17 research outputs found

    Calibration of Thermal Dissipation Probes for Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)

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    The quantification of water flow through the stem is vital for date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) to promote a good water stress management. The thermal dissipation probe (TDP) method developed by Granier is widely used to evaluate transpiration of forest trees; however, there are contradictory reports regarding its reliability. Considerable errors in estimated sap flux density, which might be due to a lack ofspecies-specific calibrations. The TDP method uses a mathematical model that is based on an empirical equation to estimate sap flux density, which is claimed to be applicable to all tree species, independently of wood structure and anatomy. At the laboratory, we compared the rate of water uptake by cut stems with sap flux estimates derived from the TDP method to assess the validity of the method.Our calibration results were considerably different compared to the Granierā€™s original equation. Moreover, sap flux density was overestimated by 18.2 Ā± 0.5% when the original calibration parameters of Granierare employed. However, using new calibration parameters improved the accuracy of sap flow measurements. Our results indicated that it is not appropriate to use a general equation for different species. Therefore, previous estimations of date palmā€™s water requirement through thermal dissipation probes should be revised

    Calibration of Thermal Dissipation Probes for Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)

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    The quantification of water flow through the stem is vital for date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) to promote a good water stress management. The thermal dissipation probe (TDP) method developed by Granier is widely used to evaluate transpiration of forest trees; however, there are contradictory reports regarding its reliability. Considerable errors in estimated sap flux density, which might be due to a lack ofspecies-specific calibrations. The TDP method uses a mathematical model that is based on an empirical equation to estimate sap flux density, which is claimed to be applicable to all tree species, independently of wood structure and anatomy. At the laboratory, we compared the rate of water uptake by cut stems with sap flux estimates derived from the TDP method to assess the validity of the method.Our calibration results were considerably different compared to the Granierā€™s original equation. Moreover, sap flux density was overestimated by 18.2 Ā± 0.5% when the original calibration parameters of Granierare employed. However, using new calibration parameters improved the accuracy of sap flow measurements. Our results indicated that it is not appropriate to use a general equation for different species. Therefore, previous estimations of date palmā€™s water requirement through thermal dissipation probes should be revised

    Impact of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal strains isolated from soil on the growth, yield, and fruit quality of tomato plants under different fertilization regimens

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have emerged as a promising and environmentally friendly solution for sustainable agriculture, offering a reduction in dependence on chemical inputs. The objective of this greenhouse experiment was to assess the efficacy of a natural endomycorrhizal inoculum obtained from leek root fragments, which acted as a trap plant to capture indigenous fungal spores present in the soil of the Guercif region in Morocco. The investigation aimed to comprehensively evaluate the influence of this inoculum on various parameters related to tomato plant growth, yield, and sensory quality. Additionally, different levels of chemical fertilizers, equivalent to 50%, 75%, and 100% of the recommended dosage, were administered in combination with or without the inoculum. The findings elucidated significant advantages associated with mycorrhizal inoculation. The plants subjected to inoculation exhibited increased plant height, augmented leaf and root dry weights, and improved nutrient uptake compared to the control group. Notably, tomato plants treated with 75% of the recommended chemical fertilizer dosage yielded the highest crop production, with no statistically significant difference observed when compared to those receiving the full dosage (100%). Intriguingly, tomato plants grown in substrates receiving 50% chemical fertilizers demonstrated the highest levels of mycorrhization, exhibiting a frequency (F) of 100% and an intensity (M) of 63%. Importantly, the combination of inoculation with a reduced dose of NPK fertilizer (50% of the recommended amount) resulted in significantly elevated concentrations of calcium (Ca), potassium (K), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and phosphorus (P) in the plants, attributable to the heightened mycorrhizal colonization of the roots. In terms of fruit characteristics, no significant variations were detected in pH and electrical conductivity (EC) among the treatment groups. However, the inoculated plants exhibited a notable increase in the Brix index, an indicator of sweetness, compared to the control group across all fertilizer doses. Furthermore, inoculation positively influenced the levels of total carotenoids in the fruits. Remarkably, the values of these compounds in the inoculated plants subjected to 50% of the recommended fertilizer dosage surpassed those recorded in the non-inoculated plants receiving the full dosage

