117 research outputs found

    Examination of Several physiochemical characteristics of underground water collected from various wells situated south Baghdad-IRAQ

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    Underground water is subjected to contamination due to the wastewater of different agricultural and industrial activities .This work was designed to examine several physiochemical variables of well water situated in southern land of Baghdad that already used in such activities. Water samples were collected from different wells in January and July 2014. It has found that mean pH value were varying from 7.1 ± 0.4 to 7.5 ± 0.7 and these values for EC were  1.24±0.09 to 2.5±0.19 while mean values of turbidity were ranged from 0.01±0.0 to 7.01±1.54 . Mean values of each of BOD, COD and DO have been found to range from 7.0±2.44 to 13.24, 13.3±3.33 to 68.0±11.7 and 3.1±2.6 to 7.5±3.22 respectively. However, water samples had mean value of PO4 within a range of 0.30±0.01 to 0.66±0.12 and the mean of SO4 was placed between 93±24.69 to 371±35.27. For each of Cl, Ca and Mg ions had given mean values in a range of 0.01±0.0 to 1.9±0.36, 70.0±21.51 to 98.0±28.72, and 80.1±13.51 to 100.5±25.62 respectively. It seems clearly that there was no significant (<0.05) differences between the collecting periods for all examined variables except for water EC where mean values were significantly (P?0.05) higher in July than that of January. However, similar insignificant differences were recorded between mean values of   tested underground water samples in terms of all physiochemical variables. The mean values of certain examined variables were well above than those of fresh water of both rivers and lakes such as EC, BOD and Mg ions while the mean values of pH and DO were found to be within the range of similar variables, but the remaining variables were much lower than those reported for raw water. Furthermore, turbidity in water sample of well 5 was extremely higher in July than those of the remaining wells either in January and July. Key words: Water contamination, underground water, physiochemical variables, fresh water, water standards

    Identifying major tasks and minor tasks within online reviews

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. Many e-commerce websites allow customers to provide reviews that reflect their experiences and opinions about products and services. Such published reviews, whether positive or negative, serve both the consumer and the business. Negative reviews can inform the merchant of issues that, when addressed, may improve the addressed aspect of the business and improve its online reputation. However, when the merchant fails to respond to customers’ concerns, the business faces potential loss of reputation. The Sentiminder system identifies major areas of customer concern, and specific concerns within each area. This helps the merchant to process a large body of reviews and find what needs to be addressed. In this paper we address the problems of quickly finding specific issues and specific comments that are consistently discussed in a negative way. Our technique drills down from the major task areas to more specific issues, assisting the user to accurately determine what issues need attention. The sentiment of reviews on the same topic can vary widely, so we maximize coherence over a variety of six different sentiment assessment techniques. We achieve from about 45% to 65% coherence. These suggestions are implemented in the Sentiminder, an online tool that creates schedules of optimal selections of tasks

    The Effect of the Provisions of the Marriage Contract in Achieving the Purpose of Justice According to the Qur'anic Perspective

