7 research outputs found

    Aluminum Nitride Hydrolysis Enabled by Hydroxyl-Mediated Surface Proton Hopping

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    Aluminum nitride (AlN) is used extensively in the semiconductor industry as a high-thermal-conductivity insulator, but its manufacture is encumbered by a tendency to degrade in the presence of water. The propensity for AlN to hydrolyze has led to its consideration as a redox material for solar thermochemical ammonia (NH<sub>3</sub>) synthesis applications where AlN would be intentionally hydrolyzed to produce NH<sub>3</sub> and aluminum oxide (Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>), which could be subsequently reduced in nitrogen (N<sub>2</sub>) to reform AlN and reinitiate the NH<sub>3</sub> synthesis cycle. No quantitative, atomistic mechanism by which AlN, and more generally, metal nitrides react with water to become oxidized and generate NH<sub>3</sub> yet exists. In this work, we used density-functional theory (DFT) to examine the reaction mechanisms of the initial stages of AlN hydrolysis, which include: water adsorption, hydroxyl-mediated proton diffusion to form NH<sub>3</sub>, and NH<sub>3</sub> desorption. We found activation barriers (<i>E</i><sub>a</sub>) for hydrolysis of 330 and 359 kJ/mol for the cases of minimal adsorbed water and additional adsorbed water, respectively, corroborating the high observed temperatures for the onset of steam AlN hydrolysis. We predict AlN hydrolysis to be kinetically limited by the dissociation of strong Alā€“N bonds required to accumulate protons on surface N atoms to form NH<sub>3</sub>. The hydrolysis mechanism we elucidate is enabled by the diffusion of protons across the AlN surface by a hydroxyl-mediated Grotthuss mechanism. A comparison between intrinsic (<i>E</i><sub>a</sub> = 331 kJ/mol) and mediated proton diffusion (<i>E</i><sub>a</sub> = 89 kJ/mol) shows that hydroxyl-mediated proton diffusion is the predominant mechanism in AlN hydrolysis. The large activation barrier for NH<sub>3</sub> generation from AlN (<i>E</i><sub>a</sub> = 330 or 359 kJ/mol, depending on water coverage) suggests that in the design of materials for solar thermochemical ammonia synthesis, emphasis should be placed on metal nitrides with less covalent metalā€“nitrogen bonds and, thus, more-facile NH<sub>3</sub> liberation

    Stabilizing Ni Catalysts by Molecular Layer Deposition for Harsh, Dry Reforming Conditions

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    To inhibit sintering of āˆ¼5 nm supported Ni particles during dry reforming of methane (DRM), catalysts were stabilized with porous alumina grown by ABC alucone molecular layer deposition (MLD). The uncoated catalyst continuously deactivated during DRM at 973 K. In contrast, the DRM rates for the MLD-coated catalysts initially increased before stabilizing, consistent with an increase in the exposed nickel surface area with exposure to high temperatures. Post-reaction particles were smaller for the MLD-coated catalysts. Catalysts with only 5 MLD layers had higher DRM rates than the uncoated catalyst, and a sample with 10 MLD layers remained stable for 108 h

    Growth of Pt Particles on the Anatase TiO<sub>2</sub> (101) Surface

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    Growth of Pt<sub><i>n</i></sub> (<i>n</i> ā‰¤ 37) clusters on the defect-free TiO<sub>2</sub> anatase (101) surface has been studied using ab initio pseudopotential calculations based on density functional theory. Several initial configurations for clusters of 1, 2, 7, 10, and 37 atoms were relaxed to determine the most stable structures. All final optimized structures are three dimensional, suggesting that formation of island-like particles is favored over planar monolayers, as verified experimentally using Pt atomic layer deposition and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Diffusion barriers of a single Pt adatom on TiO<sub>2</sub> were calculated to understand the mobility of Pt atoms on the TiO<sub>2</sub> surface. Activation barriers of 0.86 and 1.41 eV were calculated for diffusion along the [010] and [101Ģ…] directions, respectively, indicating that Pt atoms are relatively mobile along the [010] direction at moderate temperatures. The energy barriers for a Pt atom to escape from an 11- and a 37-atom Pt cluster on (101) anatase are predicted to be 1.38 and 2.12 eV, suggesting that particle coarsening occurs by Ostwald ripening and that Ostwald ripening of deposited Pt particles is limited by atom detachment from particles as small as several tens of atoms

