43 research outputs found

    Les décisions de l'Office de la langue française en vertu de l'article 46 de la « Charte de la langue française »

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    The prohibition of an employer to require the knowledge of a language other than French as condition of employment, enacted by section 46 of the Charter of the French Language, can be dismissed when the nature of the duties requires the knowledge of another language. The burden of proof however is on the employer. Exceptionnally, the Charter has granted the Office de la langue française a quasi-judiciary power « to decide any dispute » concerning this requirement. This article deals with the first decisions pronounced which specify accessibility to the above procedure (Part one) and define criteria concerning the knowledge of another language (Part two)

    Le statut des obligations en droit international privé

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    Le régime des obligations en droit international privé québécois est profondément modifié par l’Avant-projet de loi portant réforme du Code civil. Pour apprécier les nouvelles règles, il faut analyser les dispositions générales de droit international privé avant d'étudier les règles spécifiques au statut des obligations. Les dispositions générales établissent un nouvel équilibre entre les règles unilatérales et les règles bilatérales ainsi qu'une clause échappatoire fondée sur le lien le plus étroit. Le statut des obligations est marqué par une volonté de validation formelle et une application large des principes d'autonomie et de proximité. Les dispositions particulières, de natures diverses, souffrent de certains problèmes d'interprétation. Dans l'ensemble, une bonne structure de base qui a besoin de certaines améliorations.The system of obligations in Québec private international law is undergoing indepth changes by virtue of the Draft Bill reforming the Civil Code. For an enhanced appreciation of these new rules, general provisions of international private law must be analysed prior to examining rules specific to the status of obligations. The general provisions strike a mean between unilateral and bilateral rules as well as an escape clause based on the closest bond. The status of obligations is characterized by a will for formal validation and a wide application of the principles underlying autonomy and proximity. Specific provisions of diverse nature cause difficulties in interpretation. All in all, it has a good basic structure which needs some improvements

    Introduction. Théorie et réalité de l'égalité juridique des langues au Canada

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    This introduction includes a résumé ofpanels and debates of the colloquium organised conjointly by the Faculty of law and the International Center for Reseach on Bilingualism in November 1982. Papers presented at that occasion are published thereafter

    La succession d'un Québécois domicilié en France

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    Injonction interlocutoire - Mandamus - Immunité de la Couronne – Discrétion administrative - Paiement de subventions

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    The function of interlocutory injunctions is changing in Quebec procedural law. Its field of operation is extending and the case of Driscoll College v. Morin opens up new perspectives as regards four points : the use of mandamus, Crown immunity, administrative discretion and the power to order the payment of a sum of money. Yet it seems that new difficulties will rise before long, which may require a complete reassessment of the interlocutory injunction's role in Quebec law