1 research outputs found

    Shelterwood systems in Estonian forests – review of studies and establishment of Järvselja study plot

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    Turberaie meetod on metsakasvatuslik võte, mille käigus raiutakse mets korduvate raiejärkudega. Nii säilitatakse osa vanast metsast, mis omakorda pakub turvet looduslikule uuendusele. Antud töös analüüsiti uuringute abil turberaiete kasutamist ning kujunemist Eestis. Kirjeldatakse erinevaid turberaieviise ning hinnatakse turberaietega kaasnevaid tegureid. Ühtlasi rajati turberaiete analüüsimiseks katseala. Leiti, et turberaied on olnud Eesti metsanduses kasutusel juba pikka aega. Kuid alles peale Teist maailmasõida hakkas selguma, et turberaiete kasutamine ei ole alati igal pool õigustatud. Kasutatud on turberaiete analoogseid meetodeid ning nende erinevaid kombinatsioone. Eelkõige tuleb turberaie valikul lähtuda puuliigist ning kasvukoha omadustest. Iga puistu on veidi erinev ning juhinduma peab puistu kohapealsest olukorrast lähtuvalt. Võib järeldada, et turberaied pakuvad metsa uuendamisel lageraie kõrval olulisi hüvesid ka tulevikus.Shelterwood method is a silvicultural technique by which a whole forest is cut in a series of partial cuttings. In this way some part of the old forest is maintained and in turns it offers shelter effect to natural regeneration. This paper analyzes the development and use of shelterwood cutting in Estonia by a number of researches. It describes a variety of shelterwood tehniques and evaluates shelterwood associated factors. There is also founded a test area to analyze shelterwood cutting. It was found that shelterwood cutting has been used in Estonian forestry for a long time. But it was after the Second World War when it began apparent that shelterwood cutting is not always justified in some places. Some methods that are similar to shelterwood and their various combinations has been used. In particular, choosing the appropriate shelterwood method should be according to tree species and site characteristics. Each stand is a bit different from another and therefore it must be guided according to sites local situation. It can be concluded that shelterwood cuttings are continuing to offer important benefits in the future as well