7,112 research outputs found

    Translated points and Rabinowitz Floer homology

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    We prove that if a contact manifold admits an exact filling then every local contactomorphism isotopic to the identity admits a translated point in the interior of its support, in the sense of Sandon [San11b]. In addition we prove that if the Rabinowitz Floer homology of the filling is non-zero then every contactomorphism isotopic to the identity admits a translated point, and if the Rabinowitz Floer homology of the filling is infinite dimensional then every contactmorphism isotopic to the identity has either infinitely many translated points, or a translated point on a closed leaf. Moreover if the contact manifold has dimension greater than or equal to 3, the latter option generically doesn't happen. Finally, we prove that a generic contactomorphism on R2n+1\mathbb{R}^{2n+1} has infinitely many geometrically distinct iterated translated points all of which lie in the interior of its support.Comment: 13 pages, v2: numerous corrections, results unchange

    Computer program for calculating laminar, transitional, and turbulent boundary layers for a compressible axisymmetric flow

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    Finite-difference computer program calculates viscous compressible boundary layer flow over either planar or axisymmetric surfaces. Flow may be initially laminar and progress through transitional zone to fully turbulent flow, or it may remain laminar, depending on imposed boundary conditions, laws of viscosity, and numerical solution of momentum and energy equations

    Comparison of predicted and measured low-speed performance of two 51 centimeter-diameter inlets at incidence angle

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    Theoretical and experimental internal flow characteristics of two 51-cm-diameter inlets are compared. Theoretical flow characteristics along the inlet surface were obtained from an axisymmetric potential flow and boundary layer analysis. The experimental data were obtained from low-speed tests of a high-bypass-ratio turbofan engine simulator. Comparisons between calculated internal surface pressure distributions and experimental data are presented for a free-system velocity of 45 m/sec and for incidence angles from 0 deg to 50 deg. Analysis of boundary layer separation on the inlet lip at incidence angle is the major emphasis of this report. Theoretical boundary layer shape factors, skin friction coefficients, and velocity profiles in the boundary layer are presented, along with the location of the transition region. Theoretical and experimental separation locations are also discussed

    Status of the NASA YF-12 Propulsion Research Program

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    The YF-12 research program was initiated to establish a technology base for the design of an efficient propulsion system for supersonic cruise aircraft. The major technology areas under investigation in this program are inlet design analysis, propulsion system steady-state performance, propulsion system dynamic performance, inlet and engine control systems, and airframe/propulsion system interactions. The objectives, technical approach, and status of the YF-12 propulsion program are discussed. Also discussed are the results obtained to date by the NASA Ames, Lewis, and Dryden research centers. The expected technical results and proposed future programs are also given. Propulsion system configurations are shown

    Boundary-layer analysis of subsonic inlet diffuser geometries for engines nacelles

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    Theoretical Mach number distributions and boundary-layer parameters are presented for subsonic nacelle inlet diffuser geometries with length to exit diameter ratios ranging from 0.4 to 1.6 and diffuser exit area to throat area ratios ranging from 1.1 to 2.0. The major portion of the study was done with a cubic diffuser contour with the inflection point at the midpoint of the diffuser, a diffuser throat Mach number of 0.6, and a free-stream Mach number of 0.12. Calculations were performed at both model (diffuser exit diameter, 30.5 cm) and full-scale (diffuser exit diameter, 183 cm) sizes. Separation limits were defined by establishing a separation boundary on plots of diffuser area ratio as a function of diffuser length to diameter ratio. The effects of diffuser contour, inlet lip geometry, and throat Mach number on the boundary-layer characteristics are illustrated. The major results of the study indicate that the separation boundary is shifted to greater area ratios by (1) increasing the diffuser length, (2) increasing the scale of the diffuser and, (3) moving the inflection point of the diffuser contour to or ahead of the midpoint of the diffuser

    Comparison of experimental and theoretical boundary-layer separation for inlets at incidence angle at low-speed conditions

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    Comparisons between experimental and theoretical Mach number distributions and separation locations are presented for the internal surfaces of four different subsonic inlet geometries with exit diameters of 13.97 centimeters. The free stream Mach number was held constant at 0.127, the one-dimensional throat Mach number ranged from 0.49 to 0.71, and the incidence angle ranged from 0 deg to 50 deg. Generally good agreement was found between the theoretical and experimental surface Mach number distributions as long as no flow separation existed. At high incidence angles, where separation was obvious in the experimental data, the theory predicted separation on the lip. At lower incidence angles, the theoretical results indicated diffuser separation which was not obvious from the experimental surface Mach number distributions. As incidence angle was varied from 0 deg to 50 deg, the predicted separation location shifted from the diffuser region to the inlet highlight. Relatively small total pressure losses were obtained when the predicted separation location was greater than 0.6 of the distance between the highlight and the diffuser exit

    Parks, Buffer Zones, and Costly Enforcement

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    The reality of protected area management is that enforcing forest and park boundaries is costly and so most likely incomplete, due in part to the pressures exerted on the boundaries by local people who often have traditionally relied on the park resources. Buffer zones are increasingly being proposed and implemented to protect both forest resources and livelihoods. Developing a spatially-explicit optimal enforcement model, this paper demonstrates that there is a trade-off between the amount spent on enforcement, the size of a formal buffer zone, and the extent to which a forest can be protected from illegal extraction. Indeed, given the reality of limited enforcement budgets, a forest manager with a mandate to protect a whole forest may in fact end up doing a worse job than one who is able to incorporate an appropriately sized buffer zone into their management plans that, combined with more effective enforcement of a smaller exclusion zone, provide the appropriate incentives for villagers to extract only in the periphery of the forest, rather than venture further into the forest.