5 research outputs found

    Bugs on Cuffs and Pockets: A Cross-sectional Study of the Contamination of Healthcare Personnel Attire at Salmanyia Medical Complex

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    Background: Hospital acquired infections increase the morbidity and mortality of the inpatient population. Pathogens like Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococci are transmitted by direct contact or transmitted by fomites such as healthcare personnel’s attires. This is a cross-sectional study aimed to explore the prevalence ofcontamination of the attires of healthcare personnel working atSalmanyia Medical Complex. Method: We randomly selected 100 doctors and nurses working in different departmentsand swabbed their attire's sleeves and pockets. We then stored both swabs in their accompanying syringe that contains a bacterial transportation media, and sent them to the lab for culturing. SPSS 23 was used for data entry and analysis. After that, percentages and frequencies were computed for different categorical variables, and a cross-tabulation was computed between each two categorical variables. Chi-Squared test was used to determine whether there were significant relationships between each two categorical variables. Results:Of the total samples, 44 pocket and 45 cuff samples were contaminated with staphylococcus epidermidis (skin flora). Thirty eight participants were found to have contamination of both the cuff and pocket. Nurseshad slightly higher prevalence of cuff contamination than doctors (P=0.032). Amongst doctors, surgeons had the highest prevalence (P=0.006). Discussion:Compared to the data available in the literature, our data did not reveal contamination with significant pathogens such as staphylococcus aureus or MRSA.Nevertheless, contamination with staphylococcus epidermidis could be whether from autoinoculation or contamination from the hospital environment and could correlate to level of hygiene. Frequent washing of attire doesn’t reduce the level of contamination

    Updated Insights into the T Cell-Mediated Immune Response against SARS-CoV-2: A Step towards Efficient and Reliable Vaccines

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    The emergence of novel variants of SARS-CoV-2 and their abilities to evade the immune response elicited through presently available vaccination makes it essential to recognize the mechanisms through which SARS-CoV-2 interacts with the human immune response. It is essential not only to comprehend the infection mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 but also for the generation of effective and reliable vaccines against COVID-19. The effectiveness of the vaccine is supported by the adaptive immune response, which mainly consists of B and T cells, which play a critical role in deciding the prognosis of the COVID-19 disease. T cells are essential for reducing the viral load and containing the infection. A plethora of viral proteins can be recognized by T cells and provide a broad range of protection, especially amid the emergence of novel variants of SARS-CoV-2. However, the hyperactivation of the effector T cells and reduced number of lymphocytes have been found to be the key characteristics of the severe disease. Notably, excessive T cell activation may cause acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) by producing unwarranted and excessive amounts of cytokines and chemokines. Nevertheless, it is still unknown how T-cell-mediated immune responses function in determining the prognosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Additionally, it is unknown how the functional perturbations in the T cells lead to the severe form of the disease and to reduced protection not only against SARS-CoV-2 but many other viral infections. Hence, an updated review has been developed to understand the involvement of T cells in the infection mechanism, which in turn determines the prognosis of the disease. Importantly, we have also focused on the T cells’ exhaustion under certain conditions and how these functional perturbations can be modulated for an effective immune response against SARS-CoV-2. Additionally, a range of therapeutic strategies has been discussed that can elevate the T cell-mediated immune response either directly or indirectly

    The strategic plan for combating antimicrobial resistance in Gulf Cooperation Council States

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    Summary: The Gulf Cooperation Council Center for Infection Control (GCC-IC) has placed the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) on the top of its agenda for the past four years. The board members have developed the initial draft for the GCC strategic plan for combating AMR in 2014. The strategic plan stems from the WHO mandate to combat AMR at all levels. The need for engaging a large number of stakeholders has prompted the GCC-IC to engage a wider core of professionals in finalizing the plan. A multi-disciplinary group of more than 40 experts were then identified. And a workshop was conducted in Riyadh January 2015 and included, for the first time, representation of relevant ministries and agencies as well as international experts in the field. Participants worked over a period of two and a half days in different groups. International experts shared the global experiences and challenges in addressing human, food, animal, and environmental aspects of controlling AMR. Participants were then divided into 4 groups each to address the human, animal, microbiological and diagnostic, or the environmental aspect of AMR. At the end of the workshop, the strategic plan was revised and endorsed by all participants. The GCC-IC board members then approved it as the strategic plan for AMR. The document produced here is the first GCC strategic plan addressing AMR, which shall be adopted by GCC countries to develop country-based plans and related key performance indicators (KPIs). It is now the role of each country to identify the body that will be accountable for implementing the plan at the country level. Keywords: Strategic plan, Antimicrobial resistance, AMR, GCC, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwai

    Managing adult patients with infectious diseases in emergency departments: international ID-IRI study

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    We aimed to explore factors for optimizing antimicrobial treatment in emergency departments. A single-day point prevalence survey was conducted on January 18, 2020, in 53 referral/tertiary hospitals in 22 countries. 1957 (17%) of 11557 patients presenting to EDs had infections. The mean qSOFA score was 0.37 +/- 0.74. Sepsis (qSOFA >= 2) was recorded in 218 (11.1%) patients. The mean qSOFA score was significantly higher in low-middle (1.48 +/- 0.963) compared to upper-middle (0.17 +/- 0.482) and high-income (0.36 +/- 0.714) countries ( P < 0.001). Eight (3.7%) patients with sepsis were treated as outpatients. The most common diagnoses were upper-respiratory (n = 877, 43.3%), lower-respiratory (n = 316, 16.1%), and lower-urinary (n = 201, 10.3%) infections. 1085 (55.4%) patients received antibiotics. The most-commonly used antibiotics were beta-lactam (BL) and BL inhibitors (n = 307, 15.7%), third-generation cephalosporins (n = 251, 12.8%), and quinolones (n = 204, 10.5%). Irrational antibiotic use and inappropriate hospitalization decisions seemed possible. Patients were more septic in countries with limited resources. Hence, a better organizational scheme is required

    The strategic plan for combating antimicrobial resistance in Gulf Cooperation Council States

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