177 research outputs found

    The effects of short-term JNK inhibition on the survival and growth of aged sympathetic neurons

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    During the course of normal aging, certain populations of nerve growth factor (NGF)-responsive neurons become selectively vulnerable to cell death. Studies using dissociated neurons isolated from neonates have shown that c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are important in regulating the survival and neurite outgrowth of NGF-responsive sympathetic neurons. Unlike neonatal neurons, adult sympathetic neurons are not dependent on NGF for their survival. Moreover, the NGF precursor, proNGF, is neurotoxic for aging but not young adult NGF-responsive neurons. Because of these age-related differences, the effects of JNK inhibition on the survival and growth of sympathetic neurons isolated from aged mice were studied. Aged neurons, as well as glia, were found to be dependent on JNK for their growth but not their survival. Conversely, proNGF neurotoxicity was JNK-dependent and mediated by the p75-interacting protein NRAGE, whereas neurite outgrowth was independent of NRAGE. These results have implications for the potential use of JNK inhibitors as therapies for ameliorating age-related neurodegenerative disease

    Study the Incidence and Types of Anemia inPregnant Women inBaghdad Province.

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    Four hundred twenty six (426) pregnant women were tested for the diagnosis of anemiaand its types. The study was done in AL-Alwaya hospital for birth in Baghdad province.The study showed two hundred thirty six (236)pregnant women effected with anemia at percentage (55.4%) as follow:first trimester (1-3 months) 46 cases (10.8%), second trimester (4-6 months) 69 cases (16.2%), third trimester (7-9 months) 121cases (28.4%).Also the result showed the percentage of anemia between pregnant women who takeprophylactic drugs (iron. Folic acid, vit.B12) was (21.8%) lower than pregnant women who not take it (33.6%).The percentage of anemia between women who primigravida (9.6%), lower than pregnant women multipart gravid (45.8%). The forms of anemia in this study was between mild, moderate to severe anemia, the most type of anemia was mild anemia (35.5%) followed by in less degree moderate anemia (15.7%), then severe anemia(4.2%).The most common type of anemia is microcytic & hypochromic anemia

    Systemic exosomal siRNA delivery reduced alpha-synuclein aggregates in brains of transgenic mice.

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    Alpha-synuclein (α-Syn) aggregates are the main component of Lewy bodies, which are the characteristic pathological feature in Parkinson's disease (PD) brain. Evidence that α-Syn aggregation can be propagated between neurones has led to the suggestion that this mechanism is responsible for the stepwise progression of PD pathology. Decreasing α-Syn expression is predicted to attenuate this process and is thus an attractive approach to delay or halt PD progression. We have used α-Syn small interfering RNA (siRNA) to reduce total and aggregated α-Syn levels in mouse brains. To achieve widespread delivery of siRNAs to the brain we have peripherally injected modified exosomes expressing Ravies virus glycoprotein loaded with siRNA. Normal mice were analyzed 3 or 7 days after injection. To evaluate whether this approach can decrease α-Syn aggregates, we repeated the treatment using transgenic mice expressing the human phosphorylation-mimic S129D α-Syn, which exhibits aggregation. In normal mice we detected significantly reduced α-Syn messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein levels throughout the brain 3 and 7 days after treatment with RVG-exosomes loaded with siRNA to α-Syn. In S129D α-Syn transgenic mice we found a decreased α-Syn mRNA and protein levels throughout the brain 7 days after injection. This resulted in significant reductions in intraneuronal protein aggregates, including in dopaminergic neurones of the substantia nigra. This study highlights the therapeutic potential of RVG-exosome delivery of siRNA to delay and reverse brain α-Syn pathological conditions

    The Effect of Radiotherapy on Oxidative Stress, Biochemical and Hematological Parameters inWomen with Breast Cancer

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    This study was designed to evaluate the effect of radiation therapy on the oxidative stress, biochemical and hematological parameters in women with breast cancer. 95 women were studied, 20 healthy control women and 75 had breast cancer. Malondialdehyde and glutathione (in erythrocytes and plasma), biochemical parameters (total plasma proteins, plasma albumin, uric acid and plasma calcium) levels, and hematological parameters (hemoglobin, white blood cell counts, platelets counts) all parameters were measured pre- and post radiation therapy for 4 weeks. The result of this study indicates that the incorporation of radiation therapy as a way to destroy malignant cells, in addition to their therapeutic benefits, it may lead to further increase in the oxidative stress burden of cancer, manifested by increase in MDA production and glutathione depletion. Which may affect directly or indirectly some biochemical and hematological parameters as indicated by lowering plasma protein especially albumin, increases in plasma calcium level, and decreases in hemoglobin, white blood cells, and platelets levels. These changes should be considered during radiation therapy and before administration of anticancer drugs or any other drugs because it may affect both the beneficial as well as the toxicity of these drugs

