4 research outputs found
Strategic planning impact on innovation and organizational performance in the UAE
This paper aims to explain several concepts Strategic Planning (SP), Innovation (INN), and Organizational Performance (OP) to have a good understanding of the subject. The elements of different SP models may be combined to fit or meet the purpose of adopting SP in any organization. This finding makes identifying and establishing the mission and goal of an organization vital. The researchers have provided a better understanding of the SP theoretical context and helped to address the limited involvement in SP and in optimizing its benefits for OP. Literature has shown that SP has interests that may positively impact OP. However, a clear pathway for SP is needed to achieve the goal of involvement and optimization
Integrating hybrid systems with existing thermal desalinationplants
In Gulf countries, most power plants are co-generation power desalting plants (CPDP) that generate electric energy and also produce fresh water through the desalination of seawater. This paper provides detailed technical and economical analyses to evaluate a new generation of dual purpose technology that includes the integration of reverse osmosis (RO) processes with existing thermal desalination processes and power generation (triple hybrid system) at Layyah plant, Sharjah, UAE. Hybridization of sweater reverse osmosis (SWRO) and the multi-stage flash (MSF) technology was considered to improve the performance of latter and reduce the cost of the produced water. Moreover, “idle” power in winter (seasonal surplus of unused power) was mainly utilized by RO to further reduce the cost of the hybrid system for six months of the year. Spinning reserve was also used to further reduce the cost of the proposed hybrid system. Integration ofthe three processes of MSF, MED, and RO desalination technologies could be made at different levels through which the resulting of water cost will depend on the selected configuration and the cost of materials of construction, equipment, membrane, energy, etc. Thus, the capital and annual operating costs were calculated for all potential alternatives for various plant capacities. It was found that for all plant capacities, integrated hybrid systems resulted in most cost effective solution. For example, at a capacity of 50 MIGD, the present worth of the cost was calculated to be 588.7, 443.2, and 380 million US$ for MSF, MED, and hybrid RO systems, respectively
Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR): A strategic cost-effective facility to balance water production and demand for Sharjah
Aquifer storage and recovery was evaluated as a strategic water storage facility and as a tool to reduce overallcost of water production. This work investigated the size, cost, and mode of operation required to run the proposed ASR. The best scenario was to build an ASR of 280 MIGs to balance the annual water demands and to cover up for a minimum of 25% of any major crisis that might occur. The ASR will have recharge from existing SEWA plant and an additional new seawater RO plant with a capacity of 1.3 MIGD. Decision tree and risk assessment analyses were used to identify the optimum alternative
Experiencing the Unprecedented COVID-19 Lockdown: Abu Dhabi Older Adults’ Challenges and Concerns
This study focused on older adults (60+ years old) of both genders in Abu Dhabi during the COVID-19 pandemic before vaccines were made available (age ranged from 60 years to 75 years). They faced more strict rules of movement restriction and isolation that might have resulted in certain psychological feelings and social reactions. The main objective was to understand Abu Dhabi older adults’ psychological feelings during the pandemic and to identify their main concerns and challenges considering the various COVID-19-related policies and restrictions. The psychological feelings focused on fear, loneliness, sadness, irritability, emotional exhaustion, depressive symptoms, sleeping disorders, overeating, and excessive screen use. The objectives also included the changes in the psychological feelings concerning time. Other objectives covered better understanding the differences in (some activities) compared to the other age categories. Data were gathered through an online survey of community members from February to July 2020 as part of government initiatives (Department of Community Development). Responses were collected from 574 older adults in Abu Dhabi (60.1% male and 39.9% female). The analysis mainly used descriptive analysis, t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and simple trend analysis. For all tests, a p-value less than 0.05 was used for significance. The results pointed to the significant rise in feelings related to excessive screen use, fear, loneliness, and stress. The most significant concerns were related to more restrictions being imposed and not being able to see the grandchildren.The impact of new technologies on their quality of life was significantly reflected by respondents. The influence of the pandemic on older adults’ health and weight was also investigated. Analysis of variance, t-tests, and regression analysis with relevant tests were employed. The relevant results showed that some negative psychological feelings were common among older adults during the pandemic. However, the psychological feelings did not portray significant changes with time, except for sleeping disorders and overeating. Overall, older adults scored significantly different from other age groups on many challenges, concerns, and views regarding new technologies during the pandemic. No significant differences were observed regarding gender and marital status for the challenges and concerns. The research summarizes some policy guidance while noting some limitations of this study and future research directions