13 research outputs found

    PMT : opposition based learning technique for enhancing metaheuristic algorithms performance

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    Metaheuristic algorithms have shown promising performance in solving sophisticated real-world optimization problems. Nevertheless, many metaheuristic algorithms are still suffering from a low convergence rate because of the poor balance between exploration (i.e. roaming new potential search areas) and exploitation (i.e., exploiting the existing neighbors). In some complex problems, the convergence rate can still be poor owing to becoming trapped in local optima. Opposition-based learning (OBL) has shown promising results to address the aforementioned issue. Nonetheless, OBL-based solutions often consider one particular direction of the opposition. Considering only one direction can be problematic as the best solution may come in any of a multitude of directions. Addressing these OBL limitations, this research proposes a new general OBL technique inspired by a natural phenomenon of parallel mirrors systems called the Parallel Mirrors Technique (PMT). Like existing OBL-based approaches, the PMT generates new potential solutions based on the currently selected candidate. Unlike existing OBL-based techniques, the PMT generates more than one candidate in multiple solution-space directions. To evaluate the PMT’s performance and adaptability, the PMT was applied to four contemporary metaheuristic algorithms, Differential Evolution, Particle Swarm Optimization, Simulated Annealing, and Whale Optimization Algorithm, to solve 15 well-known benchmark functions as well as 2 real world problems based on the welded beam design and pressure vessel design. Experimentally, the PMT shows promising results by accelerating the convergence rate against the original algorithms with the same number of fitness evaluations comparing to the original metaheuristic algorithms in benchmark functions and real-world optimization problems

    “Less Give More”: Evaluate and zoning Android applications

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    The Android security mechanism is the first approach to protect data, system resource as well as reduce the impact of malware. Past malware studies tend to investigate the novel approaches of preventing, detecting and responding to malware threats but little attention has been given to the area of risk assessment. This paper aims to fill that gap by presenting a risk assessment approach that evaluate the risk zone for an application. The permission-based approach is presented for evaluating and zoning the Android applications (EZADroid), based on risk assessment. The EZADroid applies the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a decision factor to calculate the risk value. A total of 5000 benign and 5000 malware applications were drawn from the AndroZoo and Drebin datasets for evaluation. Results showed that the EZADroid had achieved 89.82% accuracy rate in classifying the application into a different level of risk zones (i.e. very low, low, medium, and high

    Opposition-based Whale Optimization Algorithm

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    The Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) is a newly proposed metaheuristic optimization algorithm, which simulate humpback whales hunting behavior. Like other population-based algorithms, WOA generate its population randomly during the exploration and exploitation phases, which could generate values far from the optimum solution or stuck the exploration around local optima. In order to improve solution accuracy and reliability, this paper proposes a new algorithm based on WOA. The new algorithm called Opposition-based Whale Optimization (OWOA). The OWOA use the Opposition-based method to enhance Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) performance. The OWOA looks for the solution in the opposite direction of suggested values to test if the opposite select has better solution. The OWOA is tested and compared with the original algorithm WOA and other metaheuristic methods. The benchmark results prove the efficiency of the OWOA being more efficient than WOA

    PMT: opposition-based learning technique for enhancing meta-heuristic performance

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    Meta-heuristic algorithms have shown promising performance in solving sophisticated real-world optimization problems. Nevertheless, many meta-heuristic algorithms are still suffering from a low convergence rate because of the poor balance between exploration (i.e., roaming new potential search areas) and exploitation (i.e., exploiting the existing neighbors). In some complex problems, the convergence rate can still be poor owing to becoming trapped in local optima. Addressing these issues, this research proposes a new general opposition-based learning (OBL) technique inspired by a natural phenomenon of parallel mirrors systems called the parallel mirrors technique (PMT). Like existing OBL-based approaches, the PMT generates new potential solutions based on the currently selected candidate. Unlike existing OBL-based techniques, the PMT generates more than one candidate in multiple solution-space directions. To evaluate the PMT's performance and adaptability, the PMT has been applied to four contemporary meta-heuristic algorithms, differential evolution (DE), particle swarm optimization (PSO), simulated annealing (SA), and whale optimization algorithm (WOA), to solve 15 well-known benchmark functions. The experimentally, the PMT shows promising results by accelerating the convergence rate against the original algorithms with the same number of fitness evaluations

    Comprehensive review of the development of the harmony search algorithm and its applications

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    This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the development of the harmony search (HS) algorithm and its applications. HS is a well-known human-based meta-heuristic algorithm that mimics the process of creating a new harmony in music. This algorithm can be applied to different fields of research, owing to its ability to balance between exploitation (i.e., searching around the known best) and exploration (i.e., roaming the entire search space). Thus, numerous studies have been conducted to utilize HS in real-world optimization problems, and many variants and hybrid algorithms of HS have been developed to cope with different problems. In this paper, HS and its variants are reviewed from various aspects. First, we describe the HS algorithm and present how its parameters affect algorithm performance. Second, we describe HS classifications based on the well-known HS variants and hybrid algorithms, along with their applications. Finally, a discussion conducted on the strengths and weaknesses of the HS algorithm and the possibilities for its improvement. Focusing on related work from diverse fields (such as optimization, engineering, computer science, biology, and medicine), this paper can foster interests on the application of HS for multidisciplinary audiences

