4 research outputs found

    Fermentação in vitro de um suplemento com níveis crescentes de vagens maduras de alfarroba (Samanea saman)

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    Abstract Tree legume pods are characterized by their protein content; increasing protein in a supplement with tree legumes is an alternative to improve the productive parameters of ruminants. The objective was to evaluate in vitro biogas fermentation variables, kinetic estimators (A, b, and k), dry matter degradation (DMS) and detergent neutral fiber (DFDN) of a supplement with 0, 10, 20 and 30% inclusion of mature carob pods. The biodigester (120 mL serological vials) contained: 0.5 g of one type of supplement, 40 mL of culture medium and 10 mL of fresh rumen fluid (inoculum). The vials were incubated at 39 °C for 72 h. The experimental design was completely randomized. T20 presented higher biogas production at 12 and 24 h; whereas, at 48 and 72 h were T0 and T20. T20 was higher for A, T0 and T10 lower for k and T0 lower for b (p<0.05). pH and DMS showed no differences between treatments (p>0.05). The DFDN showed a tendency to decrease as the carob pod increased. It is concluded that the inclusion of 20% of mature carob pods in a supplement can be used as a feeding strategy in ruminants. Key words: Tree legume, fermentation, biogas, DMS, DFDN, carob.Las vainas de leguminosas arbóreas se caracterizan por su alto contenido de proteína, el aumento de proteína en un suplemento mediante leguminosas arbóreas es una alternativa para mejorar los parámetros productivos de rumiantes. El objetivo fue evaluar las variables de la fermentación in vitro un suplemento con 0, 10, 20 y 30% de inclusión de vainas maduras de algarrobo. El biodigestor (viales serológicos de 120 mL) contenía: 0.5 g de un tipo de suplemento, 40 mL de medio de cultivo y 10 mL de fluido ruminal fresco (inóculo). Los viales se incubaron a 39 °C por 72 h. El diseño experimental fue un completamente al azar. T20 presentó mayor producción de biogás a 12 y 24 h; mientras, a las 48 y 72 h fueron T0 y T20. T20 fue mayor para A, T0 y T10 menores para k y T0 menor para b (p<0.05). pH y DMS no mostraron diferencias entre tratamientos (p>0.05). LA DFDN mostró tendencia a disminuir conforme aumento la vaina de algarrobo. Se concluye, la inclusión de 20% de vaina madura de algarrobo en un suplemento, es posible utilizarse como una estrategia de alimentación en rumiantes. Palabras clave: Leguminosa arbórea, fermentación, biogás, DMS, DFDN, algarrobo.As vagens das leguminosas arbóreas, a alfarrobeira (Samanea saman) caracterizam-se pelo seu elevado teorproteico. O aumento de proteína em um suplemento por meio de leguminosas arbóreas é uma alternativa para melhorar os parâmetros produtivos de ruminantes. O objetivo foi avaliar as variáveis de fermentação in vitro do biogás, estimadores cinéticos (A= potencial de produção de biogás, b= lag time ou eficiência microbiana e k= taxa constante de produção de biogás de material potencialmente degradável), degradação da matéria seca (DMS) e degradação da fibra em detergente neutro (DFDN) de um suplemento com 0, 10, 20 e 30% de inclusão de alfarroba madura. O biodigestor (frascos sorológicos de 120 mL) continha: 0,5 g de um tipo de suplemento, 40 mL de meio de cultura e 10 mL de fluido ruminal fresco (inóculo). Os frascos foram incubados a 39 °C por 72 h. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado. T20 apresentou maior produção de biogás em 12 e 24 h; enquanto, às 48 e 72 h, foram T0 e T20. T20 foi maior para A, T0 e T10 menores para k e T0 menor para b (p<0,05). O pH e o DMS não apresentaram diferenças entre os tratamentos (p>0,05). O DFDN mostrou uma tendência de diminuir à medida que a alfarrobeira aumentava.Conclui-se que a inclusão de 20% de alfarroba madura em um suplemento pode ser utilizada como estratégia alimentar em ruminantes

    Frecuencia de morfotipos africanizados y europeos de Apis mellifera en Ensenada y Mexicali, Baja California

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    Abstract: The frequency of Africanized and European honey bee morphotypes were compared in two municipalities of Baja California, Mexico. 47 and 34 colonies of Mexicali and Ensenada were studied respectively, including 11 swarms captured in Mexicali and four in Ensenada. Ten bees from each colony and swarm were selected, forewing length and the femur of the right hind paw of each bee was measured. FABIS morphometric techniques were used to discriminate between European and Africanized morphotypes. The results indicated that in Mexicali 91.49 % of the colonies of bees presented Africanized morphotypes, while in Ensenada 67.65 % of the bee colonies had Africanized morphotypes. This difference in the proportion of africanization could be related to climatic and geographic conditions as well as management practices. It is recommended to replace the queens bees annually, using genetic material selected for a European origin.Resumen: Se comparó la frecuencia de morfotipos africanizados y europeos de abejas melíferas en dos municipios de Baja California. Se estudiaron 47 colonias en Mexicali y 34 en Ensenada, además de 11 enjambres silvestres migratorios capturados en Mexicali y cuatro en Ensenada. Se seleccionaron 10 abejas de cada colonia y enjambre, se midió la longitud del ala delantera y del fémur de la pata trasera derecha de cada abeja para discriminar morfotipos europeos y africanizados mediante la técnica morfométrica FABIS. Los resultados indican que en Mexicali 91.49 % de las colonias de abejas presentan morfotipos africanizados, mientras que en Ensenada es de 67.65 %. Esta diferencia en la proporción de africanización puede estar relacionada con las condiciones climáticas, geográficas y prácticas de manejo. Se recomienda sustituir las abejas reinas cada año, usando materiales genéticos seleccionados de origen europeo

