15 research outputs found

    Increased emergency calls during the covid-19 pandemic in saudi arabia: A national retrospective study

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    The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has a direct and indirect effect on the different healthcare systems around the world. In this study, we aim to describe the impact on the utilization of emergency medical services (EMS) in Saudi Arabia during the COVID-19 pandemic. We studied cumulative data from emergency calls collected from the SRCA. Data were separated into three periods: before COVID-19 (1 January–29 February 2020), during COVID-19 (1 March–23 April 2020), and during the Holy Month of Ramadan (24 April–23 May 2020). A marked increase of cases was handled during the COVID-19 period compared to the number before pandemic. Increases in all types of cases, except for those related to trauma, occurred during COVID-19, with all regions experiencing increased call volumes during COVID-19 compared with before pandemic. Demand for EMS significantly increased throughout Saudi Arabia during the pandemic period. Use of the mobile application ASAFNY to request an ambulance almost doubled during the pandemic but remained a small fraction of total calls. Altered weekly call patterns and increased call volume during the pandemic indicated not only a need for increased staff but an alteration in staffing patterns

    A cross-sectional study on the flood emergency preparedness among healthcare providers in Saudi Arabia

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    This study used a descriptive cross-sectional methodology to measure healthcare workers’ knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, and willingness to respond to a flood scenario in Saudi Arabia. A validated survey was distributed to collect data using a convenience sampling technique through multiple social media platforms. A total of 227 participants were included in this study: 52% of them were aged between 26 to 34 years, 74% were residents from Riyadh, and 52.4% worked in nursing divisions. A significant number of respondents (73.2%) had positive perceptions towards their hospitals’ ability to provide an effective response to a flood, 89% were willing to report to work following a flood, and 90% of participants reported the need to develop both guidelines and training for flood disaster preparedness. Preparation and successful flood mitigation in the hospital setting requires staff that have both knowledge and training in emergency management. One way to obtain such readiness is through competency-based training, including both table-top and full-scale live exercises. Although the willingness to respond to such a flooding emergency was high among staff, the development of guidelines and educational programs is needed in order to develop the competencies and skills sets to improve disaster preparedness response and preparedness efforts

    Perspectives on Preparedness for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Threats in the Middle East and North Africa Region: Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques

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    Over the past 3 decades, the diversity of ethnic, religious, and political backgrounds worldwide, particularly in countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), has led to an increase in the number of intercountry conflicts and terrorist attacks, sometimes involving chemical and biological agents. This warrants moving toward a collaborative approach to strengthening preparedness in the region. In disaster medicine, artificial intelligence techniques have been increasingly utilized to allow a thorough analysis by revealing unseen patterns. In this study, the authors used text mining and machine learning techniques to analyze open-ended feedback from multidisciplinary experts in disaster medicine regarding the MENA region's preparedness for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) risks. Open-ended feedback from 29 international experts in disaster medicine, selected based on their organizational roles and contributions to the academic field, was collected using a modified interview method between October and December 2022. Machine learning clustering algorithms, natural language processing, and sentiment analysis were used to analyze the data gathered using R language accessed through the RStudio environment. Findings revealed negative and fearful sentiments about a lack of accessibility to preparedness information, as well as positive sentiments toward CBRN preparedness concepts raised by the modified interview method. The artificial intelligence analysis techniques revealed a common consensus among experts about the importance of having accessible and effective plans and improved health sector preparedness in MENA, especially for potential chemical and biological incidents. Findings from this study can inform policymakers in the region to converge their efforts to build collaborative initiatives to strengthen CBRN preparedness capabilities in the healthcare sector

    The Prevalence of Risky Driving Habits in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    Road traffic crashes represent a substantial global public health issue. In Saudi Arabia, which is the focus area of this research, road traffic crashes kill over 130,000 people annually, accounting for almost 5% of deaths in that country. A cross-sectional study with 316 participants holding a valid Saudi driver’s license was conducted via the internet from December 2019 to March 2020 to collect information about the prevalence of risky driving habits among Saudi drivers. The sample was predominantly men and aged between 20 and 39, which is representative of the population of drivers in Saudi Arabia. Drivers generally reported engaging in safe behaviors, although they did state that they drove above the legal speed limit, drove aggressively around slow drivers, and became distracted while driving with some frequency. Multivariate analyses suggested men took more risks than women and younger drivers took more risks than older ones. We conclude that the behavior among drivers in Saudi Arabia generally matches those in other cultures and countries, with men and young adults taking the most risks while driving. Preventative strategies should be developed and implemented in Saudi Arabia

