111 research outputs found

    3D model of hydrogen atmospheric escape from HD209458b and HD189733b: radiative blow-out and stellar wind interactions

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    Transit observations in Ly-alpha of HD209458b and HD189733b revealed signatures of neutral hydrogen escaping the planets. We present a 3D particle model of the dynamics of the escaping atoms, and calculate theoretical Ly-alpha absorption line profiles, which can be directly compared with the absorption observed in the blue wing of the line. For HD209458b the observed velocities of the escaping atoms up to -130km/s are naturally explained by radiation-pressure acceleration. The observations are well-fitted with an ionizing flux of about 3-4 times solar and a hydrogen escape rate in the range 10^9-10^11g/s, in agreement with theoretical predictions. For HD189733b absorption by neutral hydrogen was observed in 2011 in the velocity range -230 to -140km/s. These velocities are higher than for HD209458b and require an additional acceleration mechanism for the escaping hydrogen atoms, which could be interactions with stellar wind protons. We constrain the stellar wind (temperature ~3x10^4K, velocity 200+-20km/s and density in the range 10^3-10^7/cm3) as well as the escape rate (4x10^8-10^11g/s) and ionizing flux (6-23 times solar). We also reveal the existence of an 'escape-limited' saturation regime in which most of the escaping gas interacts with the stellar protons. In this regime, which occurs at proton densities above ~3x10^5/cm3, the amplitude of the absorption signature is limited by the escape rate and does not depend on the wind density. The non-detection of escaping hydrogen in earlier observations in 2010 can be explained by the suppression of the stellar wind at that time, or an escape rate of about an order of magnitude lower than in 2011. For both planets, best-fit simulations show that the escaping atmosphere has the shape of a cometary tail.Comment: 21 pages, 26 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Radiative braking in the extended exosphere of GJ436b

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    The recent detection of a giant exosphere surrounding the warm Neptune GJ436 b has shed new light on the evaporation of close-in planets, revealing that moderately irradiated, low-mass exoplanets could make exceptional targets for studying this mechanism and its impact on the exoplanet population. Three HST/STIS observations were performed in the Lyman-α\alpha line of GJ436 at different epochs, showing repeatable transits with large depths and extended durations. Here, we study the role played by stellar radiation pressure on the structure of the exosphere and its transmission spectrum. We found that the neutral hydrogen atoms in the exosphere of GJ436 b are not swept away by radiation pressure as shown to be the case for evaporating hot Jupiters. Instead, the low radiation pressure from the M-dwarf host star only brakes the gravitational fall of the escaping hydrogen toward the star and allows its dispersion within a large volume around the planet, yielding radial velocities up to about -120 km s−1^{-1} that match the observations. We performed numerical simulations with the EVaporating Exoplanets code (EVE) to study the influence of the escape rate, the planetary wind velocity, and the stellar photoionization. While these parameters are instrumental in shaping the exosphere and yield simulation results in general agreement with the observations, the spectra observed at the different epochs show specific, time-variable features that require additional physics.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Exocomets in the circumstellar gas disk of HD 172555

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    The source HD172555 is a young A7V star surrounded by a debris disk with a gaseous component. Here, we present the detection of variable absorption features detected simultaneously in the Ca II K and H doublet lines (at 3,933 and 3,968 Angstrom). We identified the presence of these absorption signatures at four different epochs in the 129 HARPS high-resolution spectra gathered between 2004 and 2011. These transient absorption features are most likely due to Falling Evaporating Bodies (FEBs, or exocomets) that produce absorbing gas observed transiting in front of the central star. We also detect a stable Ca II absorption component at the star's radial velocity. With no corresponding detection in the Na I line, the resulting very low upper limit for the NaI/CaII ratio suggests that this absorption is due to circumstellar gas.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy&Astrophysics Letter

    CHEOPS's hunt for exocomets: photometric observations of 5 Vul

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    The presence of minor bodies in exoplanetary systems is in most cases inferred through infra-red excesses, with the exception of exocomets. Even if over 35 years have passed since the first detection of exocomets around beta Pic, only ~ 25 systems are known to show evidence of evaporating bodies, and most of them have only been observed in spectroscopy. With the appearance of new high-precision photometric missions designed to search for exoplanets, such as CHEOPS, a new opportunity to detect exocomets is available. Combining data from CHEOPS and TESS we investigate the lightcurve of 5 Vul, an A-type star with detected variability in spectroscopy, to search for non periodic transits that could indicate the presence of dusty cometary tails in the system. While we did not find any evidence of minor bodies, the high precision of the data, along with the combination with previous spectroscopic results and models, allows for an estimation of the sizes and spatial distribution of the exocomets.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Temperature-Pressure Profile of the hot Jupiter HD 189733b from HST Sodium Observations: Detection of Upper Atmospheric Heating

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    We present transmission spectra of the hot Jupiter HD 189733b taken with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph aboard HST. The spectra cover the wavelength range 5808-6380 Ang with a resolving power of R=5000. We detect absorption from the NaI doublet within the exoplanet's atmosphere at the 9 sigma confidence level within a 5 Ang band (absorption depth 0.09 +/- 0.01%) and use the data to measure the doublet's spectral absorption profile. We detect only the narrow cores of the doublet. The narrowness of the feature could be due to an obscuring high-altitude haze of an unknown composition or a significantly sub-solar NaI abundance hiding the line wings beneath a H2 Rayleigh signature. We compare the spectral absorption profile over 5.5 scale heights with model spectral absorption profiles and constrain the temperature at different atmospheric regions, allowing us to construct a vertical temperature profile. We identify two temperature regimes; a 1280 +/- 240 K region derived from the NaI doublet line wings corresponding to altitudes below ~ 500 km, and a 2800 +/- 400 K region derived from the NaI doublet line cores corresponding to altitudes from ~ 500-4000 km. The zero altitude is defined by the white-light radius of Rp/Rstar=0.15628 +/- 0.00009. The temperature rises with altitude, which is likely evidence of a thermosphere. The absolute pressure scale depends on the species responsible for the Rayleigh signature and its abundance. We discuss a plausible scenario for this species, a high-altitude silicate haze, and the atmospheric temperature-pressure profile that results. In this case, the high altitude temperature rise for HD 189733b occurs at pressures of 10^-5 to 10^-8 bar

    On the Possible Properties of Small and Cold Extrasolar Planets: Is OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb Entirely Frozen?

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    Extrasolar planets as light as a few Earths are now being detected. Such planets are likely not gas or ice giants. Here, we present a study on the possible properties of the small and cold extrasolar planets, applied to the case of the recently discovered planet OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb (Beaulieu et al. 2006). This planet (5.5[+5.5/-2.7] Earth masses) orbits 2.6[+1.5/-0.6]-astronomical units away from an old M-type star of the Galactic Bulge. The planet should be entirely frozen given the low surface temperature (35 to 47 K). However, depending on the rock-to-ice mass ratio in the planet, the radiogenic heating could be sufficient to make the existence of liquid water within an icy crust possible. This possibility is estimated as a function of the planetary mass and the illumination received from the parent star, both being strongly related by the observational constraints. The results are presented for water-poor and water-rich planets. We find that no oceans can be present in any cases at 9-10 Gyr, a typical age for a star of the Bulge. However, we find that, in the past when the planet was < 5-billion-years old, liquid water was likely present below an icy surface. Nevertheless, the planet is now likely to be entirely frozen.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap
