41 research outputs found

    Blood cell ratios in patients with primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction

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    Background: In this study, we aimed to measure neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and mean platelet volume (MPV) levels in primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction (PANDO) patients and to determine whether there it could be used as a marker for PANDO. Material and methods: This retrospective study included 61 patients with PANDO and 65 healthy controls. Data were excluded from the file records of patients who underwent external dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). Blood samples were obtained from venous blood and serum neutrophil, lymphocyte, and platelet data of all patients were recorded and also, NLR-PLR values were calculated. Results: There was no significant difference between PANDOs and controls in terms of gender and age (p > 0.05). Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte was significantly increased in PANDOs compared to the controls (p < 0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between PANDOs and controls in term of PLR (p > 0.05). The average MPV in the PANDOs was found to be significantly lower than controls (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and MPV counts were associated with PANDO

    Yaşla Beraber Ön Segment Parametrelerindeki Değişimin Dual Scheimpflug Topografi ile Değerlendirilmesi

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the changes according to age in anterior segment parameters measured by Galilei Dual Scheimpflug Analyzer. Material and Methods: Healthy subjects were recruited and classified into seven groups according to age. Group 1 consisted of subjects whose ages ranged between 5 and 10 years. Group 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 consisted of subjects who were in their second, third, forth, fifth, sixth and seventh decades, respectively. After a detailed examination, anterior segment parameters were assessed by using Galilei Dual Scheimpflug Analyzer. The following parameters were obtained from topographic and pachymetric maps for analysis: anterior chamber angle (ACA), anterior chamber depth (ACD), anterior chamber volume (ACV), central corneal thickness (CCT), pupil diameter (PD) and corneal horizontal diameter (CHD). Statistical analysis was performed by using SPSS for Windows version 23.0. Results: The age of subjects ranged between 5 and 67 years. Of 229 subjects, 152 (66.4%) were female and 77 (33.6%) were male. The decrease in CCT, CHD, PD, ACD and ACA with age was statistically significant and a negative correlation was present (p=0.000). Except Group 1, the decline in ACV by increasing age was statistically significant and a negative correlation was present [r (458) =-0.34. p=0.000]. Conclusion: All anterior segment parameters except mean ACV measured by Galilei Dual Scheimpflug Analyzer were found to decline with age and mean ACD achieved to adult size till the beginning of the second decadeAmaç: Yaşla beraber ön segment parametrelerindeki değişimin Galilei Dual Scheimpflug Topografi ile değerlendirilmesi. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya sağlıklı denekler alınarak yaşlarına göre 7 gruba ayrıldı. Grup 1’deki deneklerin yaşları 5 ile 10 arasında idi. Grup 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ve 7 ise yaşları sırasıyla ikinci, üçüncü, dördüncü, beşinci, altıncı ve yedinci on yıllarında olan deneklerden oluşturuldu. Detaylı göz muayenesinden sonra Galilei Dual Scheimpflug Topografi ile ön segment parametreleri değerlendirildi. Ön kamara açısı (ÖKA), ön kamara derinliği (ÖKD), ön kamara hacmi (ÖKH), merkezi kornea kalınlığı (MKK), pupilla çapı (PÇ) ve horizontal kornea çapı (KÇ) değerleri topografik ve pakimetrik haritalar incelenerek değerlendirildi. İstatistiksel analiz SPSS 23,0 programı ile yapıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan 229 deneğin yaşları 5 ile 67 arasında değişmekte ve 152’si (%66,4) kadın, 77’si (%33,6) ise erkekti. Analiz sonucunda MKK, KÇ,PÇ, ÖKD ve ÖKA yaşla beraber azalmakta ve yaş ile bu değerler arasında istatistiksel olarak negatif korelasyon mevcuttu (p=0,000). ÖKH’de ise Grup 1 hariç diğer gruplar arasında yaşla beraber düşme olduğu gözlenmiş ve istatistiksel olarak negatif korelasyon bulunmuştur [r (458) =-0,34. p=0,000]. Sonuç: Galilei Dual Scheimpflug topografi ile ortalama ÖKH hariç tüm ön segment parametreleri yaşla birlikte azalmıştır. ÖKD’nin ikinci on yıldan itibaren erişkin boyutuna ulaştığı gözlenmiştir

