154 research outputs found

    Discovery of Crystallized Water Ice in a Silhouette Disk in the M43 Region

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    We present the 1.9--4.2um spectra of the five bright (L<11.2) young stars associated with silhouette disks with moderate to high inclination angle of 39--80deg in the M42 and M43 regions. The water ice absorption is seen toward d121-1925 and d216-0939, while the spectra of d182-316, d183-405, and d218-354 show no water ice feature around 3.1um within the detection limits. By comparing the water ice features toward nearby stars, we find that the water ice absorption toward d121-1925 and d216-0939 most likely originates from the foreground material and the surrounding disk, respectively. The angle of the disk inclination is found to be mainly responsible for the difference of the optical depth of the water ice among the five young stars. Our results suggest that there is a critical inclination angle between 65deg and 75deg for the circumstellar disk where the water ice absorption becomes strong. The average density at the disk surface of d216-0939 was found to be 6.38x10^(-18) g cm^(-3). The water ice absorption band in the d216-0939 disk is remarkable in that the maximum optical depth of the water ice band is at a longer wavelength than detected before. It indicates that the primary carrier of the feature is purely crystallized water ice at the surface of the d216-0939 disk with characteristic size of ~0.8um, which suggests grain growth. This is the first direct detection of purely crystallized water ice in a silhouette disk.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, Accepted by Ap

    Infrared observations of the dust coma

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    The main infrared observational results were briefly reviewed at the start of this session. The new results are summarized. All of these results have yet to be synthesized into a self-consistent picture of the dust grain composition, dust production history, outburst mechanisms, and composition of the nucleus. The workshop discussion was helpful in pointing out problems faced by theorists, such as data quality, the lack of the proper theory for computing the scattering and emission of irregular particles, and in some cases the lack of optical constants of realistic materials. It is expected that the gross spectral and dynamical properties of Halley's Comet can be understood in time, even if the details of the observations and the theoretical calculations continue to vex us in the future

    Comparison of the 3.36 micrometer feature to the ISM

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    It has been noted that the 3.36 micrometer emission feature is not the same as that of any ISM band at 3.4 micrometer. This is documented herein. There is no convincing analog to the cometary 3.36 micrometer emission feature seen in the Interstellar Matter band. This fact suggests that if the carbonaceous material in comets came from the ISM, it was either further processed in the solar nebula or has a different appearance because of the different excitation environment of the sun and ISM

    MgII Absorption Lines in z=2.974 Damped Lyman-alpha System toward Gravitationally Lensed QSO APM 08279+5255: Detection of Small-scale Structure in MgII Absorbing Clouds

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    1.02-1.16 micron spectra (R ~ 7,000) of the gravitationally lensed QSO APM 08279+5255 at z_em=3.911 were obtained during the commissioning run of IRCS, the 1-5 micron near-infrared camera and spectrograph for the Subaru 8.2 m Telescope. Strong MgII doublet at 2976,2800 angstrom and FeII (2600 angstrom), FeII (2587 angstrom) absorption lines at z_abs=2.974 were clearly detected in the rest-frame UV spectra, confirming the presence of a damped Lyman-alpha system at the redshift as suggested by Petitjean et al. Also MgI (2853 angstrom) absorption line is probably detected. An analysis of the absorption lines including velocity decomposition was performed. This is a first detailed study of MgII absorption system at high redshift (z > 2.5) where the MgII doublet shifts into the near-infrared in the observer's frame. The spectra of the lensed QSO pair A and B with 0.38 arcsec separation were resolved in some exposure frames under excellent seeing condition. We extracted the MgII doublet spectra of A and B separately. Although three velocity components (v ~ -28, +5, +45 km/s) are known to exist in this MgII system (Petitjean et al.), the v ~ +45 km/s absorption line was not detected toward source B, showing that the +45 km/s MgII cloud lies only in the line of sight to the source A. Our results suggests that the size of the MgII absorbing clouds is as small as 200 pc, which corresponds to the separation of A and B at the redshift of the absorber. This is the first direct detection of the small-scale structure of MgII clouds at high-redshift, confirming the estimated cloud sizes from photoionization model by Churchill and Charlton.Comment: ApJ in press (Vol.569, 20 April 2002 issue

    The 3.4 micron emission in comets

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    Emission features near 3.4 microns were detected in comet Bradfield (1987s) on 17 Nov. 1987 UT, and, marginally, on two earlier dates, with the Cooled Grating Array Spectrometer at the NASA Infrared Radio Telescope Facility (IRTF) (Brooke et al., 1988b). The central wavelength (3.36 microns) and width (approx. 0.15 microns) of the strongest feature coincide with those observed in comet Halley. A weaker emission feature at 3.52 microns and a strong feature extending shortward of 2.9 microns were also detected. This brings the number of comets in which these three features have been seen to three, two new (Bradfield, Wilson) and one old (Halley). It seems almost certain that the 3.4 micron features are emissions by C-H groups in complex molecules. Based on the similarity of the 3.4 micron features in comets Halley and Wilson, the authors suggest that a particular set of organic compounds may be common to all comets (Brooke et al. 1988a). The absence of the feature in some comets could then be due to photodestruction or evaporation of the organics when the comet approaches the sun, in combination with a predominance of thermal emission from non C-H emitting grains. Detection of the 3.4 micron emission feature in comet Bradfield at 4 = 0.9 AU provides support for this argument. Complex organics in comets could have been formed by particle irradiation of parent ices in the nucleus or been incorporated as grains at the time the comets formed. Since the most heavily irradiated layers of Halley would have been lost in its hundreds of perihelion passages, the authors believe the more likely explanation is that the 3.4 micron emitting material was incorporated in comet nuclei at the time of formation. The 3.4 micron comet feature resembles, but is not identical to, the interstellar 3.29 micron (and longer wavelength) emission features and the broad 3.4 micron feature seen in absorption toward the Galactic center. Detailed comparisons of cometary and interstellar organics will require comet spectra with signal-to-noise and spectral resolution comparable to that available in spectra of the interstellar medium. Such observations are currently being planned