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    It has not been said to the Messengers before you that your Lord is a wielder of forgiveness and painful punishment .(43) It has been detailed that in order for such a law to have the characteristics of its sources, it must be characterized by the attributes of perfection and precision in its provisions, so that it is based on achieving and complementing the interests of the people, as well as warding off and minimizing evil for them. Al-Baqarah: ,185 and one of the manifestations of His mercy, Glory be to Him, is that He made the goal of justice among the purposes that are realized by the provisions that characterize this noble Sharia. ``Indeed, God commands justice and kindness and giving to kin and forbids immorality, evil, and transgression against you''. An-Nahl: ,90 until life is straight and sweet, and this justice is sought by the reader and researcher in the details of the Sharia provisions, whether in worship or in contracts and transactions, and as a succession of divine proofs that this Sharia is valid for all times and places, and capable of refuting fabrications of falsehoods and spoiler suspicions. To give solutions to the biggest dilemmas and challenges facing humanity in its journey on this earth, so we can find this justice clearly in the provisions related to marriage, whose legitimacy is intended, as it makes the obligated person in a state of tranquility while he responds to the call of instinct, and satisfies his instinct with an outlet that God and his law made for them, which is marriage. And He forbade them fornication and incest, "And those who are to guard their private parts" .(29) Except against their spouses or what any of their oaths contain, they cannot be blamed .(30) So, whoever seeks after that, then those are the transgressors .(31) Al-Maarij: and through the provisions of marriage, we can establish a family of peace, affection, and mercy, and all of this comes through activating the purpose of justice, whose provisions emphasize the need for the family entity to be established on it. Between the spouses, the provisions of legal guardianship and discipline and polygamy for wives through a jurisprudential study based on the sources and references of the four schools of jurisprudence and intentional books, emphasizing their role in achieving and nurturing the goal of justice in a manner distinguished by refuting the suspicions of those who follow their desires and want to destroy this divine structure, which is one of the great signs in which He was grateful to his creation. Keywords: impact, provisions, marriage contract, justicetrace, Provisions, The marriage contract, The marriage contract, Justic

    Modeling travel behavior based on household characteristics

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    E-Healthcare Knowledge Creation Platform Using Action Research

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    © 2018, ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. There has been a long discussion on knowledge creation in the health care environment. Recently, the action research approach is attracting considerable attention. Action research supports a learning process where collaboratively the healthcare stakeholders are cooperating to produce knowledge that will influence their practice. Usually physicians are involved in case study research where information is produced but it is not used to offer insights back to the community. In this paper we propose a healthcare learning platform (HLP) that enables members of the health multidisciplinary communities to collaborate, share up-to-date information and harvest useful evidence. In this e-health platform knowledge is created based on patient feedback, the dynamic creation of communities that involve the participation of several stakeholders and the creation of an action learning environment where problem identification, investigation and planning, action and reflection is a cycle that enables knowledge and experience to contribute to healthcare knowledge creation

    A machine-based personality oriented team recommender for software development organizations

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    Hiring the right person for the right job is always a challenging task in software development landscapes. To bridge this gap, software_rms start using psychometric instruments for investigating the personality types of software practitioners. In our previous research, we have developed an MBTI-like instrument to reveal the personality types ofsoftware practitioners. This study aims to develop a personality-based team recommender mechanism to improve the e_ectiveness of software teams. The mechanism is based on predicting the possible patterns of teams using a machine-based classi_er. The classi_er is trained with em-pirical data (e.g. personality types, job roles), which was collected from52 software practitioners working on _ve different software teams. 12software practitioners were selected for the testing process who were recommended by the classi_er to work for these teams. The preliminary results suggest that a personality-based team recommender system mayprovide an effective approach as compared with ad-hoc methods of teamformation in software development organizations. Ultimately, the overallperformance of the proposed classi_er was 83.3%. These _ndings seemacceptable especially for tasks of suggestion where individuals might beable to _t in more than one team

    Studies on the roles of endocytic pathways in drug delivery and resistance in leukaemia cells

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    This study then focused on protein transduction domains (PTD), such as the HIV-Tat and octaarginine, which have shown great promise as vectors for drug delivery and have demonstrated abilities to bypass drug transporters thereby increasing drug efficacy. However their mechanism of entry and eventual cellular fate is much debated in the literature. KG1a and K562 cells were found to be good models for studying the cellular dynamics of fluorescently conjugated PTD as their suspension status minimised background fluorescence resulting from non-specific binding of fluorescent peptides to tissue culture plastic. Immunofluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry implicates a predominantly endocytic mechanism of uptake for these peptides and their final cellular distribution is indicative of late endosomes and lysosomes. Their cellular dynamics suggests they may be able to bypass conventional MDR processes, making them ideal for the circumvention of both transporter mediated drug exclusion and drug sequestration