32,996 research outputs found

    Dipole Oscillations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in Presence of Defects and Disorder

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    We consider dipole oscillations of a trapped dilute Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of a scattering potential consisting either in a localized defect or in an extended disordered potential. In both cases the breaking of superfluidity and the damping of the oscillations are shown to be related to the appearance of a nonlinear dissipative flow. At supersonic velocities the flow becomes asymptotically dissipationless.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Mikrobiologische Qualität von Fleischerzeugnissen aus ökologischer Produktion

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    Gegenwärtig gibt es keine repräsentativen Daten zur mikrobiologischen Sicherheit und Qualität von Ökofleischerzeugnissen wie streichfähiger Rohwurst und vorverpackter Aufschnittware wie Brühwurst und Kochschinken, die im Einzelhandel mit Mindesthaltbarkeiten von 15-30 Tagen angeboten werden. Aufgrund des zunehmenden Marktanteils von Ökofleischerzeugnissen und weitreichender Abweichungen bei der Fleischerzeugung und –verarbeitung, mit teilweisem oder völligem Verzicht auf Nitrit und andere „chemische“ Zusatzstoffe, war es erforderlich, diese Wissenslücke zu füllen. Von Oktober 2002 - Oktober 2003 untersuchten wir Erzeugnisse, die wir zum einen direkt von sechs kooperierenden Herstellern mit deutschlandweiter Vermarktung und zum anderen aus dem Naturkosthandel bezogen. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit aktuellen Befunden der amtlichen Lebensmittelüberwachung verglichen. Es zeigte sich, dass Ökofleischerzeugnisse, die nach den Richtlinen anerkannter Verbände wie Demeter und Bioland hergestellt werden, kein erhöhtes Gesundheitsrisiko im Vergleich zu konventionellen Produkten aufweisen. Proben von streichfähiger Rohwurst enthielten weder Salmonellen noch enterohämorrhagische Escherichia coli. Keimzahlen von Listeria monocytogenes waren immer < 10 KBE/g, d.h. innerhalb der tolerierten Grenzen. Enterobacteriaceae sowie Koagulase-positive Staphylokokken wurden bis auf wenige Ausnahmen in gesundheitlich unbedenklichen Keimzahlen gefunden. Isolierte Enterokokken zeigten keine klinisch relevanten Antibiotikaresistenzen. Die Aufschnittwaren enthielten in keinem Fall, weder „frisch“ noch nach Ablauf des Haltbarkeitsdatums, mehr als 100 KBE/g Listeria monocytogenes. Die Keimzahlen der Milchsäurebakterien und Enterobacteriaceae waren ähnlich wie bei konventionellen Produkten. Es werden Vorschläge gemacht, wie die mikrobiologische Qualität der Erzeugnisse weiter verbessert werden kann

    Predicting the hypervelocity star population in Gaia

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    Hypervelocity stars (HVSs) are amongst the fastest objects in our Milky Way. These stars are predicted to come from the Galactic center (GC) and travel along unbound orbits across the Galaxy. In the coming years, the ESA satellite Gaia will provide the most complete and accurate catalogue of the Milky Way, with full astrometric parameters for more than 11 billion stars. In this paper, we present the expected sample size and properties (mass, magnitude, spatial, velocity distributions) of HVSs in the Gaia stellar catalogue. We build three Gaia mock catalogues of HVSs anchored to current observations, exploring different ejection mechanisms and GC stellar population properties. In all cases, we predict hundreds to thousands of HVSs with precise proper motion measurements within a few tens of kpc from us. For stars with a relative error in total proper motion below 10%10 \%, the mass range extends to ~10M⊙10 M_{\odot} but peaks at ~11 M⊙M_\odot. The majority of Gaia HVSs will therefore probe a different mass and distance range compared to the current non-Gaia sample. In addition, a subset of a few hundreds to a few thousands of HVSs with MM ~ 33 M⊙M_\odot will be bright enough to have a precise measurement of the three-dimensional velocity from Gaia alone. Finally, we show that Gaia will provide more precise proper motion measurements for the current sample of HVS candidates. This will help identifying their birthplace narrowing down their ejection location, and confirming or rejecting their nature as HVSs. Overall, our forecasts are extremely encouraging in terms of quantity and quality of HVS data that can be exploited to constrain both the Milky Way potential and the GC properties.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Search in weighted complex networks

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    We study trade-offs presented by local search algorithms in complex networks which are heterogeneous in edge weights and node degree. We show that search based on a network measure, local betweenness centrality (LBC), utilizes the heterogeneity of both node degrees and edge weights to perform the best in scale-free weighted networks. The search based on LBC is universal and performs well in a large class of complex networks.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, minor changes, added a referenc

    Factorizing twists and R-matrices for representations of the quantum affine algebra U_q(\hat sl_2)

