1,126 research outputs found

    Field Training Management System

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    The project provides services to help the students and university for the administration, documentation, tracking, and reporting of instructor-led-training programs. FTMS is focused on kcab - saafao e saoaaoa cfd c o asfafdo od c psse as as es cpo p cffffo cd fffap cps a ca such; c training management system acts as a central enterprise resource planning software specific ps the training industry. They can be complemented by other learning technologies such as a ceeefacpfsf as pno cd fffap cpfsfp dsa ofpcpfsfp eoc fffo cfcoo ofp a apo e aa c asaprc o p cabffop cfd oes pffo of instructor-led-training programs. FTMS is focus on back-office processes and are asfafdo od c psse as as es cpo p cffffo cd fffap cps a a an ca c p cffffo cfcoo ofp a apo acts as central enterprise resource planning, software specific to the training industry. They can be complemented by other learning technologies such as a learning management ea apo pl ffo pno eo fsd sa ffdo afp od acpfsfp cfd ff as o acaoa ff aansse ap dofpa ff ao pcff dfaafeeffoa a an ca ofoffoo ffo cfd odfaffo food afoed p cffffoe c p sa pno eo fsd sa od acpfon in the field is considered a requirement for graduation and a certificate of study. The government intends to train students before graduation. This training is of paramount importance; otherwise, it would not be a prerequisite for graduation from university. cf ap dofpa ff pno cec ap fe cerc a essb ps affd as ecffoa ps p cffffo rnof graduation. They always want the lowest possible time to find the companies to training. On pno spno afdop pno ao p cdfpfsfce cee scanoa ps cffs fce training companies, also use the nc dase ps odce cpo pno ap dofpe aodo ce p cffooa cfd as ecffoa oaofpe koocf ps ao asafce media to search of training site. Accordingly, it would be better for both students and ffdo afp ps rs b pn s on cf s ocfized and well-known channel to meet each other; this cfd ancffoe ans ed ko oca ps ocan fafdoffoeeo


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    One of the major new trends affecting the business world, the consumers and the economy is the emergence of e-commerce. In this paper, we will analyze both its advantages and limitations, clarifying the future impacts of this rapidly growing phenomenon. We will clarify the advantages that e-commerce helps businesses achieve, such as increasing their customers, penetrating new markets, reducing financial costs as well as enhancing customer satisfaction levels and retention rates. We will also showcase the various advantages that e-commerce provides customers such as the grater accessibility to a wider variety of products from numerous vendors, enhanced connivance in the shopping experience, as well as grater delight due the personalization features that the digital provides. Finally, we will examine the limitations that e-commerce businesses have that could limit their rapid growth. Such limitations include security and privacy issues as well as the lack of experience and proper infrastructure. This study will examine previous literature to provide a consolidated list of the advantages and limitations that e-commerce has resulted in, for both consumers and businesses

    P38 Kinase, SGK1 and NF-κB Dependent Up-Regulation of Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger Expression and Activity Following TGFß1 Treatment of Megakaryocytes

