878 research outputs found

    Object DUO 2: A New Binary Lens Candidate

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    We present the light curve of an unusual variable object, DUO 2, detected during the search for microlensing events by the DUO project. The star remained stable for more than 150 days before it brightened by more than two magnitudes in 6 days in the B and R bands. The light curves are achromatic during the variability. We consider possible explanations of the photometric behavior, with particular emphasis on the binary lens interpretation of the event. The masses of the lenses are quite small, with the companion possibly in the range of a brown dwarf or even a few times of Jupiter. We report evidence of blending of the source by a companion through the first detection of shift in the light centroid among all the microlensing experiments. This shift sets a lower limit of 0.30.3^{\prime\prime} on the separation between the stars. The best lens model obtained requires moderate blending, which was what motivated us to check the centroid shift that was subsequently found. The best lens model predicts a separation of 11^{\prime\prime} between the two blended stars. This prediction was recently tested using two CCD images taken under good seeing conditions. Both images show two components. Their separation and position angle are in good agreement with our model.Comment: uuencoded, compressed PostScript, 4 pages, 4 figures (in text). Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter

    Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster M5. Application of the Image Subtraction Method

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    We present VV-band light curves of 61 variables from the core of the globular cluster M5 obtained using a newly developed image subtraction method (ISM). Four of these variables were previously unknown. Only 26 variables were found in the same field using photometry obtained with DoPHOT software. Fourier parameters of the ISM light curves have relative errors up to 20 times smaller than parameters measured from DoPHOT photometry. We conclude that the new method is very promising for searching for variable stars in the cores of the globular clusters and gives very accurate relative photometry with quality comparable to photometry obtained by HST. We also show that the variable V104 is not an eclipsing star as has been suggested, but is an RRc star showing non-radial pulsations.Comment: submitted to MNRAS, 9 pages, 4 figure

    Using Astrometry to Deblend Microlensing Events

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    We discuss the prospect of deblending microlensing events by observing astrometric shifts of the lensed stars. Since microlensing searches are generally performed in very crowded fields, it is expected that stars will be confusion limited rather than limited by photon statistics. By performing simulations of events in crowded fields, we find that if we assume a dark lens and that the lensed star obeys a power law luminosity function, n(L)Lβn(L)\propto L^{-\beta}, over half the simulated events show a measurable astrometric shift. Our simulations included 20000 stars in a 256×256256\times 256 Nyquist sampled CCD frame. For β=2\beta=2, we found that 58% of the events were significantly blended (F/Ftot0.9)(F_{\ast}/F_{tot}\leq 0.9), and of those, 73% had a large astrometric shift (0.5pixels)(\geq 0.5 pixels). Likewise, for β=3\beta=3, we found that 85% of the events were significantly blended, and that 85% of those had large shifts. Moreover, the shift is weakly correlated to the degree of blending, suggesting that it may be possible not only to detect the existence of a blend, but also to deblend events statistically using shift information.Comment: 24 pages, 7 postscript Figure

    Observation of Microlensing towards the Galactic Spiral Arms. EROS II 2 year survey

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    We present the analysis of the light curves of 8.5 million stars observed during two seasons by EROS (Experience de Recherche d'Objets Sombres), in the galactic plane away from the bulge. Three stars have been found that exhibit luminosity variations compatible with gravitational microlensing effects due to unseen objects. The corresponding optical depth, averaged over four directions, is 0.38 (+0.53, -0.15) 10^{-6}. All three candidates have long Einstein radius crossing times (\sim 70 to 100 days). For one of them, the lack of evidence for a parallax or a source size effect enabled us to constrain the lens-source % geometric configuration. Another candidate displays a modulation of the magnification, which is compatible with the lensing of a binary source. The interpretation of the optical depths inferred from these observations is hindered by the imperfect knowledge of the distance to the target stars. Our measurements are compatible with expectations from simple galactic models under reasonable assumptions on the target distances.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, accepted by A&A in Aug 9

    Bias-Free Shear Estimation using Artificial Neural Networks

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    Bias due to imperfect shear calibration is the biggest obstacle when constraints on cosmological parameters are to be extracted from large area weak lensing surveys such as Pan-STARRS-3pi, DES or future satellite missions like Euclid. We demonstrate that bias present in existing shear measurement pipelines (e.g. KSB) can be almost entirely removed by means of neural networks. In this way, bias correction can depend on the properties of the individual galaxy instead on being a single global value. We present a procedure to train neural networks for shear estimation and apply this to subsets of simulated GREAT08 RealNoise data. We also show that circularization of the PSF before measuring the shear reduces the scatter related to the PSF anisotropy correction and thus leads to improved measurements, particularly on low and medium signal-to-noise data. Our results are competitive with the best performers in the GREAT08 competition, especially for the medium and higher signal-to-noise sets. Expressed in terms of the quality parameter defined by GREAT08 we achieve a Q = 40, 140 and 1300 without and 50, 200 and 1300 with circularization for low, medium and high signal-to-noise data sets, respectively.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Difference image photometry with bright variable backgrounds