    Caracterización palinológica de mieles del Valle de Mexicali, Baja California, México

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    The profitability of apiculture and the health of bee populations depend on landscapes rich in nectariferous and polleniferous flowers. Therefore it is clear that knowledge on local bee flora constitutes the basic information necessary to determine the apiculture potential of a region. Nevertheless, there is no research to date showing the floral sources of honey in the State of Baja California. Thus a melissopalynological study of the honey produced in the Valley of Mexicali, Baja California was undertaken to identify the main sources of pollen and nectar utilized by Apis mellifera and determine the botanical origin during the two principal harvest periods around year. The pollen of 52 honey samples was analyzed, these were collected from 13 apiaries on June and August of 2010 and of 2011. To identify the types of pollen, a reference collection was made containing 150 species pollen prepared via the acetolysis method. 78 types of pollen were identified, corresponding to 33 families. 65% of the honeys were unifloral, mainly from Tamarix spp., and Prosopis spp., and to a lesser extent of Pluchea sericea. Sysimbrium irio, Myrtaceae, Phoenixdactylifera, Coriandrum sativum, and Washingtonia filifera were found a single time. Prosopis spp. honeys were most abundant in June harvests, while Tamarix spp. honeys were the most common august harvests. Quantitative analysis allowed to allocate 52% of the samples on class III, 34% on class II, 8% on class V, 4% on class IV and 2% on class I. According to the analysis carried out, it is concluded that the main nectar sources used by A. mellifera in the Valley of Mexicali are Tamarix spp. Propsopis spp. and P. sericea, which are also the most representative elements of honeys.La rentabilidad de la producción apícola y las poblaciones saludables de abejas dependen de paisajes ricos en flores productoras de abundante néctar y polen. Por lo tanto, es claro que el conocimiento de la flora apícola constituye la información básica necesaria para determinar el potencial productivo de la apicultura en una región. En el estado de Baja California, se carece de este tipo de información. Por ello se realizó un estudio palinológico de las mieles producidas en el Valle de Mexicali, Baja California, para identificar los principales recursos nectaríferos y determinar el origen botánico durante dos periodos de cosecha anuales. Se analizaron 52 muestras de miel, recolectadas en 13 apiarios en junio y agosto de 2010 y 2011. Para identificar los tipos polínicos se conformó una colección de referencia que contiene polen acetolizado de 150 especies. Se identificaron 78 tipos polínicos, correspondientes a 33 familias. El 65% de las mieles fueron monoflorales, principalmente de Tamarix spp. (pino salado), Prosopis spp. (mezquite y tornillo) y en menor medida de Pluchea sericea (cachanilla), encontrándose una muestra de Sysimbrium irio (Mostacilla), Myrtaceae (eucaliptos y/o cepillo rojo), Phoenix dactylifera (palma datilera), Coriandrum sativum (cilantro), y Washingtonia filifera (palma de abanico) respectivamente. Las mieles de Prosopis spp. fueron abundantes en las cosechas de junio, mientras que las de Tamarix spp. predominaron en las cosechas de agosto. Los análisis cuantitativos, permitieron ubicar el 52% de las muestras en la clase III, el 34% enlaclaseII, el 8% en la clase V, el 4% en la clase IV y el 2% en la I. Deacuerdo a los estudios realizados se concluye que los principales recursos nectaríferos usados por Apis mellifera en el Valle de Mexicali son Tamarix spp. Propsopis spp. y P. sericea, los cuales a su vez constituyen los elementos más representativos de las mieles

    Differences in the absolute muscle strength and power of children and adolescents with overweight or obesity: a systematic review

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    Abstract This study aimed to describe absolute muscle strength and power in children and adolescents with obesity, overweight and normal weight, and the assessment tests and tools used. We retrieved observational studies from MEDLINE (PubMed), TripDataBase, Epistemonikos, EBSCO essentials, NICE, SCOPUS, and LILACs up to February 2023. In addition, we recovered data from studies with at least three comparison groups (obesity, overweight, normal weight) and with a description of the absolute muscle strength and power and the assessment tests and instruments used. The methodologic quality of the studies was assessed with the Joanna Briggs checklist, and the review was carried out using the PRISMA 2020 methodology. Eleven studies with 13,451 participants from 6 to 18 years of age were once included, finding that the absolute muscle strength of their upper extremities was greater when they were overweight or obese; however, in the same groups, absolute muscle strength was lower when they carried their body weight. In addition, lower limb absolute muscle strength was significantly lower in obese participants than in normal weight, regardless of age and gender. The most used tools to measure the absolute muscle strength of the upper limbs were the grip dynamometers and push-up exercises. In contrast, different jump tests were used to measure the power of the lower limbs. There are great differences in muscle strength and power between overweight or obese children and adolescents and those with normal weight. Therefore, it is recommended to use validated tests, preferably that assess strength through the load of the patient’s body weight, either of the upper or lower limbs, for greater evaluation objectivity that facilitates the management of these children and adolescents