21 research outputs found

    Day-Ahead Solar Forecasting Based on Multi-level Solar Measurements

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    The growing proliferation in solar deployment, especially at distribution level, has made the case for power system operators to develop more accurate solar forecasting models. This paper proposes a solar photovoltaic (PV) generation forecasting model based on multi-level solar measurements and utilizing a nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input (NARX) model to improve the training and achieve better forecasts. The proposed model consists of four stages of data preparation, establishment of fitting model, model training, and forecasting. The model is tested under different weather conditions. Numerical simulations exhibit the acceptable performance of the model when compared to forecasting results obtained from two-level and single-level studies

    Solar Forecasting and Integration in Power Systems

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    Renewable energy resources are becoming critical players in the electricity generation sector, primarily due to viability in combating global warming, effectiveness in reducing pollution caused by fossil fuel based generation, and diversifying energy mix to ensure energy security and sustainability. Solar energy is one of the most common types of renewable energy that has grown rapidly over the past decade and is anticipated to grow even faster in the future. Power supply from renewable resources is forecasted to surpass other types of generation in a foreseeable future. Numerous factors, including but not limited to the dropping cost of solar technology, environmental concerns, and the state and governmental incentives, have made the path for a rapid growth of solar generation. However, increased generation from renewable resources exposes the power system to more vulnerabilities, conceivably due to their variable generation, thus highlighting the importance of accurate forecasting methods. An accurate solar forecasting method, which takes into account generation variability and is able to identify associated uncertainty, can support a reliable and cost-effective deployment. More and more large-scale solar PV farms are expected to be integrated in the existing grids in the foreseeable future in compliance with the energy sector renewable portfolio standards (RPS) in different states and countries. The integration of large-scale solar PV into power systems, however, will necessitate a system upgrade by adding new generation units and transmission lines. This dissertation proposes a forecasting model that aims to enhance the forecasting result and reduce errors. The proposed model utilizes a new approach to overcome some of significant challenges in solar generation forecasting. The model includes different data processing stages in order to ensure the quality of the data before it is fed to the forecasting tool. The model undergoes further enhancement such as forecasting methods combination and multilevel measurements application. Numerical simulations exhibit the merits of the proposed method through testing under different weather conditions and case studies. Moreover, a co-optimization generation and transmission planning model is proposed to maximize large-scale solar PV hosting capacity. The solution of this model further determines the optimal solar PV size and location, along with potential required PV energy curtailment. Numerical simulations study the proposed co-optimization planning problem with and without considering the solar PV integration and exhibit the effectiveness of the proposed model

    Two-Stage Hybrid Day-Ahead Solar Forecasting

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    Power supply from renewable resources is on a global rise where it is forecasted that renewable generation will surpass other types of generation in a foreseeable future. Increased generation from renewable resources, mainly solar and wind, exposes the power grid to more vulnerabilities, conceivably due to their variable generation, thus highlighting the importance of accurate forecasting methods. This paper proposes a two-stage day-ahead solar forecasting method that breaks down the forecasting into linear and nonlinear parts, determines subsequent forecasts, and accordingly, improves accuracy of the obtained results. To further reduce the error resulted from nonstationarity of the historical solar radiation data, a data processing approach, including pre-process and post-process levels, is integrated with the proposed method. Numerical simulations on three test days with different weather conditions exhibit the effectiveness of the proposed two-stage model

    Solar Power Deployment: Forecasting and Planning

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    The rapid growth of Photovoltaic (PV) technology has been very visible over the past decade. Recently, the penetration of PV plants to the existing grid has significantly increased. Such increase in the integration of solar energy has brought attention to the solar irradiance forecasting. This thesis presents a thorough research of PV technology, how solar power can be forecasted, and PV planning under uncertainty. Over the last decade, the PV was one of the fastest growing renewable energy technologies. However, the PV system output varies based on weather conditions. Due to the variability and the uncertainty of solar power, the integration of the electricity generated by PV system is considered one of the challenges that have confronted the PV system. This thesis proposes a new forecasting method to reduce the uncertainty of the PV output so the power operator will be able to accommodate its variability. The new forecasting method proposes different processes to be undertaken before the data is fed to the forecasting model. The method converts the data sets included in the forecasting from non-stationary data to a stationary data by applying different processes including: removing the offset, removing night time solar values, and normalization. The new forecasting method aims to reduce the forecasting error and analyzes the error effect on the long term planning through calculating the payback period considering different errors

    An optimal sizing framework for autonomous photovoltaic/hydrokinetic/hydrogen energy system considering cost, reliability and forced outage rate using horse herd optimization