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    Over the last two decades the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) has been something of a test-bed for methods aimed at obtaining accurate time-domain relative photometry within highly crowded fields. Difference imaging methods, originally pioneered towards M31, have evolved into sophisticated methods, such as the Optimal Image Subtraction (OIS) method of Alard & Lupton (1998), that today are most widely used to survey variable stars, transients and microlensing events in our own Galaxy. We show that modern difference image (DIA) algorithms such as OIS, whilst spectacularly successful towards the Milky Way bulge, may perform badly towards high surface brightness targets such as the M31 bulge. Poor results can occur in the presence of common systematics which add spurious flux contributions to images, such as internal reflections, scattered light or fringing. Using data from the Angstrom Project microlensing survey of the M31 bulge, we show that very good results are usually obtainable by first performing careful photometric alignment prior to using OIS to perform point-spread function (PSF) matching. This separation of background matching and PSF matching, a common feature of earlier M31 photometry techniques, allows us to take full advantage of the powerful PSF matching flexibility offered by OIS towards high surface brightness targets. We find that difference images produced this way have noise distributions close to Gaussian, showing significant improvement upon results achieved using OIS alone. We show that with this correction light-curves of variable stars and transients can be recovered to within ~10 arcseconds of the M31 nucleus. Our method is simple to implement and is quick enough to be incorporated within real-time DIA pipelines. (Abridged)Comment: 12 pages. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Includes an expanded discussion of DIA testing and results, including additional lightcurve example

    MACHO Mass Determination Based on Space Telescope Observation

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    We investigate the possibility of lens mass determination for a caustic crossing microlensing event based on a space telescope observation. We demonstrate that the parallax due to the orbital motion of a space telescope causes a periodic fluctuation of the light curve, from which the lens distance can be derived. Since the proper motion of the lens relative to the source is also measurable for a caustic crossing event, one can find a full solution for microlensing properties of the event, including the lens mass. To determine the lens mass with sufficient accuracy, the light curve near the caustic crossing should be observed within uncertainty of \sim 1%. We argue that the Hubble Space Telescope observation of the caustic crossing supplied with ground-based observations of the full light curve will enable us to determine the mass of MACHOs, which is crucial for understanding the nature of MACHOs.Comment: 9 pages + 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Towards Locating the Brightest Microlensing Events on the Sky

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    It is estimated that a star brighter than visual magnitude 17 is undergoing a detectable gravitational microlensing event, somewhere on the sky, at any given time. It is assumed that both lenses and sources are normal stars drawn from a standard Bahcall-Soneira model of our Galaxy. Furthermore, over the time scale of a year, a star 15th magnitude or brighter should undergo a detectable gravitational lens amplification. Detecting and studying the microlensing event rate among the brightest 108^8 stars could yield a better understanding of Galactic stellar and dark matter distributions. Diligent tracking of bright microlensing events with even small telescopes might detect planets orbiting these stellar lenses.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Ap

    Microlensing toward crowded fields: Theory and applications to M31

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    We present a comprehensive treatment of the pixel-lensing theory and apply it to lensing experiments and their results toward M31. Using distribution functions for the distances, velocities, masses, and luminosities of stars, we derive lensing event rates as a function of the event observables. In contrast to the microlensing regime, in the pixel-lensing regime (crowded or unresolved sources) the observables are the maximum excess flux of the source above a background and the full width at half-maximum (FWHM) time of the event. To calculate lensing event distribution functions depending on these observables for the specific case of M31, we use data from the literature to construct a model of M31, reproducing consistently photometry, kinematics and stellar population. We predict the halo- and self-lensing event rates for bulge and disk stars in M31 and treat events with and without finite source signatures separately. We use the M31 photon noise profile and obtain the event rates as a function of position, field of view, and S/N threshold at maximum magnification. We calculate the expected rates for WeCAPP and for a potential Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) lensing campaign. The detection of two events with a peak signal-to-noise ratio larger than 10 and a timescale larger than 1 day in the WeCAPP 2000/2001 data is in good agreement with our theoretical calculations. We investigate the luminosity function of lensed stars for noise characteristics of WeCAPP and ACS. For the pixel-lensing regime, we derive the probability distribution for the lens masses in M31 as a function of the FWHM timescale, flux excess and color, including the errors of these observables.Comment: 45 pages, 27 figures LaTeX; corrected typos; published in the Astrophysical Journal Supplemen