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    Transforming Growth Factor β1 (TGFβ1) plays an important role in the maturation of megakaryocyte and formation of platelets. TGFβ1 can up-regulate Ca2+ entry through store operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) and on the contrary, it can up-regulate Ca2+ exclusion by upregulating the activity of Na+/Ca2+ exchangers. TGFβ1 first enhances the increase of intracellular Ca2+ triggered by the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores, then it enhances the subsequent decline of [Ca2+]i. The mechanism of action, by which TGFβ1 up-regulates SOCE, is based on a signalling pathway requires the activation of p38 MAP Kinase, Serum & Glucocorticoid inducible Kinase (SGK1), and Nuclear Factor κB (NFκB). On the other hand, the mechanism of action, by which TGFβ1 upregulates Na+/Ca2+ exchangers remained unidentified, as well as the specific Na+/Ca2+ exchanger isoforms involved in the process of up-regulation. The present study aimed to identify, whether TGFβ1 influences the expression and activity of K+-independent (NCX) and K+-dependent (NCKX) Na+/Ca2+ exchangers, and aimed also to explore the signalling involved. Methods: In human megakaryocytic cells (MEG01), Fura-2 fluorescence was utilized to observe cytosolic Ca2+ activity [Ca2+]i. The activity of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger was studied by observing the rise in [Ca2+]i resulting from changing the extracellular solution from a solution with 0 mM Ca2+ and 130 mM Na+ to a solution with 2 mM Ca2+ and 0 Na+. For analysis of NCX, the concentration of K+ was 0 mM. For analysis of NCKX, the concentration of K+ was 40 mM. In order to quantify transcription levels of NCX/NCKX isoform, RT-PCR was applied. Results: TGFβ1 (60 ng/ml, 24 h) was found to increase significantly the transcription levels of certain isoforms of NCX/NCKX including: NCX1, NCKX1, NCKX2 and NCKX5. Additionally, the activity of NCX and NCKX was shown to be increased significantly in the presence of TGFβ1 (60 ng/ml, 24 h). Skepinone-L (1 μM), a p38 MAP Kinase inhibitor, caused a significant downregulation of the effect of TGFβ1 on both transcription levels and activity of NCX and NCKX. GSK-650394 (10 μM), an inhibitor of SGK1, and Wogonin (100 μM), and inhibitor of NFκB, caused a significant downregulation of the effect of TGFβ1 on the activity of NCX and NCKX. Conclusions: P38 MAP Kinase, SGK1 and NFκB are involved in the signaling pathway by which TGFβ1 increases the activity of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and the transcription levels of NCX1, NCKX1, NCKX2, and NCKX5

    Sri Lanka: ¿un conflicto étnico?

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    XXII Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials (Any 2017)El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el conflicto armado de Sri Lanka para comprobar si se puede considerar un «conflicto étnico» o, por el contrario, las causas fundamentales de este son otras: la lucha por la autodeterminación de la minoría tamil y su discriminación durante años. Sin embargo, la cobertura (escasa) por parte de los medios de comunicación se ha limitado a explicar este conflicto como una lucha entre tamiles y cingaleses. Además, es necesario aclarar que el período que se va a analizar va desde 1983, cuando empieza la primera guerra, hasta 2009 cuando finaliza el conflicto armado con el asesinato del líder de los Tigres de Liberación Eelam Tamil por parte del ejército nacional Así, se han consultado diversas fuentes a través de una amplia revisión bibliográfica: se hará referencia a datos e informes de la Escola de Cultura de Pau (para los procesos de paz), del Uppsala Conflict Data Program (número de fallecidos), del Instituto de Estudios Estratégicos (historia del conflicto) y de Human Rights Watch y Amnistía Internacional para analizar la situación de los Derechos Humanos en el país. Por otro lado, se hará mención a otros autores, como Vicenç Fisas, Camilla Orjuela o José María Tortosa, voces expertas en el tema de los conflictos armados y la construcción de la paz. Toda esta información recopilada se sintetiza en un cuadro análisis del conflicto diferenciando entre causas fundamentales, causas visibles, mecanismos, detonantes, factores que suavizan y aumentan la violencia, las formas de violencia y las consecuencias. De esta manera, no solo se analizará el conflicto de Sri Lanka desde un punto de vista histórico, como hasta ahora se ha venido estudiando. Todo ello permitirá extraer las conclusiones oportunas: cuáles son las causas reales de este conflicto armado

    Cómo preparar una Jornada sobre Educación y Medio Ambiente. Residuos 0. Guía didáctica

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    SBG065: Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente. Máster Universitario en Estudios Internacionales de Paz, conflictos y desarrollo