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    The components outage of an energy system weakens its operation probability, which can affect the sizing of that system. An optimal sizing framework is presented for an autonomous hybrid photovoltaic/hydrokinetic/fuel cell (PV/HKT/FC) system with hydrogen storage to supply an annual load demand with forced outage rate (FOR) of the clean production resources based on real environmental information such as irradiance, temperature, and water flow. The sizing problem is implemented with the objective of cost of energy (COE) minimization and also satisfying probability of load supply (PLS) as a reliability constraint. The FOR effect of the photovoltaic and hydrokinetic resources is evaluated on the hybrid system sizing, energy cost, reliability, and also storage contribution of the system. Meta-heuristic horse herd optimization (HHO) algorithm with perfect capability on exploration and exploitation phases is used to solve the sizing problem. The results proved that the PV/HKT/FC configuration is the optimal option to supply the demand of an autonomous residential complex with the minimum COE and maximum PLS compared with the other system configurations. The results demonstrated the overlap of hydrogen storage with clean production resources to achieve an economic-reliable power generation system. The findings indicated that the COE is increased and the PLS is decreased due to the FOR increasing because of reducing the generation resources operational probability. The results demonstrated that the hydrogen storage level is increased with FOR increasing to maintain the system reliability level. Also, the sizing results indicated that the FOR of the hydrokinetic is more effective than the photovoltaic resources in increasing the system cost and undermining the load reliability. In sizing of the hybrid PV/HKT/FC system, the COE is obtained 1.57 /kWhwithoutconsideringtheFORandisachieved1.66and1.63/kWh without considering the FOR and is achieved 1.66 and 1.63 /kWh considering the FOR (8%) for the hydrokinetic and photovoltaic resources, respectively. Moreover, the results cleared that the HHO is superior in comparison with particle swarm optimization (PSO), genetic algorithm (GA), and grey wolf optimizer (GWO) in the PV/HKT/FC system sizing with the lowest COE and higher reliability

    Hill Climbing Artificial Electric Field Algorithm for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaics

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    In this paper, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of a photovoltaic (PV) system is performed under partial shading conditions (PSCs) using a hill climbing (HC)–artificial electric field algorithm (AEFA) considering a DC/DC buck converter. The AEFA is inspired by Coulomb’s law of electrostatic force and has a high speed and optimization accuracy. Because the traditional HC method cannot perform global search tracking and instead performs local search tracking, the AEFA is used for a global search in the proposed HC-AEFA. The critical advantage of the HC-AEFA is that it is desirable performing local and global searches. The proposed hybrid method is implemented to derive an MPP by tuning the converter duty cycle, considering the objective function for maximizing the PV system extracted power. Its capability is evaluated and compared with well-known particle swarm optimization (PSO), considering standards, PSCs, and radiation changes conditions. The tracking efficiency for the most challenging shading pattern (third pattern) using the HC-AEFA, HC, AEFA and PSO is obtained at 99.93, 90.35, 98.85, 99.80%, respectively. The analysis of the population-based optimization process for different algorithms proved the HC-AEFA faster convergence at lower iterations than the other methods. So, the superiority of the proposed HC-AEFA subjected to different patterns is confirmed with higher tracking efficiency and global power peak, fewer fluctuations, higher convergence speed, and higher dynamic and Static-efficiency compared to the other methods

    Improving the time delay in the design of the damping controller with the aim of improving the stability of the power system in the presence of high penetration of renewable energy sources

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    Due to the high penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) such as wind units in power systems, the need to check the stability of transmission networks has been given more attention than before. Therefore, in this paper, due to the importance of the topic, the wide area damping controller (WADC) has been used for the battery energy storage system (BESS) connected to the photovoltaic unit and the permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) in the dc link. The WADC design is based on free weight matrices (FWM), which can solve a set of constraints based on the linear matrix inequality (LMI) based on the delay-dependent feedback control theory. The working method is that the constraints related to LMI are considered in such a way that it has the ability to tolerate the maximum amount of time delay. FWM has been used to communicate between LMI constraints and the maximum value of the time delay margin. FWM matrices are also based on an iterative algorithm based on linearization of the conical complement, which tries to search for the most optimal value for the control parameters. To implement the simulation results in MATLAB software, an improved power system of 16 machines has been used, the results of which are clearly analyzed and show the superiority of the proposed method compared to other mentioned methods

    A comprehensive study on the performance of various tracker systems in hybrid renewable energy systems, Saudi Arabia

