5 research outputs found

    Assessment of Oxygen Expansion during Internal Bleaching with Enamel and Dentin: A Comparative In Vitro Study

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    Internal bleaching is a conservative, non-invasive, and simple treatment that is frequently performed in daily clinical practice. The present in vitro study analyzes the oxygen expansion of different bleaching agents resulting from the oxidation reaction when interacting with enamel and dentin. Enamel and dentin were crushed separately until obtaining a fine powder with particles of an approximate size between 0.06 and 0.2 mm. Each enamel and dentin sample were mixed with 37% carbamide peroxide (CP 37%), 30% hydrogen peroxide (HP 30%), sodium perborate (SP) combined with HP 30% (HP 30% + SP) and SP with distilled water (SP). A total of 280 1 mm diameter glass tubes were used with 70 for each bleaching agent (30 for powdered enamel evaluation, 30 for powdered dentin evaluation, and 10 controls). The bleaching agents were placed in the prepared tubes immediately after mixing the components. As expansion occurred, the oil inside the tube was displaced, through which the resulting expansion was evaluated and measured for 10 days. A significant expansion was observed that varied in magnitude according to the bleaching agent and the tooth structure used. Student’s t test and Welch’s ANOVA were used to analyze the data obtained. The highest mean expansion of both enamel and dentin was observed with 30% HP (66.6 mm for enamel, 94.5 mm for dentin) followed by HP 30% + SP (48.6 mm for enamel, 52.7 mm for dentin), CP 37% (38.4 mm for enamel, 52.6 mm for dentin) and finally SP with water (12.7 mm for enamel, 4.4 mm for dentin). It was observed that the expansion in the SP group with enamel was significantly lower than in the rest of the groups, while that registered for HP 30% was significantly higher. (p < 0.001). The results with dentin were similar, with a significantly lower expansion for SP and higher for HP 30% (p < 0.001). The oxygen expansion observed as a result of the interaction between bleaching agents and dental tissues could contribute to improving our understanding of bleaching and its results. These results suggest that bleaching agents react with the organic component of the tooth structure.Odontologí

    Estudio experimental comparativo "in vitro" del comportamiento expansivo de diferentes agentes de blanqueamiento interno

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    La historia de la odontología estética comienza desde los principios del ser humano. Por nuestra naturaleza, siempre hemos buscado la belleza de una forma u otra, y en un mundo económico, social y sexualmente competitivo tener un aspecto agradable ya no se considera un signo de vanidad. Se ha convertido en una necesidad. La sonrisa parece influir en aspectos psicológicos que pueden incluir incluso perspectivas de avance profesional (1). Estudios realizados ya en los años 80 indicaron que las investigaciones apuntaban a que las personas atractivas solían conseguir trabajos más prestigiosos y mejor pagados, como si el buen aspecto de la cara se asemejase a una carta de recomendación (2). La apariencia física se puede ver definida como el agrupamiento de unas características que juegan un rol significativo en la construcción de una identidad y en el desarrollo de las relaciones sociales que establezca dicho individuo, de manera que estos influyen directamente en la percepción de terceros y, por lo tanto, en su vida como ser social. Es uno de los factores más importantes de la comunicación no verbal e incluso del éxito mismo dentro de la sociedad. Por otro lado, la primera impresión, es el contacto inicial de los procesos comunicativos y el determinante para establecer un juicio “a priori” sobre la imagen y el tipo de relación que dos individuos establecerán. Es inevitable, ya que su carga evolutiva es muy poderosa en el ser humano. Desde hace años se ha conceptualizado que el primer impacto que produce una persona se debe a su apariencia, y que perdura por mucho tiempo. La cara es la parte más expuesta del cuerpo y puesto que la boca es un rasgo predominante, la apariencia dental se convierte en un componente integral de la belleza facial, siendo los dientes una fuente de atención a la hora de evaluar el atractivo de una persona, suponiendo un recurso social importante y desempeñando un papel clave en las interacciones sociales humanas. El objetivo general del presente estudio fue valorar si los materiales de blanqueamiento interno producen expansión cuando interaccionan con los tejidos dentales duros de la corona anatómica.OdontologíaCiencias de la Salu

    Adherence to supportive periodontal treatment in relation to patient awareness

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    To evaluate the risk profile of noncompliant patients in relation to adherence to supportive periodontal therapy in order to identify factors associated with this profile, and be able to prevent the abandonment of perio- dontal therapy. Ma

    Study of the Intra-Coronal Pressure Generated by Internal Bleaching Agents and Its Influence on Temporary Restoration

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    Intra-coronal bleaching is a treatment that whitens non-vital teeth from within the pulp chamber, a procedure by which oxygen and free radicals are released. This in vitro study analyzed and compares the oxygen expansion produced when different bleaching agents encounter dental tissues during this type of bleaching. Here, 120 lower incisors were included and prepared to achieve conditions as close as practicable to internal bleaching with the walking bleach technique. The access cavity of the lingual surface was prepared to seal glass tubes with oil inside them by adhesive restoration once the bleach was placed inside the pulp chamber. The following bleaching groups were used: hydrogen peroxide (HP) 30% (n = 30), sodium Perborate (SP) with distilled water (n = 30), a mixture of HP 30% with SP (n = 30) and a control group (n = 30). After 10 days, the oil displacement that took place through the tube due to oxygen release was measured daily. Displacement of the oil was observed in all groups except the control group. The final mean expansion at 10 days was 335.24 &plusmn; 76.85 mm for the HP 30% group, 8.40 &plusmn; 1.74 mm for the SP group and 183.07 &plusmn; 49.93 mm for the HP30% + SP mixture. Significant statistical differences were observed between the three groups using the Games&ndash;Howell post hoc test, where HP30% caused the greatest expansion and SP the least expansion. These results suggest that the higher the amount of HP in the sample, the more oxygen expansion is observed, so that temporary restoration must be performed more carefully to avoid displacement

    Study of the Intra-Coronal Pressure Generated by Internal Bleaching Agents and Its Influence on Temporary Restoration

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    Intra-coronal bleaching is a treatment that whitens non-vital teeth from within the pulp chamber, a procedure by which oxygen and free radicals are released. This in vitro study analyzed and compares the oxygen expansion produced when different bleaching agents encounter dental tissues during this type of bleaching. Here, 120 lower incisors were included and prepared to achieve conditions as close as practicable to internal bleaching with the walking bleach technique. The access cavity of the lingual surface was prepared to seal glass tubes with oil inside them by adhesive restoration once the bleach was placed inside the pulp chamber. The following bleaching groups were used: hydrogen peroxide (HP) 30% (n = 30), sodium Perborate (SP) with distilled water (n = 30), a mixture of HP 30% with SP (n = 30) and a control group (n = 30). After 10 days, the oil displacement that took place through the tube due to oxygen release was measured daily. Displacement of the oil was observed in all groups except the control group. The final mean expansion at 10 days was 335.24 ± 76.85 mm for the HP 30% group, 8.40 ± 1.74 mm for the SP group and 183.07 ± 49.93 mm for the HP30% + SP mixture. Significant statistical differences were observed between the three groups using the Games–Howell post hoc test, where HP30% caused the greatest expansion and SP the least expansion. These results suggest that the higher the amount of HP in the sample, the more oxygen expansion is observed, so that temporary restoration must be performed more carefully to avoid displacement