691 research outputs found

    Evaluation study of IEEE 1609.4 performance for safety and non-safety messages dissemination

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    The IEEE 1609.4 was developed to support multi-channel operation and channel switching procedure in order to provide both safety and non-safety vehicular applications. However, this protocol has some drawback because it does not make efficient usage of channel bandwidth resources for single radio WAVE devices and suffer from high bounded delay and lost packet especially for large-scale networks in terms of the number of active nodes. This paper evaluates IEEE 1609.4 multi-channel protocol performance for safety and non-safety application and compare it with the IEEE 802.11p single channel protocol. Multi-channel and single channel protocols are analyzed in different environments to investigate their performance. By relying on a realistic dataset and using OMNeT++ simulation tool as network simulator, SUMO as traffic simulator and coupling them by employing Veins framework. Performance evaluation results show that the delay of single channel protocol IEEE 802.11p has been degraded 36% compared with multi-channel protocol


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    The paper aims to improve understanding about the causes why customers intend to purchase online through social media networks. The study examined factors affecting purchase intention namely: country of origin effect, trust, perceived value, and influencer marketing on the willingness of buyers to purchase clothes through social commerce. A questionnaire was established for data collection, and 400 forms were collected in Lebanon, and were analyzed using SEM to examine the relationships in the conceptual framework suggested. Results designated that country of origin, trust, and perceived value were three significant precursors of customers’ purchase intention in the context of social commerce. Moreover, country of origin and perceived value can impact trust beliefs; and influencer marketing could enhance perceived value of commodity purchased. This research suggests vital inferences to both scholars and professionals and highlights the implications of factors’ motivating intention to buy from vendors in social media networks. The paper is amid the early efforts to evaluate the effect of country of origin on intention to purchase among consumers in social commerce settings

    The physics and kinematics of the evolved, interacting planetary nebula PN G342.0-01.7

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    Here we aim to study the physical and kinematical characteristics of the unstudied old planetary nebula (PN) PN G342.0-01.7, which shows evidence of interaction with its surrounding interstellar medium. We used Integral Field Spectra from the Wide Field Spectrograph on the ANU 2.3 m telescope to provide spectroscopy across the whole object covering the spectral range 3400-7000 {\AA}. We formed narrow-band images to investigate the excitation structure. The spectral analysis shows that the object is a distant Peimbert Type I PN of low excitation, formally of excitation class of 0.5. The low electron density, high dynamical age, and low surface brightness of the object confirm that it is observed fairly late in its evolution. It shows clear evidence for dredge-up of CN-processed material characteristic of its class. In addition, the low peculiar velocity of 7 km s1^{-1} shows it to be a member of the young disk component of our Galaxy. We built a self-consistent photoionisation model for the PNe matching the observed spectrum, the Hβ\beta luminosity, and the diameter. On the basis of this we derive an effective temperature logTeff5.05\log T_{\rm eff} \sim 5.05 and luminosity 1.85<logL<2.251.85 < \log L < 2.25. The temperature is much higher than might have been expected using the excitation class, proving that this can be misleading in classifying evolved PNe. PN G342.0-01.7 is in interaction with its surrounding interstellar medium through which the object is moving in the south-west direction. This interaction drives a slow shock into the outer PN ejecta. A shock model suggests that it only accounts for about 10\% of the total luminosity, but has an important effect on the global spectrum of the PN.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, A&A accepted 201

    Vision-Based Soft Mobile Robot Inspired by Silkworm Body and Movement Behavior

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    Designing an inexpensive, low-noise, safe for individual, mobile robot with an efficient vision system represents a challenge. This paper proposes a soft mobile robot inspired by the silkworm body structure and moving behavior. Two identical pneumatic artificial muscles (PAM) have been used to design the body of the robot by sewing the PAMs longitudinally. The proposed robot moves forward, left, and right in steps depending on the relative contraction ratio of the actuators. The connection between the two artificial muscles gives the steering performance at different air pressures of each PAM. A camera (eye) integrated into the proposed soft robot helps it to control its motion and direction. The silkworm soft robot detects a specific object and tracks it continuously. The proposed vision system is used to help with automatic tracking based on deep learning platforms with real-time live IR camera. The object detection platform, named, YOLOv3 is used effectively to solve the challenge of detecting high-speed tiny objects like Tennis balls. The model is trained with a dataset consisting of images of   Tennis balls. The work is simulated with Google Colab and then tested in real-time on an embedded device mated with a fast GPU called Jetson Nano development kit. The presented object follower robot is cheap, fast-tracking, and friendly to the environment. The system reaches a 99% accuracy rate during training and testing. Validation results are obtained and recorded to prove the effectiveness of this novel silkworm soft robot. The research contribution is designing and implementing a soft mobile robot with an effective vision system

    Kinetic, Isotherm, and Thermodynamic Study of Bismarck Brown Dye Adsorption onto Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide-Grafted-Poly (n-butyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic Acid)