    The frequency and costs of intravitreal therapy agents in retinal diseases

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    Background: The aim of this study is to analyze the numbers and the economic burden of intravitreal anti-VEGF agents and intravitreal dexamethasone (IVD) implants administered to patients with diabetic retinopathy (DR), age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and retinal vein occlusion (RVO). Material and methods: The retrospective case-control study included 1525 patients diagnosed with DME, neovascular AMD and RVO, and received intravitreal anti-VEGF and IVD between January 2016 and December 2018. Intravitreal anti-VEGF administration was performed within the framework of the Pro Re Nata (PRN) regimen. The prices of anti-VEGF agents and IVDs were calculated on the average of the prices in the relevant year. Results: The total number of intravitreal injections in 3 years was 5864. During the 3-year follow-up, on average,ranibizumab (Lucentis) was applied 3.56 ± 2.25 times, alfibercept (Eylea) was applied 3.31 ± 2.16 times, and IVD(Ozurdex) was applied 1.70 ± 0.83 times. The anti-VEGF numbers in 2016, 2017 and 2018 were 1997, 1801, 2066,respectively. In total, the 3-year drug cost was 3,587,812.44 USD. Conclusions: The economic burden of intravitreal anti-VEGF and IVD treatment for retinal diseases is so important to developing countries such as Turkey. The economic burden created by anti-VEGF agents and IVDs in Turkey will reduce in a serious sense, and the legal concerns of physicians will decrease thanks to the decision taken by the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (TMMDA)

    The frequency of refractive errors required to be corrected in childhood among Turkish children

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    Background: The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution of refractive errors needed to be correct in childhood. Material and methods: Children applied and received glasses prescriptions were recruited. Age, gender, spherical, cylindrical error, and spherical equivalent (SE) were noted. The refractive errors were classified as myopic, hyperopic and cylindrical errors according to the SE and prescriptions. Cylindrical errors were subdivided into myopic, hyperopic. Children were classified into 4 groups. Group 1, 2, 3 and 4 composed of children whose ages were between 0–5, 6–10, 11–15 and 16–18 years, respectively. Results: There were 846 children in group 1, 3931 in group 2, 5948 in group 3, 3896 in group 4, and a total of 14621 children. The rates of myopia and hyperopia were 72.4% and 27.6%. Myopic and hyperopic astigmatism were found in 29.1% and 11.3% of children. Myopia, myopic astigmatism increased with age (p < 0.05). The hyperopia rate decreased with decreasing age (p < 0.05). The frequency of myopia, myopic astigmatism was higher in both male and female children (p < 0.05). The rate of myopia was higher in females (p < 0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in terms of cylindrical value between genders. The statistically significant difference was found in terms of mean SE among all groups and a negative correlation was present between age and mean SE. A lower negative correlation was stated between age and cylindrical value. Conclusion: Corrected myopic and myopic astigmatism errors were higher than hyperopic refractive errors. The prevalence of myopia increased by age and was higher in females. The need for glasses was highest in children whose age range was between 11 and 15 years

    Evaluation of Anterior Segment Parameters in Pseudoexfoliative Glaucoma, Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma, and Healthy Eyes

