185 research outputs found

    Radiative Transfer Limits of Two-Frequency Wigner Distribution for Random Parabolic Waves

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    The present note establishes the self-averaging, radiative transfer limit for the two-frequency Wigner distribution for classical waves in random media. Depending on the ratio of the wavelength to the correlation length the limiting equation is either a Boltzmann-like integral equation or a Fokker-Planck-like differential equation in the phase space. The limiting equation is used to estimate three physical parameters: the spatial spread, the coherence length and the coherence bandwidth. In the longitudinal case, the Fokker-Planck-like equation can be solved exactly.Comment: typos correcte

    Compressive Sensing Theory for Optical Systems Described by a Continuous Model

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    A brief survey of the author and collaborators' work in compressive sensing applications to continuous imaging models.Comment: Chapter 3 of "Optical Compressive Imaging" edited by Adrian Stern published by Taylor & Francis 201

    TV-min and Greedy Pursuit for Constrained Joint Sparsity and Application to Inverse Scattering

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    This paper proposes a general framework for compressed sensing of constrained joint sparsity (CJS) which includes total variation minimization (TV-min) as an example. TV- and 2-norm error bounds, independent of the ambient dimension, are derived for the CJS version of Basis Pursuit and Orthogonal Matching Pursuit. As an application the results extend Cand`es, Romberg and Tao's proof of exact recovery of piecewise constant objects with noiseless incomplete Fourier data to the case of noisy data.Comment: Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems (2013

    Richardson's Laws for Relative Dispersion in Colored-Noise Flows with Kolmogorov-type Spectra

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    We prove limit theorems for small-scale pair dispersion in velocity fields with power-law spatial spectra and wave-number dependent correlation times. This result establishes rigorously a family of generalized Richardson's laws with a limiting case corresponding to Richardson's t3t^3 and 4/3-laws

    Convergence of Passive Scalars in Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Flows to Kraichnan's Model

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    We prove that the passive scalar field in the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck velocity field with wave-number dependent correlation times converges, in the white-noise limit, to that of Kraichnan's model with higher spatial regularity

    White-Noise and Geometrical Optics Limits of Wigner-Moyal Equation for Wave Beams in Turbulent Media

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    Starting with the Wigner distribution formulation for beam wave propagation in H\"{o}lder continuous non-Gaussian random refractive index fields we show that the wave beam regime naturally leads to the white-noise scaling limit and converges to a Gaussian white-noise model which is characterized by the martingale problem associated to a stochastic differential-integral equation of the It\^o type. In the simultaneous geometrical optics the convergence to the Gaussian white-noise model for the Liouville equation is also established if the ultraviolet cutoff or the Fresnel number vanishes sufficiently slowly. The advantage of the Gaussian white-noise model is that its nn-point correlation functions are governed by closed form equations

    Self-Averaged Scaling Limits for Random Parabolic Waves

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    We consider 6 types of scaling limits for the Wigner-Moyal equation of the parabolic waves in random media, the limiting cases of which include the radiative transfer limit, the diffusion limit and the white-noise limit. We show under fairly general assumptions on the random refractive index field that sufficient amount of medium diversity (thus excluding the white-noise limit) leads to statistical stability or self-averaging in the sense that the limiting law is deterministic and is governed by various transport equations depending on the specific scaling involved. We obtain 6 different radiative transfer equations as limits