10 research outputs found

    The role of work volition and organizational commitment in the relationship between total rewards and employee retention

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    In the last few decades, retention of employees has become a real issue in public and private organisations because of the openness and liberalisation of global economy. These organisations have implemented various reward oriented schemes to improve employees? work effectiveness and efficiencies. The key purpose of these schemes is to retain valuable human capital and make employees more committed at the work place. A number of empirical studies and anecdotal evidences indicated employee retention is becoming a dilemma in private and public organisations particularly in the higher education sector. The study explored the phenomena of employee retention and total rewards by examining the mediating role of organisational commitment and job satisfaction. In addition, the moderating role of work volition between total rewards and job satisfaction was examined. This study employed quantitative methods for data collection and analysis. Based on multistage random sampling technique, a survey was conducted among faculty members of higher educational institutions in Pakistan. Approximately 289 completed questionnaires were received from the targeted population. Data checking, preparation, screening, normality, descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and hypotheses were tested using Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS- 21). The key findings indicated that total reward has a significant impact on job satisfaction, organisational commitment and employee retention. These findings also showed that work volition significantly moderated the relationship between total reward and faculty member?s job satisfaction in the higher educational institutions. Theoretically, the research has implications in the existing state of knowledge by proposing a noble policy and practice for the higher education sector of Pakistan

    The role of hospital service quality in developing the satisfaction of the patients and hospital performance

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    This paper aimed to examine a conceptual model for the relationships between hospital service quality, patient satisfaction, hospital utilization, and hospital financial performance. A total of 176 hospitals was selected from California State for this study. The standardized performance measures were used together with precisely defined specifications and standardized data collection protocols. First, an exploratory factor analysis with Varimax rotation was performed. The measurement prop-erties were then assessed in a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The analysis results show that quality had a significant effect on satisfaction, which, in turn, affected the financial performance. The results provide support for the previous findings indicated that service quality was positively associated with patient satisfaction and that satisfaction and utilization had a significant positive effect on financial performance. The analysis results provide support for the previous findings that hospital service quality is positively related to patient satisfaction. The findings also show that patient satisfaction and hospital utilization have a significant positive effect on hospital financial performance

    Effects of social support on faculty workload and performance

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    The current study has examined the interaction between social support and workload for predicting the work related performance of academic staff in Pakistan. A self administered questionnaire was distributed among a sample of 400 academic staff working in the six universities of Pakistan. Data was analyzed through multivariate statistics like Factor Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results of current study showed that workload was negatively related with the work performance, where social support significantly moderated the negative relationship between workload and performance. The findings of this study have provided new insights on interaction between workload, social support and performance in academia of Pakistan through empirically testing the JD-R theory. This study recommends the proper utilization of personal resources at individual and organizational levels for managing workload and performance related problems in academia of Pakistan

    Research productivity and economic growth: A policy lesson learnt from across the globe

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    The relationship between research productivity and economic growth is the subject of information science which deals in this study to examine the impact of number of publications, research & development (R&D) expenditures and researchers involved in R&D activities on economic growth in the World’s largest regions for the period of 1980–2011. The study further expanded the research-growth nexus in the context of top twenty nations in terms of research output for the field of science and social sciences. The results confirmed the long-run relationship between research output and economic growth; while there is bidirectional causality between real economic growth and number of publication, in United States, Italy, Spain, Australia, India, Netherlands, Brazil, Switzerland, Taiwan, and Poland. Similarly, there is two-way causal relationship between real economic growth and R&D expenditures in USA, China, UK, Japan, India, Switzerland, Taiwan, Sweden, and Turkey. Finally, there is evident of feedback hypothesis between real economic growth and researchers involved in R&D activities in the USA, UK, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. The direction of causality is crucial because it has significantly policy implications for economic development

    Impact of Knowledge Sharing on Sustainable Performance: Mediating Role of Employee’s Ambidexterity

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    The prime objective of the current study is to examine the impact of knowledge sharing and employee ambidexterity on the sustainable performance of manufacturing firms operating in the KPK province of Pakistan. In addition to this, the study has examined the mediating role of employees’ ambidexterity in the relationship between knowledge sharing and sustainable performance. The final sample included 240 respondents, which represented a response rate of 68%. The study employed SEM-PLS for data analysis. The results indicate that the employee’s ambidexterity fully mediates between knowledge sharing and sustainable performance. Knowledge sharing appears as a significant determinant of employees’ ambidexterity and sustainable performance. Meanwhile, the employee’s ambidexterity also has a positive and significant relationship with sustainable performance. In the field of Management Sciences and other disciplines, knowledge sharing is considered a significant field of study. Globally, very little research has targeted these variables. This research offers conceptual highlights for developing the influence of knowledge sharing on the sustainable performance of employees particularly in the manufacturing sector

    Measuring the ecological footprint of inbound and outbound tourists:evidence from a panel of 35 countries

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    The ecological footprint of tourism is imperative to assess for United Nation’s environmental sustainable agenda that is provoked for healthy visitation of tourists without damaging natural environment. This would ultimately reap economic and environmental benefts to sustained international tourism. This study examined the relationship between international tourism indicators, air pollutants, and ecological biodiversity underlying the premises of environmental Kuznets curve in the panel of 35 tourists-induced countries for the period of 1995–2016. The study used panel fxed efect and panel twostage least square regression technique for robust inferences. The results confrmed the following key points, i.e., (1) the U-shaped relationship found between inbound tourists and mono-nitrogen oxide (NOx), where inbound tourists initially do not emanate the NOx emissions, while at the later stages, the level of NOx emissions substantially raises the required strong policy intervention to reduce emissions and provide tourists safe and healthy destinations, (2) inbound tourists linked with the biodiversity loss, and it increases carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a panel of potential habitat area, while it decreases NOx and SO2 emissions, (4) international tourists’ departure exercised the ‘rebound efect’ on the ecosystem and air pollutants across countries, (5) there is a monotonic increasing relationship between outbound tourists and ecological footprint, while there is a fat/no relationship between outbound tourists, NOx, CO2, SO2, and GHG emissions, and (6) the food management practices supported the ecological diversity, and it reduces the carbon ‘foodprint,’ while it substantially increases SO2 emissions in outbound tourists’ model. The study emphasized the need for sustainable tourism infrastructure that conserves our natural environment and reduces climatic variability across the globe

    The impact of human resource practices on employee retention in the telecom sector

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    This study examines the human resource (HR) practices that promote employee retention. Effective HR practices can reduce employee turnover and increase retention within an organization. Key employees are the instrument for overall growth and development of an organization. This study focuses on telecom sector of Pakistan. The most important HR practices have been identified with the help of literature. These practices are training and development, compensation and culture. A questionnaire was developed in this study with the help of literature to measure the identified HR practices and employee retention. The sample size of this study was 250. Regression analysis was performed to analyse the data. The results of multiple regressions revealed a significant impact of HR practices on employee retention. Compensation and culture has a positive relationship with employee retention whereas training and development has a negative one. This study guides the management to devise the effective strategies to improve the employee retention