40 research outputs found

    Job Values in Public Service: ‎A Field Study of Karak ‎Governorate Employees

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    هدفت الدراسة إلى تشخيص قيم بمحافظة الكرك ومقارنة آراء الرؤساء بآراء المرؤوسين وآراء الإناث بآراء الذكور حول القيم ‏الوظيفية ودراسة أثر المؤهل العلمي والعمر على القيم الوظيفية وشملت الدراسة (21) إدارة حكومية مبينة في جدول (1) ملحق ‏‏(ب) وقد أجاب عن الأسئلة (254) موظفا. وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أهم النتائج التالية :‏ ‏1- يوجد (12) قيمة مشتركة بين العاملين حيث كانت أهمها (أسعى لتوفير الأمن لعائلتي ). ‏ ‏2- اختلفت إجابات الإناث عن إجابات الذكور وكانت متوسطات إجابات الإناث أعلى من متوسطات إجابات الذكور على جميع ‏مستويات القيم الوظيفية .‏ ‏3- اختلفت إجابات الرؤساء عن إجابات المرؤوسين حول مجموعة القيم المشتركة وكانت تقديرات المرؤوسين أعلى من تقديرات ‏‏ الرؤساء .‏ ‏4- يوجد علاقة بين المؤهل العلمي والعمر وبين القيم الوظيفية التي بلغ متوسطها أكثر من ثلاثة ولم يكن المؤهل العلمي عاملا ‏مؤقتا على مستوى مجموعة القيم التالية (القيم السلبية) التي كانت متوسطات أقل من (3) والتي لم يوافق أفراد العينة على ‏وجودها الإدارة الحكومية .

    Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Learning for Food Safety Assessment

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    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) systems are valuable tools for merging both spectroscopic and computer vision technologies in a single system with the advantage of providing the physical attributes and chemical distribution of materials represented in an image. Snapshot HSI systems are portable systems enabling the generation of HSI images at the video rate with limited spectral information, which makes this technology a step toward real-time HSI applications. For food processing, HSI systems are considered to form a rapid, non-invasive, non-destructive and chemical-free technology for predicting food attributes regarding food safety and quality assessment, which reflects positively on costs, accuracy and processing time of applications in the food industry. This thesis studies the interaction between chemical and textural distributions, presented as spectral and spatial features of HSI images. Moreover, the thesis discusses several traditional and novel approaches in computer vision and deep learning for utilising this interaction in applications of safety assessment of food such as adulteration detection in meat products, authenticity of meat products and foreign object detection (FOD) in meat products. In application of adulteration detection, traditional approaches are investigated for detecting the adulteration in meat products including spectral features and handcrafted textural features obtained from HSI images. Moreover, this thesis presents a novel multi-structure deep learning model for self-feature extraction and combination of these distributions (i.e., chemical and textural) in a single prediction model by using convolution neural networks (CNN). The model is evaluated against the traditional approaches and showed efficiency in prediction. Extraction of joint spectral and spatial features from HSI images is also discussed in this thesis. A 3D–CNN approach is proposed for extracting the joint features. Red-meat classification (case study of fine-grain material classification) is used for evaluating the proposed approach. Moreover, we propose a novel graph-based postprocessing method for enhancing the prediction of the 3D–CNN approach or of any pixel-wise classification model. The proposed classification framework is evaluated against traditional machine learning algorithms such as support vector machines and partial least square discriminant analysis. Three datasets were collected for the evaluation by using three HSI systems: line scanning, near-infrared (NIR) snapshot and visible (VIS) snapshot HSI. In application of FOD in meat products, the thesis discusses the object detection problem in HSI images based on their spectral and spatial features. A novel sequential deep learning framework is proposed for foreign object localization and classification by using CNN networks. The framework includes three modules in a sequential flow: Region proposal, filtering and classification modules. Two independent datasets of NIR snapshot HSI images, contaminated by many types of foreign materials, were used for training and testing the proposed approach. The evaluation showed promising efficiency of the proposed framework in terms of accuracy and real-time processing, compared with a baseline method for FOD such as the selective search approach

    Effect of hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathies associated mutations in troponin I on cardiac thin filament dynamics