    Systemic Exosomal Delivery of shRNA Minicircles Prevents Parkinsonian Pathology

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    The development of new therapies to slow down or halt the progression of Parkinson's disease is a health care priority. A key pathological feature is the presence of alpha-synuclein aggregates, and there is increasing evidence that alpha-synuclein propagation plays a central role in disease progression. Consequently, the downregulation of alpha-synuclein is a potential therapeutic target. As a chronic disease, the ideal treatment will be minimally invasive and effective in the long-term. Knockdown of gene expression has clear potential, and siRNAs specific to alpha-synuclein have been designed; however, the efficacy of siRNA treatment is limited by its short-term efficacy. To combat this, we designed shRNA minicircles (shRNA-MCs), with the potential for prolonged effectiveness, and used RVG-exosomes as the vehicle for specific delivery into the brain. We optimized this system using transgenic mice expressing GFP and demonstrated its ability to downregulate GFP protein expression in the brain for up to 6 weeks. RVG-exosomes were used to deliver anti-alpha-synuclein shRNA-MC therapy to the alpha-synuclein preformed-fibril-induced model of parkinsonism. This therapy decreased alpha-synuclein aggregation, reduced the loss of dopaminergic neurons, and improved the clinical symptoms. Our results confirm the therapeutic potential of shRNA-MCs delivered by RVG-exosomes for long-term treatment of neurodegenerative diseases

    Plasmin activity promotes amyloid deposition in a transgenic model of human transthyretin amyloidosis

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    Cardiac ATTR amyloidosis, a serious but much under-diagnosed form of cardiomyopathy, is caused by deposition of amyloid fibrils derived from the plasma protein transthyretin (TTR), but its pathogenesis is poorly understood and informative in vivo models have proved elusive. Here we report the generation of a mouse model of cardiac ATTR amyloidosis with transgenic expression of human TTRS52P. The model is characterised by substantial ATTR amyloid deposits in the heart and tongue. The amyloid fibrils contain both full-length human TTR protomers and the residue 49-127 cleavage fragment which are present in ATTR amyloidosis patients. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and plasmin are abundant within the cardiac and lingual amyloid deposits, which contain marked serine protease activity; knockout of α2-antiplasmin, the physiological inhibitor of plasmin, enhances amyloid formation. Together, these findings indicate that cardiac ATTR amyloid deposition involves local uPA-mediated generation of plasmin and cleavage of TTR, consistent with the previously described mechano-enzymatic hypothesis for cardiac ATTR amyloid formation. This experimental model of ATTR cardiomyopathy has potential to allow further investigations of the factors that influence human ATTR amyloid deposition and the development of new treatments

    Tissue Proteome of 2-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Lyase Deficient Mice Reveals Peroxisome Proliferation and Activation of ω-Oxidation

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    Peroxisomal fatty acid α-oxidation is an essential pathway for the degradation of β-carbon methylated fatty acids such as phytanic acid. One enzyme in this pathway is 2-hydroxyacyl CoA lyase (HACL1), which is responsible for the cleavage of 2-hydroxyphytanoyl-CoA into pristanal and formyl-CoA. Hacl1 deficient mice do not present with a severe phenotype, unlike mice deficient in other α-oxidation enzymes such as phytanoyl-CoA hydroxylase deficiency (Refsum disease) in which neuropathy and ataxia are present. Tissues from wild-type and Hacl1−/− mice fed a high phytol diet were obtained for proteomic and lipidomic analysis. There was no phenotype observed in these mice. Liver, brain, and kidney tissues underwent trypsin digestion for untargeted proteomic liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis, while liver tissues also underwent fatty acid hydrolysis, extraction, and derivatisation for fatty acid gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. The liver fatty acid profile demonstrated an accumulation of phytanic and 2-hydroxyphytanic acid in the Hacl1−/− liver and significant decrease in heptadecanoic acid. The liver proteome showed a significant decrease in the abundance of Hacl1 and a significant increase in the abundance of proteins involved in PPAR signalling, peroxisome proliferation, and omega oxidation, particularly Cyp4a10 and Cyp4a14. In addition, the pathway associated with arachidonic acid metabolism was affected; Cyp2c55 was upregulated and Cyp4f14 and Cyp2b9 were downregulated. The kidney proteome revealed fewer significantly upregulated peroxisomal proteins and the brain proteome was not significantly different in Hacl1−/− mice. This study demonstrates the powerful insight brought by proteomic and metabolomic profiling of Hacl1−/− mice in better understanding disease mechanism in fatty acid α-oxidation disorders

    A specific nanobody prevents amyloidogenesis of D76N β2-microglobulin in vitro and modifies its tissue distribution in vivo

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    Systemic amyloidosis is caused by misfolding and aggregation of globular proteins in vivo for which effective treatments are urgently needed. Inhibition of protein self-aggregation represents an attractive therapeutic strategy. Studies on the amyloidogenic variant of β2-microglobulin, D76N, causing hereditary systemic amyloidosis, have become particularly relevant since fibrils are formed in vitro in physiologically relevant conditions. Here we compare the potency of two previously described inhibitors of wild type β2-microglobulin fibrillogenesis, doxycycline and single domain antibodies (nanobodies). The β2-microglobulin -binding nanobody, Nb24, more potently inhibits D76N β2-microglobulin fibrillogenesis than doxycycline with complete abrogation of fibril formation. In β2-microglobulin knock out mice, the D76N β2-microglobulin/ Nb24 pre-formed complex, is cleared from the circulation at the same rate as the uncomplexed protein; however, the analysis of tissue distribution reveals that the interaction with the antibody reduces the concentration of the variant protein in the heart but does not modify the tissue distribution of wild type β2-microglobulin. These findings strongly support the potential therapeutic use of this antibody in the treatment of systemic amyloidosis
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