387 research outputs found

    Understanding the Impact of Adopting Intellectual Capital Components on Achieving the Competitive Advantage (Case of Jordanian Insurance Companies)

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    In this paper we examine the level and determinants of competitive advantage in Jordanian insurance companies because of its importance in giving a unique position to companies in the market to be superior to its competitors. However, this study concludes that the relationship between intellectual capitals measured by “Structural Capital” has a significant positive influence on competitive advantage. While the other variables “Human capital and structural capital” have no statistical significant impact on competitive advantage. Despite the importance of this study, it holds some limitations. First, the current research may show other relationships among variable at different points of testing. Second, this research was conducted in small country (Jordan) that is considered to be a developing country. The results may not generalize to other developed countries. Third, despite the fact that the current study has sufficient sample size, the appropriate sampling of the research impedes the generalization of findings. Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Human Capital, Structural Capital, Relational Capital, Competitive Advantage, Jordanian Insurance Sector. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-23-08 Publication date:August 31st 2020

    Superluminal light group velocity in tapered optical microfibers

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    Superluminal light group velocity was formerly reported in anomalous dispersion, nonlinear amplification of light pulse, high-gain lasers' cavities, and waveguides. Motivated by a recent observation of light acceleration in optical microfiber [1], the possibility of attaining the light group velocity exceeds its value in vacuum is investigated. The investigation of superluminal velocity is in tapered optical microfiber that has a radius decreases with propagation axis by a factor 10-3. Our results show the possibility of attaining superluminal group velocity in this microfiber at length of about 1080µm. At this length the instantaneous acceleration of light is found to be 13×1019 m/s2 which its corresponding Unruh temperature is 0.527K

    The Effectiveness of an Educational Program for Developing Tolerance Values and Resistance to Intellectual Extremism at Secondary Level in Jordan

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    This study aimed to establish an effective educational program based on the rights of non-Muslims in Islamic principles of the development of religious tolerance values and the intellectual resistance of extremism among high school students in Jordan. The study was conducted on a sample of 48 students in 11th grade from Al-Arqam Islamic School, during the second semester of the academic year 2017-2018. A descriptive method was used for gathering the principles of rights for non-Muslims. A semi-empirical method was also used to measure the effectiveness of the educational program on two dependent variables (religious tolerance values, resistance of intellectual extremism), measured with two tools prepared by the researchers: the measure of religious tolerance values, and the measure of resistance to intellectual extremism. The results showed a statistically significant difference between the average performance of both the experimental and control groups in the measures for religious tolerance and resistance to intellectual extremism due to the experimental method of teaching designed for this study

    Radioactive and Environmental Pollution in the Hilla River

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    يعد التلوث البيئي من أكبر مشاكل هذا العصر, ومن أكثرها خطورة على مستقبل الحياة فوق كوكب الأرض. ان اغلب العلماء اختلفوا في تحديد تعريف دقيق للمفهوم العلمي الخاص بالتلوث البيئي وأياً كان المفهوم العلمي للتلوث الاشعاعي مرتبط بالدرجة الاساسية بالنظام البيئي (Eco System), فالتباين النوعي و الكمي الذي يحصل على تركيب مواد وعناصر هذا النظام يؤدي الى اختلال في توازن هذا النظام مما يؤدي الى حدوث تأثيرات مباشرة او غير مباشرة في النظام البيئي، و أحد أنواع التلوث البيئي هو التلوث الإشعاعي الذي يمثل مشكلة مهمة ومعقدة. يشكل التلوث الإشعاعي ثقلاً متزايداً على المكونات المختلفة لبيئتنا من ضمنها التربة التي تعد طبقة حية تتفاعل الكثير من العوامل الطبيعية والكيميائية والحياتية في تكوينها وتطورها وإكسابها خواصها المختلفة. تكمن أهمية التربة من حيث إنها المستقبل للمواد المشعة وأن دورها بعيد الأمد يكون بوصفها مستودعاً للمواد المشعة وفي الوقت نفسه بوصفها مصدراً لهذه المواد في تلوث الهواء والماء والنبات.Environmental pollution is one of the biggest problems of this age, and one of the most dangerous for the future of life on Earth. Most of the scientists differed in determining a precise definition of the scientific concept of environmental pollution, and whatever the scientific concept of radioactive pollution is related primarily to the ecosystem (Eco System), The qualitative and quantitative variation that occurs in the composition of the materials and elements of this system leads to an imbalance in the balance of this system, which leads to direct or indirect effects on the ecosystem, and one of the types of environmental pollution is radioactive pollution, which represents an important and complex problem. Radioactive pollution places an increasing burden on the various components of our environment, including soil, which is a living layer. Many natural, chemical and biological factors interact in their various formation, development and properties. The importance of soil lies in the fact that it is the future of radioactive materials and its long-term role as a repository of radioactive materials and at the same time a source of these materials in air, water and plant pollution. Abstract sample Abstract sample Abstract sample Abstract sample Abstract sample Abstract sample Abstract sample Abstract sample Abstract sample Abstract sample Abstract sample Abstract sample Abstract sample Abstract sample Abstract sample Abstract sample

    Maximum intensity determination of beam waist in BBO optical nonlinear crystal using single harmonic generation

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    Nonlinear optics is a branch of optics that explains the nonlinear response of atoms and molecules to a field of light radiation. There is a difficulty in cutting crystals in shapes commensurate with their optical properties, and thus it was significant to determine the descriptive shape of crystal properties based on its optic properties to be ideal in use. The problem of determining the length of the crystal to give the best output power is still under study and research and is one of the most important topics. In our research, a computational method based on mathematical relationships was used to estimate the length of the BBO crystal of I-type, which gives the best output power, by manipulating the location of the optical light scattering to be in the middle of the crystal. It was found that the best length of a crystal with a width of 3mm and a height of 3mm is 7mm. the comparison of these results with the previous literatures gave a great match, which confirms the correctness of the computations and the reliability of used method

