exclusion Principle violation probability which fulfills the Messiah–Greenberg rule

    High Precision Test of the Pauli Exclusion Principle for Electrons

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    The VIP-2 experiment aims to perform high precision tests of the Pauli Exclusion Principle for electrons. The method consists in circulating a continuous current in a copper strip, searching for the X radiation emission due to a prohibited transition (from the 2p level to the 1s level of copper when this is already occupied by two electrons). VIP already set the best limit on the PEP violation probability for electrons 12β2<4.7×1029\frac{1}{2} \beta^2 < 4.7 \times 10^{-29}, the goal of the upgraded VIP-2 (VIolation of the Pauli Exclusion Principle-2) experiment is to improve this result of two orders of magnitude at least. The experimental apparatus and the results of the analysis of a first set of collected data will be presented

    Search for a remnant violation of the Pauli exclusion principle in a Roman lead target

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    In this paper we report on the results of two analyses of the data taken with a dedicated VIP-Lead experiment at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of the INFN. We use measurements taken in an environment that is especially well screened from cosmic rays, with a metal target made of “Roman lead” which is characterised by a low level of intrinsic radioactivity. The analyses lead to an improvement, on the upper bounds of the Pauli Exclusion Principle violation for electrons, which is more than one (four) orders of magnitude, when the electron-atom interactions are described in terms of scatterings (or close encounters) respectively