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    تم دراسة سلوك إمتزاز صبغة بسمارك البنية BB من المحاليل المائية على أوكسيد الكرافين GO وأكسيد الجرافين–مطعم-بولي(ن-بيوتيل ميثاكريلات-مشترك-حامض ميثاكريليك) GO-g-pBCM المحضرين. تم تشخيص الممتزات المحضرة بمطيافية الأشعة تحت الحمراء FTIR التي أكدت صحة التراكيب الممتزات المحضرة. تم دراسة أمتزاز الصبغة بصيغتي لانكمير وفرندليش على أوكسيد الكرافين وأكسيد الجرافين –مطعم-بولي (ن-بيوتيل ميثاكريلات-مشترك- حامض ميثاكريليك) في سلسلة من التجارب بنظام الوجبة وتحت ظروف مختلفة. واعتُبر نموذج لانگماير معقولاً على نحو متزايد من المعلومات التجريبية لإمتزاز الصبغة. وكشفت الدراسة الحركية أن نموذج النظام الثاني الكاذب أظهر أفضل ملائمة للبيانات التجريبية، وأن المعاملات الحرارية تعني أن عملية الامتزاز كانت تلقائية ومن النوع الماص للحرارة.The adsorption behavior of Bismarck brown (BB) dye from aqueous solutions onto graphene oxide GO and graphene oxide-g-poly (n-butyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid) GO-g-pBCM as adsorbents was investigated. The prepared GO and GO-g-pBCM were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FTIR, which confirmed the compositions of the prepared adsorbents. Adsorption of BB dye onto GO and GO-g-pBCM was explored in a series of batch experiments under various conditions. The data were examined utilizing Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The Langmuir isotherm was seen as increasingly reasonable from the experimental information of dye on formulating adsorbents. Kinetic investigations showed that the experimental data were fitted very well to the pseudo-second-order model, and the calculated positive values of the (∆H° and ∆S°) indicated that the adsorption of BB dye onto GO and GO-g-pBCM was endothermic and increasing of the adsorption process randomness. The negative values of (∆G°) imply that the adsorption process was spontaneous

    Optimize of LIBS Setup to the Determination of Laser Breakdown Power of Writing Inks

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    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy system (LIBS) had been designed to the determinate of the best ionization laser power for analysis of the writing inks via analysis induced plasma emission. Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser at the fundamental wavelength 1064 nm  with different  energies (60 mJ,80mJ, 100 mJ, 200 mJ, 300mJ, 400mJ and 500 mJ) with (10 ns) pulse duration, the laser beam was focused via converging lens with focal length (100 mm) that generates different power intensity, optical spectrum analysis system used was within (Si-CCD)  array detector, within spectrum range of (200 - 900 nm) with (0.8 nm) optical resolution. Use A4 sheets of commercially available standard white office paper with 2 Ballpoint pens and 1 Gel pen as samples. Show the results that the laser energy (80 mJ) with (  power density, was the best power to generate plasma homogeneous for all component writing inks and ionize it without effect on the paper material. Keywords: LIBS, Laser intensity, Writing inks, White paper, plasma emissions lines, emission line analyses DOI: 10.7176/CPER/61-05 Publication date: July 31st 201

    Application of mobile cloud computing in emergency health care

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    Mobile applications in emergency health care help maintain patient confidentiality and manage patient records, data storage. Compiles and analyzes care of better quality care. new implementations come with new goals and technologies like using mobile application with cloud computing system and reducing the responding time to safe the patient life and give the patient best health care professional service transition to using of mobile application in emergency healthcare, this paper will present (MCCEH) mobile cloud computing in emergency health care model, mainly reducing the wasting time in emergency health care, The process starting once the accident occurred and the patient run the application, mobile application will detect the patient location and allow him to book nearest medical center or specialist in some emergency cases once the patient did the booking will send help request to medical center this process will include an online pre-register patient in the medical center to save time of patient registration, MCCEH model allows the patients to review the previous feedback and experiences of each specialist or medical center and allows doctors to be able to stay in contact with their patients more often and by communication through mobiles applications and share messages and photos of the accident or emergency case itself

    Dermatological diagnosis by mobile application

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    Health care mobile application delivers the right information at the right time and place to benefit patient’s clinicians and managers to make correct and accurate decisions in health care fields, safer care and less waste, errors, delays and duplicated errors.Lots of people have knowledge a skin illness at some point of their life, For the reason that skin is the body's major organ and it is quite exposed, significantly increasing its hazard of starting to be diseased or ruined.This paper aims to detect skin disease by mobile app using android platform providing valid trustworthy and useful dermatological information on over 4 skin diseases such as acne, psoriasis content for each skin condition, skin rush and Melanoma. It will include name, image, description, symptoms, treatment and prevention with support multi languages English and Bahasa and Mandarin. the application  has the ability to take and send video as well as normal and magnified photos to your dermatologist as an email attachment with comments on safe secure network, this app also has a built in protected privacy features to access to your photo and video dermatologists. The mobile application help in diagnose and treat their patients without an office visit teledermatology is recognized by all major insurance companies doctor.