    Increased Emergency Calls during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Saudi Arabia: A National Retrospective Study

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    The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has a direct and indirect effect on the different healthcare systems around the world. In this study, we aim to describe the impact on the utilization of emergency medical services (EMS) in Saudi Arabia during the COVID-19 pandemic. We studied cumulative data from emergency calls collected from the SRCA. Data were separated into three periods: before COVID-19 (1 January–29 February 2020), during COVID-19 (1 March–23 April 2020), and during the Holy Month of Ramadan (24 April–23 May 2020). A marked increase of cases was handled during the COVID-19 period compared to the number before pandemic. Increases in all types of cases, except for those related to trauma, occurred during COVID-19, with all regions experiencing increased call volumes during COVID-19 compared with before pandemic. Demand for EMS significantly increased throughout Saudi Arabia during the pandemic period. Use of the mobile application ASAFNY to request an ambulance almost doubled during the pandemic but remained a small fraction of total calls. Altered weekly call patterns and increased call volume during the pandemic indicated not only a need for increased staff but an alteration in staffing patterns

    A Cross-Sectional Study on the Flood Emergency Preparedness among Healthcare Providers in Saudi Arabia

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    This study used a descriptive cross-sectional methodology to measure healthcare workers’ knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, and willingness to respond to a flood scenario in Saudi Arabia. A validated survey was distributed to collect data using a convenience sampling technique through multiple social media platforms. A total of 227 participants were included in this study: 52% of them were aged between 26 to 34 years, 74% were residents from Riyadh, and 52.4% worked in nursing divisions. A significant number of respondents (73.2%) had positive perceptions towards their hospitals’ ability to provide an effective response to a flood, 89% were willing to report to work following a flood, and 90% of participants reported the need to develop both guidelines and training for flood disaster preparedness. Preparation and successful flood mitigation in the hospital setting requires staff that have both knowledge and training in emergency management. One way to obtain such readiness is through competency-based training, including both table-top and full-scale live exercises. Although the willingness to respond to such a flooding emergency was high among staff, the development of guidelines and educational programs is needed in order to develop the competencies and skills sets to improve disaster preparedness response and preparedness efforts

    Resilience in Emergency Medicine during COVID-19: Evaluating Staff Expectations and Preparedness

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic brought about significant challenges for health systems globally, with medical professionals at the forefront of this crisis. Understanding their organizational expectations and well-being implications is crucial for crafting responsive healthcare environments. Methods: Between 2021 and 2022, an online survey was conducted among 852 medical professionals across four provinces in Poland: Mazovia, ƁódĆș, ƚwiętokrzyskie, and Lublin. The survey tool, based on a comprehensive literature review, comprised dichotomous questions and specific queries to gather explicit insights. A 5-point Likert scale was implemented to capture nuanced perceptions. Additionally, the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist-Civilian (PCL-C) was utilized to ascertain the correlation between workplace organization and post-traumatic stress symptoms. Results: A noteworthy 84.6% of participants believed their employers could enhance safety measures, highlighting a discrepancy between healthcare workers’ expectations and organizational implementations. Major concerns encompassed the demand for improved personal protective equipment (44.6%), structured debriefing sessions (40%), distinct building entrances and exits (38.8%), and psychological support (38.3%). Statistical analyses showcased significant variations in ‘Avoidance’ and ‘Overall PTSD Score’ between individuals who had undergone epidemic safety procedure training and those who had not. Conclusions: The results illuminate the imperative for healthcare organizations to remain agile, attentive, and deeply compassionate, especially during worldwide health emergencies. Despite showcasing remarkable resilience during the pandemic, medical professionals ardently seek an environment that underscores their safety and mental well-being. These findings reinforce the call for healthcare institutions and policymakers to champion a forward-thinking, employee-focused approach. Additionally, the data suggest a potential avenue for future research focusing on specific demographic groups, further enriching our understanding and ensuring a more comprehensive readiness for impending health crises

    The variation in preventable hospitalization in patients with type 2 diabetes in Kentucky before and after the Medicaid expansion