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    Objectives: To evaluate anterior segment parameters measured by dual Scheimpflug corneal topography in pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (PEXG), primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG), and healthy eyes. Materials and Methods: One hundred forty-three eyes of 86 patients were included in this study. Forty-seven eyes of 38 patients with PEXG, 30 eyes of 15 patients with PACG, and 66 eyes of 33 healthy subjects were evaluated. Patients who underwent previous ophthalmic surgery and contact lens wearers were excluded. After full ophthalmological examination, mean central corneal thickness (CCT), white-to-white horizontal corneal diameter (WTW), pupillary diameter (PD), anterior chamber volume (ACV), anterior chamber depth (ACD), and mean anterior chamber angle were measured by dual Scheimpflug corneal topography and compared between the three groups. Statistical analyses were done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows 18.0 program. Results: No statistical difference was found in mean age or gender among the study groups (p>0.05). There were also no statistical differences in CCT, WTW, or PD among the groups (p=0.568, p=0.064, p=0.321, respectively). ACV, ACD, and mean anterior chamber angle values were significantly lower in the PACG group compared to the other groups (p=0.000 for all). There was no statistically significant difference in these measurements between the PEXG and normal eyes. Conclusion: ACV and depth and mean anterior chamber angle were statistically different (lower) in PACG when compared with PEXG and healthy eyes. Dual Scheimpflug corneal topography can be used as an objective method for the measurement of anterior segment parameters in glaucoma

    Analysis of the retinal nerve fiber and ganglion cell - Inner plexiform layer by optical coherence tomography in Parkinson's patients

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    Conclusion: RNFL and GC-IPL thicknesses were found lower in Parkinson's patients. These parameters may be useful to evaluate neurodegeneration and to monitorize neuroprotective therapies. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Effect of cataract surgery on subfoveal choroidal and ganglion cell complex thicknesses measured by enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography

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    Conclusion: Our results indicate that all subfoveal CT, CMT, as well as RNFL and GCC thicknesses are slightly affected after uneventful phacoemulsification surgery. After cataract surgery, the examiners should consider obtaining new baseline measurements

    Intravitreal bevacizumab injection in the treatment of macular edema secondary to branch retinal vein occlusion

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    AIM:To evaluate the 12mo results of intravitreal bevacizumab injection on central macular thickness(CMT)and visual acuity in the treatment of macular edema(ME)secondary to branch retinal vein occlusion(BRVO).<p>METHODS:Thirty-two patients who underwent intravitreal bevacizumab(Altuzan<sup>&#xAE;</sup>)0.125mg/0.05mL injection for ME secondary to BRVO at least 12mo follow up period have been studied respectively. Patients with diagnosis of ME secondary to BRVO were applied an ophthalmic examination, CMT measurement, and fluorescein angiography, so patients whose CMT above 250μm were offered intravitreal bevacizumab treatment. Patients who had macular ischemia on fluorescein angiography, neovascularisation elsewhere secondary to other types of diseases, received any intraocular treatment before(such as laser treatment, intravitreal injection or eye surgery)have been out of trial. Data of logMAR best corrected visual acuity(BCVA)and CMT in control visits have been evaluated. For statistical analysis Student's paired <i>t-</i>test was used by Minitab15.0 software and a <i>P-</i>value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant.<p>RESULTS: Mean logMAR BCVA changes and mean CMT changes were statistically significant compared to pre-injection values at last visit(<i>P<</i>0.01). Mean BCVA increment was 0.477±0.235, mean CMT decline was 257.906±88.865 compared to pre-injection at last visit. Ten(31%)of the patients had a positive response with a single injection and no recurrence of ME for a mean of 12.6±0.66mo. Five(15.6%)patients received injection two times and 17(53%)patients more than 3 injections. Mean injection per eye was 2.18±0.91(1~4)respectively. Recurrence of ME was seen aproximately in 2.45±0.63mo at the first control, 2.58±0.66mo at the second control and 3.17±0.48mo at the third control respectively. Five(15.6%)of the patients needed multiple injections for reducing ME whereas visual acuity gain was not achieved as ME reduced in those patients. <p>CONCLUSION: Treatment of ME secondary to BRVO with intravitreal bevacizumab seems effective, fast, safe, and commonly performed treatment. In order to achieve this lasting effect, we have to strengthen this post treatment non-edematous status by lasers or long lasting agents. Retinal venous circulation and ME must be observed on fluorescein angiography rather than making frequent injections. Reinjections must be done according to the clinical status of ME and the prediction of visual acuity gain