    Comparative Performance Analysis of Bat Algorithm and Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm using Standard Benchmark Functions

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    Optimization problem relates to finding the best solution from all feasible solutions. Over the last 30 years, many meta-heuristic algorithms have been developed in the literature including that of Simulated Annealing (SA), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Harmony Search Algorithm (HS) to name a few. In order to help engineers make a sound decision on the selection amongst the best meta-heuristic algorithms for the problem at hand, there is a need to assess the performance of each algorithm against common case studies. Owing to the fact that they are new and much of their relative performance are still unknown (as compared to other established meta-heuristic algorithms), Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFO) and Bat Algorithm (BA) have been adopted for comparison using the 12 selected benchmark functions. In order to ensure fair comparison, both BFO and BA are implemented using the same data structure and the same language and running in the same platform (i.e. Microsoft Visual C# with .Net Framework 4.5). We found that BFO gives more accurate solution as compared to BA (with the same number of iterations). However, BA exhibits faster convergence rat

    Solving 0/1 Knapsack Problem Using Hybrid HS and Jaya Algorithms

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    Knapsack problem is a combinatorial optimization problem, where a fixed-size Knapsack must be filled with the most valuable items. Solving knapsack problem consider NP hard problem and many previous research tried to find optimal solution for it. In this research, a new hybrid algorithm of Harmony search and Jaya search algorithms applied on 0/1 Knapsack problem to find a near optimal results. HS algorithm has been modified to handle the 0/1 Knapsack problem, such as adding penalty function to cope the weight condition, exclude the harmony search bandwidth (bw) parameter, and use the current best result in the next iteration to obtain a better result. The new hybrid algorithm has been applied on different cases of Knapsack problem with different dimensions. 20 case studies have been evaluated by the new hybrid algorithm. The results obtained are competitive to previous HS variants that used to solve Knapsack problem

    Modified Opposition Based Learning to Improve Harmony Search Variants Exploration

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    Harmony Search Algorithm (HS) is a well-known optimization algorithm with strong and robust exploitation process. HS such as many optimization algorithms suffers from a weak exploration and susceptible to fall in local optima. Owing to its weaknesses, many variants of HS were introduced in the last decade to improve its performance. The Opposition-based learning and its variants have been successfully employed to improve many optimization algorithms, including HS. Opposition-based learning variants enhanced the explorations and help optimization algorithms to avoid local optima falling. Thus, inspired by a new opposition-based learning variant named modified opposition-based learning (MOBL), this research employed the MOBL to improve five well-known variants of HS. The new improved variants are evaluated using nine classical benchmark function and compared with the original variants to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed technique. The results show that MOBL improved the HS variants in term of exploration and convergence rate

    Hybrid Harmony Search Algorithm with Grey Wolf Optimizer and Modified Opposition-based Learning

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    Most metaheuristic algorithms, including harmony search (HS), suffer from parameter selection. Many variants have been developed to cope with this problem and improve algorithm performance. In this paper, a hybrid algorithm of HS with grey wolf optimizer (GWO) has been developed to solve the problem of HS parameter selection. Then, a modified version of opposition-based learning technique has been applied on the hybrid algorithm to improve the HS exploration because HS easily gets trapped into local optima. Two HS parameters were automatically updated using GWO, namely, pitch adjustment rate and bandwidth. The proposed hybrid algorithm for global optimization problems is called GWO-HS. GWO-HS was evaluated using 24 classical benchmark functions with 30 state-of-the-art benchmark functions from CEC2014. Then, GWO-HS has been compared with recent HS variants and other well-known metaheuristic algorithms. Results show that the GWO-HS is superior over the old HS variants and other well-known metaheuristics in terms of accuracy and speed process

    “Less Give More”: Evaluate and zoning Android applications

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    The Android security mechanism is the first approach to protect data, system resource as well as reduce the impact of malware. Past malware studies tend to investigate the novel approaches of preventing, detecting and responding to malware threats but little attention has been given to the area of risk assessment. This paper aims to fill that gap by presenting a risk assessment approach that evaluate the risk zone for an application. The permission-based approach is presented for evaluating and zoning the Android applications (EZADroid), based on risk assessment. The EZADroid applies the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a decision factor to calculate the risk value. A total of 5000 benign and 5000 malware applications were drawn from the AndroZoo and Drebin datasets for evaluation. Results showed that the EZADroid had achieved 89.82% accuracy rate in classifying the application into a different level of risk zones (i.e. very low, low, medium, and high)