    Biocidal activity of Ziziphora hispanica L and Satureja calamintha Scheele L essential oils against the Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) pest on cowpea seeds during storage

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    IntroductionThe post-harvest period of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp] is marked by substantial losses due to the insect pest Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius). The primary goal of the current study is to identify environmentally appropriate substitutes for synthetic pesticides in the management of stored seed pests. Thus, in a laboratory setting, the insecticidal activity of essential oils (EOs) from Ziziphora hispanica and Satureja calamintha against the cowpea weevil C. maculatus was assessed.MethodsThe fumigant effects of these two EOs were tested with concentrations (4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 Ī¼L Lāˆ’1 of air per 10 g of cowpea seeds) on four biological parameters of C. maculatus: adult mortality, fecundity, fertility, and adult emergence, while concentrations of 4, 12, 16, and 20 Ī¼L/cm2 of air were used for the repulsion test.Results and discussionThe fumigant effects of these two EOs were tested with concentrations (4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 Ī¼Lā€‰Lāˆ’1 of air per 10ā€‰ g of cowpea seeds) on four biological parameters of C. maculatus: adult mortality, fecundity, fertility, and adult emergence, while concentrations of 4, 12, 16, and 20 ā€‰Ī¼L/cm2 of air were used for the repulsion test. The results of fumigation tests showed a remarkable efficacy of both essential oils against adult C. maculatus after 24ā€‰ h of exposure. Z. hispanica EO yielded a mortality rate of 80ā€‰Ā±ā€‰20%, with an LC50 of 2.77ā€‰Ī¼Lā€‰Lāˆ’1 for males and 66.66ā€‰Ā±ā€‰11.54% with an LC50 of 3.57 ā€‰Ī¼Lā€‰L-1 for females at 4 Ī¼Lā€‰Lāˆ’1 of air. However, the S. calamintha EO resulted in a mortality rate of 100% for males and 86.66ā€‰Ā±ā€‰23.09% with an LC50 of 2.17 ā€‰Ī¼Lā€‰Lāˆ’1 for females at low doses. The fecundity was 1.33 Ā± ā€‰0.57 eggs per female. In contrast, this parameter was absent with S. calamintha EO at the low dose, while fertility and emerging adults were missing for both EOs. Furthermore, both EOs showed highly repellent activity towards C. maculatus adults, with 81.66% for Z. hispanica and 91.67% for S. calamintha EO. According to the results of the GCā€“MS analysis, the primary components of Z. hispanica EO were found to be pulegone (28.17%), alpha-naphtonitrite (10.77%), and 3-(3-thienyl) pro-2-enoic acid (10.62%). Similarly, the main constituents of S. calamintha EO were pulegone (21.48%), piperitenone oxide (17.71%), and eucalyptol (11.99%). Hence, these substances are regarded as the volatile compounds accountable for controlling C. maculatus activities. The study reports that Z. hispanica and S. calamintha show promising fumigant and repellent efficacy and offer new avenues for their potential use as an alternative to synthetic pesticides against stored seed pests

    An Ethnobotanical, Phytochemical Analysis, Antimicrobial and Biological Studies of <i>Pulicaria crispa</i> as a Graze Promising Shrub