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    The purpose of this quantitative study was to identify the EFL learners’ practices and understand their experiences with SNSs (social networking sites) as a tool for English language learning. The study results were obtained from a survey of 144 undergraduate Jordanian EFL learners in the English and Translation Departments at Yarmouk University in Jordan. In the quantitative phase of the study, the research questions focused on the actual practices and strategies of EFL students on SNSs. This study was guided by the following research questions: To what extent do Jordanian EFL learners use Facebook as a tool for language learning? And what language learning practices do Jordanian EFL learners engage in on Facebook? The results revealed that most participants felt comfortable using Facebook in English language learning. However, less than half of them used Facebook on a regular basis to learn English. In addition, they tended to read and observe discussions in English rather than participate in them or produce language output. The results also revealed that learners’ practices or behaviors in the SNS environment changed depending on certain factors, such as the context, audience, sense of belonging, self – confidence, and the learners’ needs and interests. The results of the study brought to light some implications in the context of formal and informal language learning. The study might raise learner, teacher, and educator awareness about SNSs as a tool for language learning, particularly for countries with limited resources. The results also showed the need for a theoretical and pedagogical framework for the teaching and learning process that identifies the best practices and ways to avoid any harm in a SNS environment. Integrating SNSs in language teaching and learning is a topic that requires further study. Using SNSs inside and outside the classroom to practice different language skills is an important topic for future research.  Article visualizations

    Modification of Irisin Level in Overweight/Obese Women during Pregnancy and Its Association with Some Metabolic Risk Factors

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    الايرسين كبروتين حيوي يفرز من الانسجه العضليه والانسجه الدهنيه وضيفته اثناء الحمل وعلاقته ببعض عوامل الخطوره الايضيه وخاصه مؤشركتله الجسم قبيل الحمل تحتاج مزيد من التقييم. الهدف من الدراسه:هو معرفه امكانيه التنبؤ بمستوى الايرسين اثناء الحمل من خلال مؤشركتله الجسم قبيل الحمل وايضا توضيح ارتباط الايرسين ببعض المؤشرات المرضيه . تضمنت هذة الدراسة قياس مستوى الايريسين بواسطه تقنيه الايلايزا في امصال 59 حالة حمل طبيعية خلال الفتر ة من كانون الاول 2016 ولغاية شهر ايار 2017 في مستشفى الولادة بمدينة زاخو في كردستان العراق حيث كانت (32) من هذة العينات تعود لحوامل مؤشر كتلة الجسم لديهم قبيل الحمل اقل من24.9 كيلوغرام /مترمربع و27 من العينات تعود لحوامل كان مؤشر كتلة الجسم لديهم قبيل الحمل اكثرمن (25) موزعين على ثلاث فترات 8:10 في الفصل الاول و10:10 في الفصل الثاني و9:12 في الفصل الثالث بالتتابع.وايضا تم الحصول على امصال 22 امراه غير حامل متزوجه وبصحه جيده بعمر الانجاب كمجموعه سيطره .حيث ان 10 منهم كان مؤشركتله الجسم لديهم اقل من 24.9 كيلوغرام/متر مربع والباقي كان مؤشر كتله الجسم لديهم اكبرمن 25 كيلوغرام/مترمربع. .اشارت نتائج الدراسه الى ان مستوى الايرسين ارتفع بشكل معنوي في النساء الحوامل مقارنة بمجموعه السيطره.وارتبط الايرسين معنويا مع مؤشر كتله الجسم قبيل الحمل ومستوى السكر الصيامي والبروتين الكلي و نموذج تقيم توازن مقاومه الانسولين. وجد ان مؤشر كتله الجسم قبيل الحمل والبروتين الكلي استطاعوا التنبؤ بمستوى الايرسين في مجموعه الحوامل ككل.في مجموعه الحوامل ذو الوزن الطبيعي,ارتفع الايرسين بشكل غير معنوي مقارنه بمجموعه السيطره .اما الحوامل ذو الوزن الزائد/البدينات ارتفع الايرسين بشكل معنوي بنسبه 55%  في الثلث الاول من الحمل مقارنة بمجموعه السيطره ثم انخفض مستواه تدريجيا الى نهايه الحمل, وارتبط طرديا مع البروتين الكلي والالبومين والسكر الصيامي و نموذج تقيم توازن مقاومه الانسولين وعكسيا مع الزياده في الوزن خلال الحمل.وان البروتين الكلي والسكر الصيامي استطاعو التنبؤ بمستوى الايرسين في الحوامل ذو الوزن الزائد. خلصت الدراسه الى ان مستوى الايرسين يتاثر بمؤشركتله الجسم قبيل الحمل وان كلا من البروتين الكلي والسكر الصيامي بامكانهم توقع مستوى الايرسين في النساء ذو الوزن الزائد.الايرسين ممكن ان يكون عامل جوهري في الدراسات التي تعنى بالحالات المرضيه المرتبطه بانخفاض البروتين الكلي اثناء الحمل مثل الولاده المبكره والوذمه وامراض الكبد.Irisin is a novel myokine and adipokine, its role during pregnancy and its association with some metabolic risk factors especially pre-pregnancy body mass index (pre-BMI) need more evaluation. The aim of the study is to find whether the pre-BMI could predict irisin levels during normal pregnancy and to clarify associations of irisin with some pathological parameters. Irisin levels were estimated by ELISA in sera of 59 normal pregnant women who enrolled from December 2016 to May 2017 at Maternity Hospital, Zakho city, Kurdistan region (Iraq). Thirty-two normal-weight pregnant (pre-BMI≤24.9 kg/m2, Age=24.03 mean±3.7standard deviation) and 27 overweight/obese-pregnant (pre-BMI>25 kg/m2, Age=27.6 mean±3.9 standard deviation) were accounted for each trimester as10: 8 in first trimester, 10:10 in second trimester and12:9 in third trimester respectively. Twenty-two healthy married non-pregnant women of reproductive age served as controls, accounted as 10 normal-weight women (BMI ≤24.9 kg/m2) and 12 overweight/obese women (BMI>25 kg/m2). In pregnant women as a whole, irisin level significantly increased compared to control (p=0.003), and correlated with the pre-BMI, FBS, TP and HOMA2-IR. Pre-BMI and TP predicted irisin levels in a whole study population (p=0.011 and 0.014 respectively). In Overweight/Obese-pregnant, irisin increased significantly by 55.3% in first trimester compared with Overweight/Obese women control, then decreased progressively toward the end of gestation, correlated with TP, Albumin, FBS, HOMA2-IR and negatively correlated with gestational weight gained. TP and FBS independently predicted irisin level in Overweight/Obese-pregnant group. Conclusion: Circulating irisin levels are influenced by pre-BMI, and both of TP and FBS predict irisin levels in overweight/obese pregnant. Irisin level should be a radical factor in future studies for pathological conditions linked to hypoproteinemias such as edema and hepatic disease