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    To compensate for the lack of fossil fuel-based energy production systems, hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) would be a useful solution. Investigating different design conditions and components would help industry professionals, engineers, and policymakers in producing and designing optimal systems. In this article, different tracker systems, including vertical, horizontal, and two-axis trackers in an off-grid HRES that includes photovoltaic (PV), wind turbine (WT), diesel generator (Gen), and battery (Bat) are considered. The goal is to find the optimum (OP) combination of an HRES in seven locations (Loc) in Saudi Arabia. The proposed load demand is 988.97 kWh/day, and the peak load is 212.34 kW. The results of the cost of energies (COEs) range between 0.108 to 0.143 USD/kWh. Secondly, the optimum size of the PV panels with different trackers is calculated. The HRES uses 100 kW PV in combination with other components. Additionally, the size of the PVs where 100% PV panels are used to reach the load demand in the selected locations is found. Finally, two sensitivity analyses (Sens) on the proposed PV and tracker costs and solar GHIs are conducted. The main goal of the article is to find the most cost-effective tracker system under different conditions while considering environmental aspects such as the CO2 social penalty. The results show an increase of 35% in power production from PV (compared to not using a tracker) when using a two-axis tracker system. However, it is not always cost-effective. The increase in power production when using vertical and horizontal trackers (HT) is also significant. The findings show that introducing a specific tracker for all locations depends on renewable resources such as wind speed and solar GHI, as well as economic inputs. Overall, for GHIs higher than 5.5 kWh/m2/day, the vertical tracker (VT) is cost-effective

    Artificial Electric Field Algorithm-Pattern Search for Many-Criteria Networks Reconfiguration Considering Power Quality and Energy Not Supplied

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    Considering different objectives and using powerful optimization methods in the distribution networks reconfiguration by accurately achieving the best network configuration can further improve network performance. In this paper, reconfiguration of radial distribution networks is performed to minimize the power loss, voltage sag, voltage unbalance, and energy not supplied (ENS) of customers using a new intelligent artificial electric field algorithm-pattern search (AEFAPS) method based on the many-criteria optimization approach. The voltage sag and voltage unbalance are defined as power quality indices and the ENS is the reliability index. In this study, the pattern search (PS) algorithm enhances the artificial electric field algorithm’s (AEFA) flexibility search both globally and locally. AEFAPS is applied to determine the decision variables as open switches of the networks considering the objective function and operational constraints. The proposed methodology based on AEFAPS is performed on an unbalanced 33-bus IEEE standard network and a real unbalanced 13-bus network. The reconfiguration problem is implemented in single-criterion and many-criteria optimization approaches to evaluate the proposed methodology’s effectiveness using different algorithms. The single-criterion results demonstrated that some power quality indices might be out of range, while all indices are within the permitted range in the many-criteria optimization approach, proving the effectiveness of the proposed many-criteria reconfiguration with logical compromise between different objectives. The results show that AEFAPS identified the network configuration optimally and different objectives are improved considerably compared to the base network. The results confirmed the superior capability of AEFAPS to obtain better objective values and lower values of losses, voltage sag, voltage unbalance, and ENS compared with conventional AEFA, particle swarm optimization (PSO), and grey wolf optimizer (GWO). Moreover, the better performance of AEFAPS is proved in solving the reconfiguration problem compared with previous studies

    Artificial Electric Field Algorithm-Pattern Search for Many-Criteria Networks Reconfiguration Considering Power Quality and Energy Not Supplied

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    Considering different objectives and using powerful optimization methods in the distribution networks reconfiguration by accurately achieving the best network configuration can further improve network performance. In this paper, reconfiguration of radial distribution networks is performed to minimize the power loss, voltage sag, voltage unbalance, and energy not supplied (ENS) of customers using a new intelligent artificial electric field algorithm-pattern search (AEFAPS) method based on the many-criteria optimization approach. The voltage sag and voltage unbalance are defined as power quality indices and the ENS is the reliability index. In this study, the pattern search (PS) algorithm enhances the artificial electric field algorithm’s (AEFA) flexibility search both globally and locally. AEFAPS is applied to determine the decision variables as open switches of the networks considering the objective function and operational constraints. The proposed methodology based on AEFAPS is performed on an unbalanced 33-bus IEEE standard network and a real unbalanced 13-bus network. The reconfiguration problem is implemented in single-criterion and many-criteria optimization approaches to evaluate the proposed methodology’s effectiveness using different algorithms. The single-criterion results demonstrated that some power quality indices might be out of range, while all indices are within the permitted range in the many-criteria optimization approach, proving the effectiveness of the proposed many-criteria reconfiguration with logical compromise between different objectives. The results show that AEFAPS identified the network configuration optimally and different objectives are improved considerably compared to the base network. The results confirmed the superior capability of AEFAPS to obtain better objective values and lower values of losses, voltage sag, voltage unbalance, and ENS compared with conventional AEFA, particle swarm optimization (PSO), and grey wolf optimizer (GWO). Moreover, the better performance of AEFAPS is proved in solving the reconfiguration problem compared with previous studies