38 research outputs found
Student Questioning:what does questioning reveal about prior knowledge, historical reasoning and affect?
Students ask historical questions when they are engaged in historical reasoning and trying to understand a particular historical phenomenon. Student questioning can be regarded as the engine and a destination of historical reasoning. This study is aimed at deeper insight into thinking processes underlying students’ historical questions using a general model of questioning and a domain-specific model of historical reasoning. Thirty-three secondary school students were instructed to read a text and underline striking text segments. At the point of underlining, students were asked to verbalize their thoughts. In our protocol analysis we focused on the questions students spontaneously asked while verbalizing their prior knowledge, reasoning, and feelings. It appeared that in half of the 251 analyzed fragments (episodes) students verbalized an extent of historical reasoning and expressed feelings. Questions were mostly asked when students expressed a knowledge deficit, but spontaneous questions were also present in episodes with historical reasoning and episodes with affective responses. All components, activating prior knowledge, realizing a knowledge deficit, historical reasoning and experiencing affective thoughts, help students to ask their questions and help them to process the introduction into a historical topic
Hij kon al die dingen in eerste instantie niet weten:Een onderzoek naar het bevorderen van Historical Perspective Taking
Hoe leer je leerlingen een historisch perspectief te nemen? In het geschiedenisonderwijs is dit een belangrijke vaardigheid, maar er is niet veel lesmateriaal voor docenten om deze vaardigheid aan leerlingen te leren. Deze studie onderzocht daarom de mogelijkheden van een lessenserie waarin het naspelen van een conferentie centraal stond. Uit de resultaten bleek dat de simulatie van de conferentie een historisch perspectief bij leerlingen kan ontwikkelen. Het ontwikkelde lesmateriaal kan als basis dienen voor docenten en onderzoekers die leerlingen een historisch perspectief willen laten nemen
Analysis of the antigen- and mitogen-induced differentiation of B lymphocytes from asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive male homosexuals. Discrepancy between T cell-dependent and T cell-independent activation.
Five asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-seropositive ; male homosexuals were immunized with the recall antigens tetanus toxoid (TT) and the three types of poliovirus present in diphtheria, tetanus, and polio vaccine. Four weeks after immunization, the in vivo response to booster immunization, the in vitro pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-induced IgG secretion, and the in vitro T cell-dependent and T cell-independent antigen-induced antibody response were assayed. Increase in serum antibody titer to TT and polioviru
Conflicterende perspectieven in het klaslokaal : Onderzoek naar gevoelige geschiedenis
Sommige leerlingen zijn niet in staat zonder emotionele distantie naar deze onderwerpen te kijken. Dat resulteert soms in moddersmijten of zinloze ja-nee-discussies.’ Dit antwoordde een geschiedenisdocent op de vraag waarom bepaalde onderwerpen gevoelig zijn in de les. In dit artikel gaan we in op de onderwer- pen die Nederlandse geschiedenisdocenten als gevoelig ervaren in hun lessen en de redenen daarvoor. Daarna lichten we er één thema uit dat door veel docenten werd genoemd, namelijk onderwerpen die met de islam te maken hebben
Developing a questionnaire for measuring epistemological beliefs in history education
Developing pupils’ understanding of history with its own disciplinary and epistemological problems can contribute to the education of a critical and peaceful diverse society. This symposium discusses results of four studies from the Netherlands, Germany and the USA addressing theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical issues in measuring epistemological beliefs in history. Two studies aim to develop a valid and reliable questionnaire for measuring epistemological beliefs in the domain of history in Europe. One study focuses on the historical topics history teachers use to teach that history involves interpretation and one study explores change in epistemic beliefs among history teachers in the USA during a professional development project. The symposium compares weaknesses and strengths in the use of questionnaires versus interviews
Dutch history teachers' perceptions of teaching the topic of Islam while balancing distance and proximity
Teaching about the topic of Islam may be challenging. We report the results of a survey study (N = 81) of Dutch history teachers and six in-depth interviews examining the sensitivities experienced when teaching Islam-related issues and the motives that underlie teachers' decisions. We developed an analytical framework comprising three dimensions that describe the proximity and distance between teachers and students from interpersonal, identity and knowledge perspectives. Our results show that differences between teachers and students regarding their sources of knowledge and epistemological authority are an important factor affecting the sensitivity of Islam-related issues
Exploring teachers’ agency in inclusive education:Secondary education teachers navigating their projects in responding to the diversity in students’ sociocultural backgrounds
This study examined educational projects that Dutch secondary teachers consider to be inclusive and their agency in implementing them. Using Banks' (1993) Multicultural Education (ME) model, we analyzed inclusive projects that twelve expert teachers mentioned having developed and used Personal Project Analysis (Little, 1983) to capture teachers' accompanied agency. Inclusive projects were considered meaningful, but poorly manageable and connected with daily teaching practice. A high degree of agency hinged on the ability to connect with existing curriculum and a management that supports teachers' inclusive initiatives. This paper refines ME's dimensions and uncovers misconceptions hindering teachers' agency in inclusive practices.</p
Dutch history teachers' perceptions of teaching the topic of Islam while balancing distance and proximity
Teaching about the topic of Islam may be challenging. We report the results of a survey study (N = 81) of Dutch history teachers and six in-depth interviews examining the sensitivities experienced when teaching Islam-related issues and the motives that underlie teachers' decisions. We developed an analytical framework comprising three dimensions that describe the proximity and distance between teachers and students from interpersonal, identity and knowledge perspectives. Our results show that differences between teachers and students regarding their sources of knowledge and epistemological authority are an important factor affecting the sensitivity of Islam-related issues