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    The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify the EFL learners’ practices and understand their experiences with SNSs (social networking sites) as a tool for English language learning. The study was conducted in richer information and a deeper insight was gained through a qualitative case study. In the qualitative phase, 12 participants were purposefully selected and interviewed in order to explain further the statistical results, develop a rich descriptive picture of their lived experiences using social networking to improve their English language learning, and identify the factors and barriers that influence their practices. This study was guided by the following research question: How do these Facebook practices affect their language learning experiences? The results revealed that most participants felt comfortable using Facebook in English language learning. However, less than half of them used Facebook on a regular basis to learn English. In addition, they tended to read and observe discussions in English rather than participate in them or produce language output. The results also revealed that learners’ practices or behaviors in the SNS environment changed depending on certain factors, such as the context, audience, sense of belonging, self – confidence, and the learners’ needs and interests.  Article visualizations

    Experimental and Numerical Parametric Studies on Inclined Skirted Foundation Resting on Sand

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    Skirted foundation behavior is enhanced due to the increase in skirt angle. The bearing capacity of the inclined skirted foundations resting on sandy soil is influenced by the soil parameters and skirting systems. Finite element analyses were carried out using Plaxis-3D software to find out the influence of the relative density, the internal friction angle of the supported soil, and the additional skirts on the bearing capacity of the inclined skirted foundations. The experimental work on a small physical scale was also carried out to support the numerical findings, which give an acceptable agreement. The findings revealed that the increase in relative density resulted in a significant increase in the bearing capacity of the inclined skirted foundation. In the same way, as the internal friction angle increases, the bearing capacity is affected by this increase, which improves the bearing capacity value. The effect of the additional skirts on the bearing capacity is observed to be neglected, and, in some cases, it causes a negative effect. The findings of this study contribute to a greater comprehension of the behavior of inclined skirted foundations and can assist in the future design of more efficient and effective foundation systems. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-07-017 Full Text: PD