210 research outputs found

    Backdoors in Neural Models of Source Code

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    Deep neural networks are vulnerable to a range of adversaries. A particularly pernicious class of vulnerabilities are backdoors, where model predictions diverge in the presence of subtle triggers in inputs. An attacker can implant a backdoor by poisoning the training data to yield a desired target prediction on triggered inputs. We study backdoors in the context of deep-learning for source code. (1) We define a range of backdoor classes for source-code tasks and show how to poison a dataset to install such backdoors. (2) We adapt and improve recent algorithms from robust statistics for our setting, showing that backdoors leave a spectral signature in the learned representation of source code, thus enabling detection of poisoned data. (3) We conduct a thorough evaluation on different architectures and languages, showing the ease of injecting backdoors and our ability to eliminate them

    Automatic Abstraction in SMT-Based Unbounded Software Model Checking

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    Software model checkers based on under-approximations and SMT solvers are very successful at verifying safety (i.e. reachability) properties. They combine two key ideas -- (a) "concreteness": a counterexample in an under-approximation is a counterexample in the original program as well, and (b) "generalization": a proof of safety of an under-approximation, produced by an SMT solver, are generalizable to proofs of safety of the original program. In this paper, we present a combination of "automatic abstraction" with the under-approximation-driven framework. We explore two iterative approaches for obtaining and refining abstractions -- "proof based" and "counterexample based" -- and show how they can be combined into a unified algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of Proof-Based Abstraction, primarily used to verify hardware, to Software Verification. We have implemented a prototype of the framework using Z3, and evaluate it on many benchmarks from the Software Verification Competition. We show experimentally that our combination is quite effective on hard instances.Comment: Extended version of a paper in the proceedings of CAV 201

    PECAN: A Deterministic Certified Defense Against Backdoor Attacks

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    Neural networks are vulnerable to backdoor poisoning attacks, where the attackers maliciously poison the training set and insert triggers into the test input to change the prediction of the victim model. Existing defenses for backdoor attacks either provide no formal guarantees or come with expensive-to-compute and ineffective probabilistic guarantees. We present PECAN, an efficient and certified approach for defending against backdoor attacks. The key insight powering PECAN is to apply off-the-shelf test-time evasion certification techniques on a set of neural networks trained on disjoint partitions of the data. We evaluate PECAN on image classification and malware detection datasets. Our results demonstrate that PECAN can (1) significantly outperform the state-of-the-art certified backdoor defense, both in defense strength and efficiency, and (2) on real back-door attacks, PECAN can reduce attack success rate by order of magnitude when compared to a range of baselines from the literature

    Synthesis of Recursive ADT Transformations from Reusable Templates

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    Recent work has proposed a promising approach to improving scalability of program synthesis by allowing the user to supply a syntactic template that constrains the space of potential programs. Unfortunately, creating templates often requires nontrivial effort from the user, which impedes the usability of the synthesizer. We present a solution to this problem in the context of recursive transformations on algebraic data-types. Our approach relies on polymorphic synthesis constructs: a small but powerful extension to the language of syntactic templates, which makes it possible to define a program space in a concise and highly reusable manner, while at the same time retains the scalability benefits of conventional templates. This approach enables end-users to reuse predefined templates from a library for a wide variety of problems with little effort. The paper also describes a novel optimization that further improves the performance and scalability of the system. We evaluated the approach on a set of benchmarks that most notably includes desugaring functions for lambda calculus, which force the synthesizer to discover Church encodings for pairs and boolean operations
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