15 research outputs found

    Innovative 3D Depth Map Generation From A Holoscopic 3D Image Based on Graph Cut Technique

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    Holoscopic 3D imaging is a promising technique for capturing full-colour spatial 3D images using a single aperture holoscopic 3D camera. It mimics fly’s eye technique with a microlens array, which views the scene at a slightly different angle to its adjacent lens that records three-dimensional information onto a two-dimensional surface. This paper proposes a method of depth map generation from a holoscopic 3D image based on graph cut technique. The principal objective of this study is to estimate the depth information presented in a holoscopic 3D image with high precision. As such, depth map extraction is measured from a single still holoscopic 3D image which consists of multiple viewpoint images. The viewpoints are extracted and utilised for disparity calculation via disparity space image technique and pixels displacement is measured with sub-pixel accuracy to overcome the issue of the narrow baseline between the viewpoint images for stereo matching. In addition, cost aggregation is used to correlate the matching costs within a particular neighbouring region using sum of absolute difference (SAD) combined with gradient-based metric and “winner takes all” algorithm is employed to select the minimum elements in the array as optimal disparity value. Finally, the optimal depth map is obtained using graph cut technique. The proposed method extends the utilisation of holoscopic 3D imaging system and enables the expansion of the technology for various applications of autonomous robotics, medical, inspection, AR/VR, security and entertainment where 3D depth sensing and measurement are a concern

    Quality assessment of nutrition coverage in the media: A 6 week survey of five popular UK newspapers

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    Objectives: To investigate the quality of nutrition articles in popular national daily newspapers in the UK and to identify important predictors of article quality. Setting: Newspapers are a primary source of nutrition information for the public. Design: Newspaper articles were collected on 6 days of the week (excluding Sunday) for 6 weeks in summer 2014. Predictors included food type and health outcome, size of article, whether the journalist was named and day of the week. Outcome measures: A validated quality assessment tool was used to assess each article, with a minimum possible score of −12 and a maximum score of 17. Newspapers were checked in duplicate for relevant articles. The association of each predictor on article quality score was analysed adjusting for remaining predictors. A logistic regression model was implemented with quality score as the binary outcome, categorised as poor (score less than zero) or satisfactory (score of zero or more). Results: Over 6 weeks, 141 nutrition articles were included across the five newspapers. The median quality score was 2 (IQR −2–6), and 44 (31%) articles were poor quality. There was no substantial variation in quality of reporting between newspapers once other factors such as anonymous publishing, health outcome, aspect of diet covered and day of the week were taken into account. Particularly low-quality scores were obtained for anonymously published articles with no named journalist, articles that focused on obesity and articles that reported on high fat and processed foods. Conclusions: The general public are regularly exposed to poor quality information in newspapers about what to eat to promote health, particularly articles reporting on obesity. Journalists, researchers, university press officers and scientific journals need to work together more closely to ensure clear, consistent nutrition messages are communicated to the public in an engaging way

    Assessment of the Heat Capacity by Thermodynamic Approach Based on Density Functional Theory Calculations

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    The theoretical aspects of the thermodynamic calculation of the Gibbs energy and heat capacity of a crystalline system within the frame of the Density Functional Theory (DFT) are introduced in the present chapter. Various approximations of phonon motion (harmonic, quasiharmonic, and anharmonic) and their effects on the thermodynamic properties are discussed. The theoretical basis of the thermodynamic approach of the heat capacity of crystals for given thermodynamic conditions is presented, having as example six polymorphs of the magnesium hydrides

    Chemical Exposure-Induced Changes in the Expression of Neurotrophins and Their Receptors in the Main Olfactory System of Mice Lacking TRPM5-Expressing Microvillous Cells

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    Functional maintenance of the mammalian main olfactory epithelium (MOE) is challenging because of its direct exposure to a wide spectrum of environmental chemicals. We previously reported that transient receptor potential channel M5-expressing microvillous cells (TRPM5-MCs) in the MOE play an important role in olfactory maintenance. To investigate the underpinning mechanisms, we exposed transcription factor Skn-1a knockout (Skn-1a−/−) mice lacking TRPM5-MCs, and TRPM5-GFP mice to either vehicle (water) or a mixture of odorous chemicals and chitin for two weeks and analyzed the expression of olfactory signaling proteins using immunolabeling and neurotrophin (NT) and NT receptor (NTR) gene transcripts using real-time quantitative PCR. The chemical exposure did not significantly attenuate the immunolabeling of olfactory signaling proteins. Vehicle-exposed Skn-1a−/− and TRPM5-GFP mice expressed similar levels of NT and NTR gene transcripts in the MOE and olfactory bulb. Chemical exposure significantly increased MOE expression of p75NTR in Skn-1a−/− mice, while p75NTR expression was reduced in TRPM5-GFP mice, as compared to vehicle-exposed mice. Additionally, our RNA in situ hybridization analysis and immunolabeling confirmed MOE expression of most NTs and NTRs. Together, these results indicate that TRPM5-MCs and chemical exposure influence expression of some NTs and NTRs in the MOE and olfactory bulb (OB)