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    BACKGROUND: Hospitalizations are more resource intensive and expensive than outpatient care. Therefore, type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization are a major topic of research efficiency in the healthcare system. OBJECTIVES: Analyze county level variation in type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization rates in Kentucky before the Medicaid expansion (2010-2013) and after the Medicaid expansion (2014-2017). DESIGN: Geographic mapping and cluster analysis SETTING: Data for a state of the United States of America METHODS: We used the KID data to generate geographic mapping for type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalizations to visualize rates. We included all Kentucky discharges of age 18 years and older with the ICD9/10 principal diagnosis code for type 2 diabetes. Then, we conducted cluster analysis techniques to compare county-level variation in type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization rates across Kentucky counties pre- and post-Medicaid expansion. MAIN OUTCOME AND MEASURES: County type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization pre- and post-Medicaid expansion. RESULTS: From 2010-2017, type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization discharge rates reduced significantly in the period of the post-Medicaid expansion (P=.001). The spatial statistics analysis revealed a significant spatial clustering of counties with similar rates of type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization in the south, east, and southeastern Kentucky pre- and post-Medicaid expansion (positive z-score and positive Moran's Index value (P>.05). Also, there was a significant clustering of counties with low type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization rates in the north, west, and central regions of the state pre-Medicaid expansion and post-Medicaid expansion (positive z-score and positive Moran's Index value (P>.05). CONCLUSION: Kentucky counties in the southeast have experienced a significant clustering of highly avoidable hospitalization rates during both periods. Focusing on the vulnerable counties and the economic inequality in Kentucky could lead to efforts to lowering future type 2 diabetes-related preventable hospitalization rates. LIMITATIONS: We used de-identified data which does not provide insights into the frequency of hospitalizations per patient. An individual patient may be hospitalized several times and counted as several individuals

    Alcohol and Road Accidents Involving Pedestrians as Unprotected Road Users

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    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than half of all road fatalities involve vulnerable road users, i.e., pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. Poland is classified as one of the European Union (EU) countries marked by low road safety, with a higher frequency of accidents involving pedestrians compared to other EU countries (31% of all fatalities). Among unprotected road users, a significant group of victims are pedestrians, who are often under the influence of alcohol. This study aims to analyze the impact of alcohol on the risk of occurrence and consequences of road accidents among pedestrians. The source of data was the medical documentation of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Medical University of Warsaw. In more than half of pedestrian deaths, the presence of alcohol was found; regardless of the place of the event and the place of death, among the victims under the influence of alcohol, males dominated; the average age of the victims under the influence of alcohol was significantly lower compared to the average age of sober victims, with younger victims being significantly more likely to die at the scene of the accident, especially in rural areas; significantly higher alcohol concentrations were found in males, in victims who died at the scene of the accident, and with victims of accidents in rural areas. Among pedestrian traffic accident fatalities, the most numerous group comprised young men under the influence of alcohol. In rural areas, a higher percentage of pedestrian victims died at the scene as a result of excessive alcohol consumption. These areas should be subject to intensive preventive measures to increase the safety of pedestrians as unprotected road users

    How Medical Studies in Poland Prepare Future Healthcare Managers for Crises and Disasters: Results of a Pilot Study

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    In the event of a crisis, rapid and effective assistance for victims is essential, and in many cases, medical assistance is required. To manage the situation efficiently, it is necessary to have a proactive management system in place that ensures professional assistance to victims and the safety of medical personnel. We evaluated the perceptions of students and graduates in public health studies at the Medical University of Lublin, Poland, concerning their preparation and management skills for crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This pilot study was conducted in March 2020; we employed an online survey with an anonymous questionnaire that was addressed to students and graduates with an educational focus in healthcare organization and management. The study involved 55 people, including 14 men and 41 women. Among the respondents, 41.8% currently worked in a healthcare facility and only 21.7% of them had participated in training related to preparation for emergencies and disasters in their current workplace. The respondents rated their workplaces’ preparedness for the COVID-19 pandemic at four points. A significant number of respondents stated that if they had to manage a public health emergency, they would not be able to manage the situation correctly and not be able to predict its development. Managers of healthcare organizations should have the knowledge and skills to manage crises. It would be advisable for them to have been formally educated in public health or healthcare administration. In every healthcare facility, it is essential that training and practice of performing medical procedures in full personal protective equipment (PPE) be provided. Healthcare facilities must implement regular training combined with practical live scenario exercises to prepare for future crises