45 research outputs found
A rhetorical foundation of international negotiations. Callières on peace politics
The negotiation theory that François de Callières (1645-1716) built promotes peace politics in the international arena. First, we develop the political rationality that prevailed in the 17th Century, essentially under the realm of Louis XIV. European power politics is dominated by the recurrence of wars. In that context, negotiation is crucial, but essentially conceived as a means at the disposal of a bellicose agenda. Afterwards, Callières is shown to propose a more ambitious alternative vision for future negotiators, and suggests they could be the key-players in peace politics, as long as the use of powerful persuasion serves legitimate ends. Then European nations, with the interdependence of their interests can form one republic aspiring to common prosperity.Negotiation Theory; Diplomatic Negotiation; Callières; Louis XIV; War politics; Peace politics; Persuasion; Rhetoric; Interdependence of interests; Europe
Identifying some obstacles from intuition to a successful mediation process
Intuition and common beliefs can sometimes misguide the mediator and be obstacles to the success of mediation, when they are linked to behaviors which likely induce negative consequences in the process. Following four different stages of a mediation session, this paper names a series of such obstacles and explores their underlying intuitions, as well as their subsequent usual behavior and its rather negative effects. Each time, alternative strategies that increase expectations of success are suggested, with their expected outcome. This paper combines a descriptive approach of obstacles which increase the chance of a negative process and mediation failure, with a prescriptive approach of alternative behaviors that increase the chance of a positive process and mediation success.Mediation; Success; Failure; Obstacles; Process; Intuition; Mediator’s Behavior; Descriptive Approach; Prescriptive Approach
Contractualiser le processus en médiation
While facilitating the resolution of a conflict, the mediator must pay attention to process. In our prescriptive model, mediation process is structured in six steps: session introduction, successive exploration of facts, needs, options, and commitment, and final conclusion. The proposed model aims at increasing the probability of mediation success, and at allowing parties to remain in charge of conflict settlement and to agree on the way of proceeding step by step. It is built on the basis of good practices and recommendations from effective mediation management, and more broadly from a facilitative model of negotiation between parties.Mediation; Mediation success; Mediator’s role; Negotiation facilitation; Susbtance; Relationship; Process; Communication rules; Mediation method agreement; Active listening
Conflit d'intérêt économique entre avocats et clients : la questions des honoraires
In the line of the agency question, the lawyer/client relationship cannot escape the risk of conflict of interests. This text broadly redefines the nature of this conflict, and links it to an important source of tension, i.e. fees. We study three types of billing : contingency fees, hourly, and alternative billing. Besides billing structures, we examine their influence on this latent conflict, and propose a few ways of managing and preventing tensions.Agency question; Principal/agent tension; Lawyer; Conflict of interests; Tension management; Billing structure; Contingency fees; Hourly billing; Alternative billing
La puissance de joie en médiation, ou la composition des rapports
Published: April 2021Quand Jean-Pierre Bonafé-Schmitt m’a suggéré de rédiger un billet d’humeur, il a touché au coeur de notre sujet. En effet, la médiation donne à voir les humeurs des parties et a tout à faire pour une expansion exponentielle de la bonne humeur. Elle travaille sur les mauvaises humeurs ancrées ou passagères des parties, d’abord impuissantes à composer entre elles, accompagnant des états de dégradation avancée de leurs rapports. Elle ne vise rien moins que de produire autant que possible un renversement d’humeur, une recomposition de rapports qui active la puissance de joie. Mon objet sera de rendre compte de ce passage de la « décomposition des rapports – mauvaises humeurs – puissance amoindrie » vers la « recomposition des rapports – bonne humeur – puissance renforcée ». Je montrerai, en première partie, l’acceptation, au départ ou en cours de route, d’humeurs asymétriques entre médiateur joyeux et parties tristes, et en seconde partie, l’installation, au coeur du dispositif mis en place, d’une joie communicative qui gagne les participants. À titre d’illustration, je puiserai dans mon expérience en Afrique des Grands Lacs171 et au Proche-Orient
Negotiation power : how humanitarian frontliners get things done with hard bargainers
Published online: 17 October 2023Hard bargainers are known to dictate terms. Humanitarian frontliners confront them daily. Some state and nonstate counterparts, guided by military necessity, are deemed so overpowering that it seems impossible to negotiate humanitarian necessity with them. And yet, humanitarians leverage negotiations with quite an edge. They construct working relationships and creative solutions to get access and deliver humanitarian aid to those affected by conflict. Humanitarians shape a responsible approach that can enrich the understanding of negotiation power. Guided by humanitarian principles, they do not exercise a power over anyone but leverage a power of getting things done with counterparts, through relational, transactional, and process moves. The purpose of this article is both descriptive and prescriptive. On the one hand, it provides examples to document humanitarian negotiation practices of empowerment and to contribute to a general theory of negotiation power. On the other hand, the article provides some recommendations from negotiation theory to empower humanitarians. Indirectly, by analyzing and supporting the power of humanitarian frontliners, this article also aims at refining the reflection and action of every negotiator when confronted with tough bargainers
Технология моделирования штормовых нагонов и ветрового волнения в Азовском море на неструктурированных сетках
Представлена технология численного моделирования штормовых нагонов и ветровых волн в Азовском море, объединяющая модель циркуляции вод ADCIRC и модель ветрового волнения SWAN. Обе модели реализованы на неструктурированной сетке и адаптированы для параллельных вычислений. Приведены результаты верификации численного алгоритма и анализ его чувствительности к вариациям входных параметров.Представлена технологія чисельного моделювання штормових нагонів і вітрових хвиль в Азовському морі, що об'єднує модель циркуляції вод ADCIRC і модель вітрового хвилювання SWAN. Обидві моделі реалізовані на неструктурованій сітці і адаптовані для паралельних обчислень. Наведено результати верифікації чисельного алгоритму і аналіз його чутливості до варіацій вхідних параметрів.The technology of numerical modeling of storm surge and wind waves in the Sea of Azov, unifying model of the ADCIRC ocean circulation model and SWAN wind waves model. Both models are implemented on unstructured mesh and adapted for parallel computing. The results numerical algorithm verification and analysis of its sensitivity to variations in input parameters are given
La métaphore et la communication en sciences humaines
Lempereur Alain. La métaphore et la communication en sciences humaines. In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, tome 68, fasc. 3, 1990. Langues et littératures modernes - Moderne taal- en letterkunde. pp. 608-621