    Ultrasonographic investigation of early embryonic death in mares

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    The aim of the study was to characterize clinical symptoms for an impending embryonic death using Real-Time ultrasound technique. The present study was conducted in two different farms, including (257) foaling mares (Arabian, Thoroughbred, and Crossbreed) in Al-Laith equine herd and Equestrian club in Al-Ameria, 4-14 years old foaling mares which are situated in areas around Baghdad and extended one calendar from July 2011 to July 2012. These mares were examined for pregnancy diagnosis by using trans-rectal ultrasonography a 5MHz linear-array transducer between days 10 and 60 after breeding (last breeding day=day 0). The incidence of early embryonic death (EED) in this study occurred most frequently ≤ day 40 (6/ 13, 46.2%), while low occurrence of early embryonic loss was during the period from 41-50 day and 51-60 day (2/13,15%), (5/13,38.45) respectively as the total number of mares suffered from EED were (13) mares. The results of this study showed a significant difference (P<0.05) between the percentage of early embryonic death and gestation period through 10-60 days. Sonographic characteristics of an impending embryonic death were as follows: the size of conceptus was underdeveloped, the endometrium becomes heterogenic and estrous-like. A reduced volume of conceptual fluid and disorganization of the conceptual membrane were the most important criteria after embryonic death. In conclusion, that B-mode ultrasound is a useful and essential method to diagnose and predict embryonic mortality in mares

    Role of Moringa oleifera seeds and food supplement on some biochemical parameters in male rats

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    The present study was investigated the antioxidant capacity of Moringa oleifera Seeds (MOS), its impact on the Male Albino rats, and its comparison with Food supplement (FS). The study provided 15 Rats, and according to different feeding foods, the rats are divided into three groups; MOS, FS, and normal Rat's food as a control group. Samples (urine and serum) were collected from each rat after intake MOS, FS and normal food for 85 days then biochemical analysis were performed such as liver enzymes (glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (GPT), and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)), lipid profile (high-density lipoprotein (HDL), Triglycerides (TG), and Total Cholesterol (TC)), (Tp and Alb). Moreover, it determined mineral contents of MOS, FS, and normal rat's food by using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). It also detects total antioxidant capacities in MOS, which were evaluated through using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) assays. Statistical analysis showed the final body weight significantly increased in FS group compared to MOS and control groups. The TP and Alb levels revealed a significant difference between groups in both serum and urine samples. Liver function parameters raised significantly in FS group when compared with Mos and control group. Moreover, it was evaluated of higher concentration of Potassium and Magnesium in MOS when compared with FS group and control group. PPH scavenging capacity in MOS. We conclude that MOS is healthy and rich with Potassium and Magnesium, which can be used as an antioxidant source. While FS has side effects on rats' kidneys and liver, although the FS increases body weight compared to other groups

    Design and Implementation of Web-Based E-learning Management System

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    With the popularization of the internet and the growth of thecommunication technology, E-learning is increasingly utilized by both theacademic and industrial communities.Management is a critical aspect in E-learning system because it provides away to create and deliver learning content, monitor student participation, andevaluate student performance. Also learning management system automates theadministration of training events, handling course schedules and registrations;delivering learning content; facilitating communication among learners andbetween learners and instructors.This paper introduces a distributed E-learning management system usingclient/server model. On the server side of the system, an administrator involvingmanaging and controlling all the students and tutors activities; making alladministrator's subsystems work properly and transparently without bothering orinterrupting system's users (clients side)

    Saudi mothers' preferences about breaking bad news concerning newborns: a structured verbal questionnaire

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Breaking bad news (BBN) to parents whose newborn has a major disease is an ethical dilemma. In Saudi Arabia, BBN about newborns is performed according to the parental preferences that have been reported from non-Arabic/non-Islamic countries. Saudi mothers' preferences about BBN have not yet been studied. Therefore, we aimed to elicit the preferences of Saudi mothers about BBN concerning newborns.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We selected a convenience sample of 402 Saudi mothers, aged 18-50 years, who had no previous experience with BBN. We selected them via a simple number-randomization scheme from the premises of a level III Saudi hospital between October of 2009 and January of 2011. We used a hypothetical situation (BBN about trisomy 21) to elicit their preferences about BBN concerning newborns via a structured verbal questionnaire composed of 12 multiple-choice questions. We expressed their preferences as percentages (95% confidence interval), and we used the Kendall's W test (W) to assess the degree of agreement in preferences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Saudi mothers preferred that BBN be conducted with both parents together (64% [60-69]), albeit with weak levels of agreement (W = 0.29). They showed moderate agreement in their preferences that BBN should be conducted early (79% [75-83], W = 0.48), in detail (81% [77-85], W = 0.52), in person (88% [85-91], W = 0.58), and in a quiet setting (86% [83-90], W = 0.53). With extremely weak agreement, they preferred to have a known person present for support during BBN (56% [51-61], W = 0.01), to have close bodily contact with their babies (66% [61-70], W = 0.10), and to have no another patients present (64% [59-68], W = 0.08). They showed moderate levels of agreement in their desires to detail, in advance, their preferences about process of BBN by giving a reversible, written informed consent that could be utilized for guidance, if needed (80% [76-84], W = 0.36).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In our experience, Saudi mothers' preferences about BBN concerning newborns are varied, suggesting that a "one-size-fits-all" approach is inappropriate. A reversible, written informed consent detailing their preferences about BBN that would be kept in their medical records and utilized for guidance, if needed, may be the best solution, given this level of diversity. These findings merit further study.</p