    First-Principles Analysis of Cation Diffusion in Mixed Metal Ferrite Spinels

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    Ferrite spinels are metal oxides used in a wide variety of applications, many of which are controlled by the diffusion of metal cations through the metal oxide lattice. In this work, we used density functional theory (DFT) to examine the diffusion of Fe, Co, and Ni cations through the Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>, CoFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>, and NiFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> ferrite spinels. We apply DFT and crystal field theory to uncover the principles that govern cation diffusion in ferrite spinels. We found that a migrating cation hops from its initial octahedral site to a neighboring octahedral vacancy via a tetrahedral metastable intermediate separated from octahedral sites by a trigonal planar transition state (TS). The cations hop with relative activation energies of Co ā‰ˆ< Fe < Ni; the ordering of the diffusion barriers is controlled by the crystal field splitting of the diffusing cation. Specifically, the barriers depend on the orbital splitting and number of electrons which must be promoted into the higher energy t<sub>2g</sub> orbitals of the tetrahedral metastable intermediate as the cations move along the minimum energy pathway of hopping. Additionally, for each diffusing cation, the barriers are inversely proportional to the spinel lattice parameter, leading to relative barriers for cation diffusion of Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> < CoFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> < NiFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>. This results from the shorter cation-O bonds at the TS for spinels with smaller lattices, which inherently possess shorter bond lengths, and consequently higher system energies at their more constricted TS geometries

    Extracting Kinetic Information from Complex Gasā€“Solid Reaction Data

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    We develop an approach for extracting gasā€“solid kinetic information from convoluted experimental data and demonstrate it on isothermal carbon dioxide splitting at high-temperature using CoFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (i.e., a ā€œhercyniteā€ cycle based on Co-doped FeAl<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>) active material. The reaction kinetics equations we derive account for competing side reactions, namely catalytic CO<sub>2</sub> splitting on and O<sub>2</sub> oxidation of doped hercynite, in addition to CO<sub>2</sub> splitting driven by the oxidation of oxygen-deficient doped hercynite. The model also accounts for experimental effects, such as detector dead time and gas mixing downstream of the reaction chamber, which obscure the intrinsic chemical processes in the raw signal. A second-order surface reaction model in relation to the extent of unreacted material and a 2.4th-order model in relation to CO<sub>2</sub> concentration were found to best describe the CO generation of the doped hercynite. Overall, the CO production capacity was found to increase with increasing reduction temperature and CO<sub>2</sub> partial pressure, in accordance with previously predicted behavior. The method outlined in this paper is generally applicable to the analysis of other convoluted gasā€“solid kinetics experiments

    Controlling Nanoscale Properties of Supported Platinum Catalysts through Atomic Layer Deposition

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    Platinum nanoparticles were grown on alumina by atomic layer deposition using either H<sub>2</sub> or O<sub>2</sub> as the second half-reaction precursor. Particle diameters could be tuned between āˆ¼1 and 2 nm by varying between use of H<sub>2</sub> and O<sub>2</sub> and by changing the number of ALD cycles. The use of H<sub>2</sub> as the second precursor led to smaller Pt particle sizes. Differences in particle size were found to be related to the availability of surface hydroxyl groups, which were monitored via in situ infrared spectroscopy during Pt ALD. Temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) of CO and diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) for adsorbed CO were used to characterize sites and coordination numbers of the nanoparticles. As expected, smaller nanoparticles had sites with lower average coordination numbers. The catalysts were evaluated for oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to propylene. Catalysts having the smallest Pt particles with the lowest coordination number (synthesized by one cycle of Pt ALD with H<sub>2</sub>) had a C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>6</sub> selectivity of 37% at 14% conversion, whereas under the same reaction conditions the selectivity was less than 1% for larger (3.6 nm) commercial Pt catalysts at 9% conversion

    Solvent Control of Surface Plasmon-Mediated Chemical Deposition of Au Nanoparticles from Alkylgold Phosphine Complexes

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    Bottom-up approaches to nanofabrication are of great interest because they can enable structural control while minimizing material waste and fabrication time. One new bottom-up nanofabrication method involves excitation of the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of a Ag surface to drive deposition of sub-15 nm Au nanoparticles from MeAuPPh<sub>3</sub>. In this work we used density functional theory to investigate the role of the PPh<sub>3</sub> ligands of the Au precursor and the effect of adsorbed solvent on the deposition process, and to elucidate the mechanism of Au nanoparticle deposition. In the absence of solvent, the calculated barrier to MeAuPPh<sub>3</sub> dissociation on the bare surface is <20 kcal/mol, making it facile at room temperature. Once adsorbed on the surface, neighboring MeAu fragments undergo ethane elimination to produce Au adatoms that cluster into Au nanoparticles. However, if the sample is immersed in benzene, we predict that the monolayer of adsorbed solvent blocks the adsorption of MeAuPPh<sub>3</sub> onto the Ag surface because the PPh<sub>3</sub> ligand is large compared to the size of the exposed surface between adsorbed benzenes. Instead, the Auā€“P bond of MeAuPPh<sub>3</sub> dissociates in solution (<i>E</i><sub>a</sub> = 38.5 kcal/mol) in the plasmon heated near-surface region followed by the adsorption of the MeAu fragment on Ag in the interstitial space of the benzene monolayer. The adsorbed benzene forces the Au precursor to react through the higher energy path of dissociation in solution rather than dissociatively adsorbing onto the bare surface. This requires a higher temperature if the reaction is to proceed at a reasonable rate and enables the control of deposition by the light induced SPR heating of the surface and nearby solution