345 research outputs found

    ELIE-minating poverty? Limits of the mechanism and potential improvements

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    Using French data, we show that ELIE performs rather weakly when it comes to addressing the issue of poverty. Yet, eliminating poverty is also a valid normative property of any redistribution mechanism. We suggest combining ELIE with another redistributive solution aimed specifically at alleviating poverty: the personal allowance (PERAL) mechanism (Leroux, 2004 and 2007). We argue that ELIE and the PERAL mechanism, more than being compatible, are in fact complementary.

    Modelling bargaining behaviors within biotech clusters - Towards the "power of the weak" emergence?

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    If spatial and industrial economics theorical models, such as industrial districts, clusters, or learning regions propose a large analysis of differentiated coordination mecanisms, it however not really takes into account behavior of dispute dynamics, such as conflict of bargaining and power, which can explain both diversity and ambivalence of local coordinations. So, our purpose in this contribution is to bring to light that bargaining and power conflicts are at stake in coordinations structuration within territories. We base this contribution on Artificial Life simulations involving public and private local actors who bargain to share a local resource using more or less sophisticated strategies. On a methodologic point of view, our thought is based on an empirical established fact. Analysis of a biotechnology cluster in Toulouse-France (Leroux I., 2002, 2004) indeed contributes to bring to light that coordinations involving pharmaceutical industry, local communities and local research laboratories are based on direct or indirect evolving domination and concession bargaining games. If industrial firms play "the power of the weak" game, making concession of their decision power to public research laboratories, they endeavour systematically to exerce an influence or a discrimination power, by using hided and indirect means that forward by local communities.Starting from this established fact, we propose Artificial Life simulations of local bargaining games, inspired from the T. Ellingsen (1997) bargaining evolutionnary game. This is a Nash demand game under ultimatum. It leads to the interaction of obstinate agents whose demands are independent of those of the adversaries, and sophisticated agents who adapt their demand to that hoped for of their adversaries rather than gain nothing. As a result, our simulations show that bargainings between these local actors lead to an agreement which is not a perfect share, or an "universal" rule, but a compromise frequently hiding complex mecanisms of domination and concession. The main contribution of these simulations, which are based on genetic algorithms, is to put in a prominent position the variations of behavioral rules. We show how bargaining is an evolving processus based on domination and concession behaviors (influence, coercion,…) bringing to light the T. Schelling (1960) "power of the weak". This result brings to the fore the question of flexibility and phasing dynamics of power behaviors in local coordination bargainings. This model can contributes to open new researches focused on power and conflict strategies within local coordinations.

    Quel projet pour l'Ă©conomie sociale ?

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    Par tradition militante, mêlée à un vieux fond de culture marxiste, les défenseurs et promoteurs de l' "économie sociale" la présentent volontiers comme " une alternative au capitalisme " ! Pour rendre leur perspective crédible et montrer que la relève du "mode de production dominant " est en marche, ils ne craignent pas d'affronter la dure réalité comptable, qui donne au secteur capitaliste un poids sept fois plus élevé que celui reconnu à l' "économie sociale", dans la production des richesses (le PIB). Cette façon de militer en faveur de l' "économie sociale" est ce que nous appelons la stratégie du modèle. Autant le dire tout de suite, cette stratégie nous paraît à la fois erronée dans ses tenants et contre-productive dans ses aboutissants. Erronée, car ce qui est fondamentalement en cause n'est pas tant le capitalisme que le système de valeurs qui l'instrumentalise : l'idéologie néo-libérale. Contre-productive, parce que l' "économie sociale" peut jouer un rôle crucial dans l'émergence de la société de demain, mais à la condition expresse de l'utiliser à bon escient : en démontrant qu'il est possible d' "entreprendre autrement ", l' "économie sociale" nous aide à comprendre qu'il est certainement possible de vivre notre société différemment. C'est ce que nous appelons la stratégie de l'exemple

    L'ALLOCATION PERSONNELLE. Une nouvelles approche de l'assistance : entre solidarité et entraide

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    Avec son objectif affiché d'éliminer la pauvreté en France, l' « allocation personnelle » explore une nouvelle approche institutionnelle de l'assistance. Pour mieux saisir en quoi cette proposition rompt avec les pratiques existantes ou en débat, ce texte vise à situer le dispositif de l' « allocation personnelle » par rapport aux concepts qui règlent notre rapport politique à la pauvreté.Porter assistance à autrui est un acte qui peut tout aussi bien relever de la sphère privée que de la sphère sociale. Dans la sphère privée, la conscience du sujet est le principal législateur du comportement et la vertu morale qui sert de référence est la générosité (ou son pendant religieux : la charité). Dans la sphère sociale, le premier codificateur du comportement individuel est l'institution et la valeur sociale invoquée est la fraternité.Les institutions utilisées pour lutter contre la pauvreté actualisent la fraternité sous l'une des trois formes archétypiques suivantes : la solidarité, l'altruisme et l'entraide.La particularité de l' « allocation personnelle » est d'articuler au sein d'un même dispositif la solidarité et l'entraide.Assistance ; pauvreté ; solidarité ; éthique

    Modelling bargaining behaviors within biotech clusters - Towards the "power of the weak" emergence?