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    Due to the global issue of antimicrobial resistance, one of the most significant challenges in microbiological research is to develop a replacement antibiotic with minimal adverse effects. The wild shrub Pulicaria crispa (gethgath) has been traditionally used for camel and ruminant grazing. While prior research has demonstrated its antimicrobial properties against human diseases, no investigations have been conducted on its efficacy against animal pathogens. The objective of this study is to explore the ethnobotanical, phytochemical, antioxidant, anticancer, and antimicrobial activity of Pulicaria crispa aqueous and solvent extracts against a range of standard and animal pathogens. All of the extracts demonstrated antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anticancer properties, containing bioactive compounds. Notably, the ethyl acetate extract of P. crispa exhibited the strongest antimicrobial activity against tested Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. The chloroform fraction displayed the highest antioxidant activity. Additionally, the ethyl acetate fraction showed promising anticancer activity against breast (MCF-7) and lung (A549) cancer cells. These findings confirm that Pulicaria crispa is a valuable shrub with potential applications as a natural alternative for antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anticancer treatments in both human and veterinary medicine

    Rapid and Sensitive Method for Extraction of Plicosepalus acacia with Determination of Its Main Polyphenolic Compounds Using Validated HPLC

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    Matrix solid phase dispersion (MSPD) trailed by HPLC is a quick and fruitful technique utilized for fortitude of flavonoids such as Catechin, Kaempferol, Quercetin, and Rutin existing in P. acacia. The trial parameters that influenced the extraction potential (comprising the mass ratio of sample to the dispersant, nature of dispersant, and the nature of elution solvent and its volume) were examined and optimized. These MSPD optimized parameters regulated are as follows: 8ā€‰mL of methanol was utilized as elution solvent, silica gel/sample mass ration was selected to be 2ā€‰:ā€‰1, and dispersing sorbent was silica gel. The technique retrievals were regulated to be ā€œfrom 96.87 to 100.54%ā€ and the RSDs from 1.24 to 4.45%. The product of extract obtained by MSPD method was larger than that of other methods, i.e., sonication extraction or traditional reflux with lessened necessities on time, sample, and solvent

    Effect of Salinity and Temperature on the Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Desert Forage Grass <i>Lasiurus scindicus</i> Henr.

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    Lasiurus scindicus Henr. is one of the most important forage grass species of the Arabian deserts. Temperature and soil salinity are well known to influence the germination and seedling development of various forage species. Therefore, in the current study, the effect of temperature and salinity and their interaction on the germination parameters, seedling growth, and physiological parameters of L. scindicus were evaluated. For this reason, L. scindicus seeds were treated with five salinity concentrations (i.e., 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 mM NaCl) and incubated at two temperature levels (T1 = 25/20 Ā°C, D/N and T2 = 35/30 Ā°C, D/N). The results indicated that the salinity and temperature significantly affected the germination indices, seedling growth parameters, chlorophyll, and proline content. The highest germination percentage (GP; 90%) was recorded in the non-saline-treated seeds incubated at T1. The seeds at T2 under the non-saline treatment exhibited an increased germination rate (GR = 17.5%). The interactive effect of salinity and temperature on germination and growth parameters was significant, indicating that the germination response to salinity depends on temperature. The germination of seeds treated with 200 mM NaCl was completely inhibited at both temperatures T1 and T2. However, the ungerminated seeds at both T1 (85%) and T2 (78%) restored their germination abilities after they were transferred to distilled water. Also, the seed vigor index (SVI) constantly showed a decline with the increasing salinity levels especially at T2, which was lowest when seeds were treated with 150 mM salinity. Growth parameters (i.e., aRL, aSL, RDW, SDW, SB, and SLA) and the chlorophyll content showed a similar pattern as that of germination. However, the proline content (shoot proline and root proline) showed a progressive increase with increasing salinity and temperature. All of these characteristics indicate that L. scindicus seeds were not able to germinate under extreme salinity and temperature conditions but remained viable in a state of enforced dormancy. This is most likely an important adaptive strategy of this species for survival in the high-saline changing habitats of the arid region of Saudi Arabia, and thus, it can be an excellent choice for restoring degraded rangelands and salinity-inflicted abundant farmlands for forage agriculture

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Spirotetramat on the Diaspine Scale Parlatoria pergandii in Citrus Orchards