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    We calculate factorizing twists in evaluation representations of the quantum affine algebra U_q(\hat sl_2). From the factorizing twists we derive a representation independent expression of the R-matrices of U_q(\hat sl_2). Comparing with the corresponding quantities for the Yangian Y(sl_2), it is shown that the U_q(\hat sl_2) results can be obtained by `replacing numbers by q-numbers'. Conversely, the limit q -> 1 exists in representations of U_q(\hat sl_2) and both the factorizing twists and the R-matrices of the Yangian Y(sl_2) are recovered in this limit.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe

    The H.E.S.S. extragalactic sky

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    The H.E.S.S. Cherenkov telescope array, located on the southern hemisphere in Namibia, studies very high energy (VHE; E>100 GeV) gamma-ray emission from astrophysical objects. During its successful operations since 2002 more than 80 galactic and extra-galactic gamma-ray sources have been discovered. H.E.S.S. devotes over 400 hours of observation time per year to the observation of extra-galactic sources resulting in the discovery of several new sources, mostly AGNs, and in exciting physics results e.g. the discovery of very rapid variability during extreme flux outbursts of PKS 2155-304, stringent limits on the density of the extragalactic background light (EBL) in the near-infrared derived from the energy spectra of distant sources, or the discovery of short-term variability in the VHE emission from the radio galaxy M 87. With the recent launch of the Fermi satellite in 2008 new insights into the physics of AGNs at GeV energies emerged, leading to the discovery of several new extragalactic VHE sources. Multi-wavelength observations prove to be a powerful tool to investigate the production mechanism for VHE emission in AGNs. Here, new results from H.E.S.S. observations of extragalactic sources will be presented and their implications for the physics of these sources will be discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, invited review talk, in the proceedings of the "International Workshop on Beamed and Unbeamed Gamma-Rays from Galaxies" 11-15 April 2011, Lapland Hotel Olos, Muonio, Finland, Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 355, 201

    New class of quantum error-correcting codes for a bosonic mode

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    We construct a new class of quantum error-correcting codes for a bosonic mode which are advantageous for applications in quantum memories, communication, and scalable computation. These 'binomial quantum codes' are formed from a finite superposition of Fock states weighted with binomial coefficients. The binomial codes can exactly correct errors that are polynomial up to a specific degree in bosonic creation and annihilation operators, including amplitude damping and displacement noise as well as boson addition and dephasing errors. For realistic continuous-time dissipative evolution, the codes can perform approximate quantum error correction to any given order in the timestep between error detection measurements. We present an explicit approximate quantum error recovery operation based on projective measurements and unitary operations. The binomial codes are tailored for detecting boson loss and gain errors by means of measurements of the generalized number parity. We discuss optimization of the binomial codes and demonstrate that by relaxing the parity structure, codes with even lower unrecoverable error rates can be achieved. The binomial codes are related to existing two-mode bosonic codes but offer the advantage of requiring only a single bosonic mode to correct amplitude damping as well as the ability to correct other errors. Our codes are similar in spirit to 'cat codes' based on superpositions of the coherent states, but offer several advantages such as smaller mean number, exact rather than approximate orthonormality of the code words, and an explicit unitary operation for repumping energy into the bosonic mode. The binomial quantum codes are realizable with current superconducting circuit technology and they should prove useful in other quantum technologies, including bosonic quantum memories, photonic quantum communication, and optical-to-microwave up- and down-conversion.Comment: Published versio

    Ultra narrow AuPd and Al wires

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    In this letter we discuss a novel and versatile template technique aimed to the fabrication of sub-10 nm wide wires. Using this technique, we have successfully measured AuPd wires, 12 nm wide and as long as 20 ÎĽ\mum. Even materials that form a strong superficial oxide, and thus not suited to be used in combination with other techniques, can be successfully employed. In particular we have measured Al wires, with lateral width smaller or comparable to 10 nm, and length exceeding 10 ÎĽ\mum.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Pubblished in APL 86, 172501 (2005). Added erratum and revised Fig.

    TAMEing ADPKD with metformin:safe and effective?

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    The biguanide metformin has been safely and widely used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus for decades. Preclinical studies have suggested that it may have a role in slowing disease progression in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. In this issue, Perrone et al. report results from the Trial of Administration of Metformin in PKD (TAME PKD) study, a phase 2 randomized controlled trial investigating the safety and tolerability of metformin in patients in the early stages of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. We discuss the implications of these findings and how they relate to a major phase 3 trial in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease that will start later in 2021

    Lattice Gas Dynamics; Application to Driven Vortices in Two Dimensional Superconductors

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    A continuous time Monte Carlo lattice gas dynamics is developed to model driven steady states of vortices in two dimensional superconducting networks. Dramatic differences are found when compared to a simpler Metropolis dynamics. Subtle finite size effects are found at low temperature, with a moving smectic that becomes unstable to an anisotropic liquid on sufficiently large length scales.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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