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    If spatial and industrial economics theorical models, such as industrial districts, clusters, or learning regions propose a large analysis of differentiated coordination mecanisms, it however not really takes into account behavior of dispute dynamics, such as conflict of bargaining and power, which can explain both diversity and ambivalence of local coordinations. So, our purpose in this contribution is to bring to light that bargaining and power conflicts are at stake in coordinations structuration within territories. We base this contribution on Artificial Life simulations involving public and private local actors who bargain to share a local resource using more or less sophisticated strategies. On a methodologic point of view, our thought is based on an empirical established fact. Analysis of a biotechnology cluster in Toulouse-France (Leroux I., 2002, 2004) indeed contributes to bring to light that coordinations involving pharmaceutical industry, local communities and local research laboratories are based on direct or indirect evolving domination and concession bargaining games. If industrial firms play "the power of the weak" game, making concession of their decision power to public research laboratories, they endeavour systematically to exerce an influence or a discrimination power, by using hided and indirect means that forward by local communities.Starting from this established fact, we propose Artificial Life simulations of local bargaining games, inspired from the T. Ellingsen (1997) bargaining evolutionnary game. This is a Nash demand game under ultimatum. It leads to the interaction of obstinate agents whose demands are independent of those of the adversaries, and sophisticated agents who adapt their demand to that hoped for of their adversaries rather than gain nothing. As a result, our simulations show that bargainings between these local actors lead to an agreement which is not a perfect share, or an "universal" rule, but a compromise frequently hiding complex mecanisms of domination and concession. The main contribution of these simulations, which are based on genetic algorithms, is to put in a prominent position the variations of behavioral rules. We show how bargaining is an evolving processus based on domination and concession behaviors (influence, coercion,…) bringing to light the T. Schelling (1960) "power of the weak". This result brings to the fore the question of flexibility and phasing dynamics of power behaviors in local coordination bargainings. This model can contributes to open new researches focused on power and conflict strategies within local coordinations

    Decomposition of Decidable First-Order Logics over Integers and Reals

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    We tackle the issue of representing infinite sets of real- valued vectors. This paper introduces an operator for combining integer and real sets. Using this operator, we decompose three well-known logics extending Presburger with reals. Our decomposition splits a logic into two parts : one integer, and one decimal (i.e. on the interval [0,1]). We also give a basis for an implementation of our representation

    Poetry Movements in Taiwan from the 1950s to the late 1970s: Breaks and Continuities

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    The period between 1950 and the late 1970s saw the birth of modern poetry in Taiwan and its emergence from a “rebellion” that took place both within and against the overarching influence of classical poetry, which it finally replaced.  During this period it created its own language and cultural space, and finally found its rightful place among the general cultural activities of the time. At a time when "poets could not avoid forming alliances", as Yü Kwang-chung (余光中) has observed, the journals and the movements for which they provided a voice and a rallying point, played an essential part in encouraging reflection on the nature and role of contemporary poetry, and in developing its language. In addition to the poems they published, the authors they introduced, and the translations of foreign works they made known, each of these journals expressed clearly defined theoretical choices, and made their own contribution to what came to be known in Taiwan as the modern poem (現代詩, xiandaishi)

    A theoretical framework for trading experiments

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    A general framework is suggested to describe human decision making in a certain class of experiments performed in a trading laboratory. We are in particular interested in discerning between two different moods, or states of the investors, corresponding to investors using fundamental investment strategies, technical analysis investment strategies respectively. Our framework accounts for two opposite situations already encountered in experimental setups: i) the rational expectations case, and ii) the case of pure speculation. We consider new experimental conditions which allow both elements to be present in the decision making process of the traders, thereby creating a dilemma in terms of investment strategy. Our theoretical framework allows us to predict the outcome of this type of trading experiments, depending on such variables as the number of people trading, the liquidity of the market, the amount of information used in technical analysis strategies, as well as the dividends attributed to an asset. We find that it is possible to give a qualitative prediction of trading behavior depending on a ratio that quantifies the fluctuations in the model

    Quel projet pour l'Ă©conomie sociale ?

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    Par tradition militante, mêlée à un vieux fond de culture marxiste, les défenseurs et promoteurs de l' "économie sociale" la présentent volontiers comme " une alternative au capitalisme " ! Pour rendre leur perspective crédible et montrer que la relève du "mode de production dominant " est en marche, ils ne craignent pas d'affronter la dure réalité comptable, qui donne au secteur capitaliste un poids sept fois plus élevé que celui reconnu à l' "économie sociale", dans la production des richesses (le PIB). Cette façon de militer en faveur de l' "économie sociale" est ce que nous appelons la stratégie du modèle. Autant le dire tout de suite, cette stratégie nous paraît à la fois erronée dans ses tenants et contre-productive dans ses aboutissants. Erronée, car ce qui est fondamentalement en cause n'est pas tant le capitalisme que le système de valeurs qui l'instrumentalise : l'idéologie néo-libérale. Contre-productive, parce que l' "économie sociale" peut jouer un rôle crucial dans l'émergence de la société de demain, mais à la condition expresse de l'utiliser à bon escient : en démontrant qu'il est possible d' "entreprendre autrement ", l' "économie sociale" nous aide à comprendre qu'il est certainement possible de vivre notre société différemment. C'est ce que nous appelons la stratégie de l'exemple.économie sociale ; idéologie ; capitalisme ; néo-libéralisme ; Hayek ; Polanyi


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