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    The control of Parlatoria pergandii (Comstock, 1881) was studied in citrus orchards at Belksiri (Gharb area), Morocco. Three concentrations of Spirotetramat (T0 = 0 L/Ha, T1 = 0.625 L/Ha, T2 = 0.755 L/Ha, and T3 = 1 L/Ha) were applied to 4 ha of Valencia late orchard (each dose for 1 ha of citrus). The insecticidal of Spirotetramat was evaluated on two stages of larvae (L1 and L2) of P. pergandii and three stages of females, F1, F2, and F3. Similarly, the rates of parasitism by Aphytis hispanicus on the females of three different stages were monitored to evaluate the impact of Spirotetramat on this natural enemy. Results showed that Spirotetramat was more effective on larvae than females. Of the females, 26.04% were parasitized, 65.81% were inhibited, and only 8.15% were intact after the treatment period. Of the larvae, 79.73% were inhibited, and only 20.27% survived after the treatment period. Finally, our study highlights that all the tested concentrations of this product were effective on the population of P. pergandii. On the other hand, this product showed a less negative impact on the parasitized females with the low concentration (0.625 L/Ha) compared to the high concentrations of the pesticide (T2 = 0.755 L/Ha and T3 = 1 L/Ha), especially for the female stages F2 and F3. Moreover, the impact on the water table will be less severe with a low concentration

    Calibration of Thermal Dissipation Probes for Date Palm (<i>Phoenix dactylifera</i> L.)

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    The quantification of water flow through the stem is vital for date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) to promote a good water stress management. The thermal dissipation probe (TDP) method developed by Granier is widely used to evaluate transpiration of forest trees; however, there are contradictory reports regarding its reliability. Considerable errors in estimated sap flux density, which might be due to a lack ofspecies-specific calibrations. The TDP method uses a mathematical model that is based on an empirical equation to estimate sap flux density, which is claimed to be applicable to all tree species, independently of wood structure and anatomy. At the laboratory, we compared the rate of water uptake by cut stems with sap flux estimates derived from the TDP method to assess the validity of the method.Our calibration results were considerably different compared to the Granierā€™s original equation. Moreover, sap flux density was overestimated by 18.2 Ā± 0.5% when the original calibration parameters of Granierare employed. However, using new calibration parameters improved the accuracy of sap flow measurements. Our results indicated that it is not appropriate to use a general equation for different species. Therefore, previous estimations of date palmā€™s water requirement through thermal dissipation probes should be revised

    The Influence of Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Accumulation of Sennosides A and B in Senna alexandrina and Senna italica

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    Symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a major role in plant development, growth, and relationships with the environment through a change in the accumulation of secondary metabolites; hence, we planned to investigate AMF&rsquo;s influence on sennoside A and B accumulation in Senna alexandrina (SA) and Senna italica (SI). Seeds of SA (S. alexandrina free of mycorrhizae) and SI (S. italica free of mycorrhizae) were planted in two types of soils: +mycorrhiza and&mdash;mycorrhiza. The plant leaves of SA, SI, S. alexandrina with mycorrhizae (SAM) and S. italica with mycorrhizae (SIM) were collected and extracted (with 85% methanol), and sennoside A and B content was evaluated by the HPLC&ndash;UV method. The antioxidant activity of SA, SI, SAM and SIM was evaluated by using 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2&prime;-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) methods, while antimicrobial properties were evaluated by the minimum inhibitory concentration method (MIC). The AMF colonization was 85.66% and 85%, respectively, in the roots of SA and SI. The HPLC analysis showed a significant increase in (%) the content of sennoside A/sennoside B by 71.11/88.21, respectively, in SAM and 6.76/36.37 in SIM, which clearly indicated positive AMF effects. The DPPH/ABTS [The half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50): 235.9/321.5 &micro;g/mL] scavenging activity of SAM was comparatively higher and it also exhibited strong antibacterial action (MIC: 156.25 &micro;g/mL), which supported the increase in sennoside content. This finding may be useful for further investigations of the symbiotic relation of mycorrhizal fungi with other plant species