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    Troponin I mutations have been linked to genetic hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathies. We aimed to understand, at the molecular level, how six HCM mutations (R21C, Q130R, R145G, G203S, and K206Q) and one DCM mutation (A2V) in troponin I affect its structure and function. Circular dichroism, co-sedimentation with actin and ATPase assays demonstrated that these mutations had little or no effect on the folding or the thermal stability of the troponin complex. Isothermal calorimetry, fluorescence spectroscopy, and transient kinetics were used to assess the effect of these mutations on the function of troponin I. We found that: 1) all TnI mutations increased the affinity of the troponin complex for actin in the presence of Ca²+ and increased the Ca²+ affinity of troponin within thin filaments. This suggests an uncoupling between Ca²+ binding and actin binding. 2) The size of the cooperative unit n was not affected by troponin I mutations. 3) A2V, R21C, Q130R, A157V, G203S, and K206Q mutations did not affect the proportion of thin filaments in the blocked state (at low Ca²+). In contrast R145G mutation dramatically reduced the amount of thin filaments switched to the blocked state. This effect was also observed using electron microscopy and helical reconstruction. 4) A2V, R21C, Q130R, R145G, G203S, and K206Q did not affect the observed rate constant of Ca²+ dissociation from troponin and thin filaments. In contrast troponin I A157V showed a decrease in the Ca²+ dissociation rate constant. 5) Finally, we found that calcium alone is sufficient to fully activate the cardiac thin filament while skeletal muscle thin filaments complete activation required both Ca²+ and myosin heads. Overall these results provide insight into the mechanism by which troponin I mutations affect contractility in hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathy. These findings could have important clinical consequences

    A Mobile Portal for Pharmaceutical Services

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    This paper initiated to develop a WAP based ordering system. The paper extends the existing WEB enabled sales order capability to include a WAP service. Sales Representative Place the customer order during the customer visit to reduce time to order from second day to instant. Reduce paper work and costs associated with the recording of sales orders. In the Pharmacist Convenience to order, to check his /her account balance anytime anywhere, Get info on promotional items, and place orders

    Effect of Achillea santolina essential oil on bacterial biofilm and its mode of action

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    Increased multidrug resistance prompted researchers to search for a new drug that has the ability to overcome antibiotic resistant pathogens. Essential oils have been used in folk medicine for centuries, therefore, they could be employed as an effective alternative to antibiotics without having secondary side effects

    A mobile portal for pharmaceutical services

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    This paper initiated to develop a WAP based ordering system. The paper extends the existing WEB enabled sales order capability to include a WAP service. Sales Representative Place the customer order during the customer visit to reduce time to order from second day to instant. Reduce paper work and costs associated with the recording of sales orders. In the Pharmacist Convenience to order, to check his /her account balance anytime anywhere, Get info on promotional items, and place orders

    A Mobile Portal for Pharmaceutical Services

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    This paper initiated to develop a WAP based ordering system. The paper extends the existing WEB enabled sales order capability to include a WAP service. Sales Representative Place the customer order during the customer visit to reduce time to order from second day to instant. Reduce paper work and costs associated with the recording of sales orders. In the Pharmacist Convenience to order, to check his /her account balance anytime anywhere, Get info on promotional items, and place orders

    Effect of hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathies associated mutations in troponin I on cardiac thin filament dynamics

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    Troponin I mutations have been linked to genetic hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathies. We aimed to understand, at the molecular level, how six HCM mutations (R21C, Q130R, R145G, G203S, and K206Q) and one DCM mutation (A2V) in troponin I affect its structure and function. Circular dichroism, co-sedimentation with actin and ATPase assays demonstrated that these mutations had little or no effect on the folding or the thermal stability of the troponin complex. Isothermal calorimetry, fluorescence spectroscopy, and transient kinetics were used to assess the effect of these mutations on the function of troponin I. We found that: 1) all TnI mutations increased the affinity of the troponin complex for actin in the presence of Ca²+ and increased the Ca²+ affinity of troponin within thin filaments. This suggests an uncoupling between Ca²+ binding and actin binding. 2) The size of the cooperative unit n was not affected by troponin I mutations. 3) A2V, R21C, Q130R, A157V, G203S, and K206Q mutations did not affect the proportion of thin filaments in the blocked state (at low Ca²+). In contrast R145G mutation dramatically reduced the amount of thin filaments switched to the blocked state. This effect was also observed using electron microscopy and helical reconstruction. 4) A2V, R21C, Q130R, R145G, G203S, and K206Q did not affect the observed rate constant of Ca²+ dissociation from troponin and thin filaments. In contrast troponin I A157V showed a decrease in the Ca²+ dissociation rate constant. 5) Finally, we found that calcium alone is sufficient to fully activate the cardiac thin filament while skeletal muscle thin filaments complete activation required both Ca²+ and myosin heads. Overall these results provide insight into the mechanism by which troponin I mutations affect contractility in hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathy. These findings could have important clinical consequences.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    The reality of using modern educational technologies in the field of e-learning, its advantages and disadvantages.

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    This study aimed to know the reality of the use of modern educational technologies in the field of e-learning, its advantages and disadvantages. The use of computers and the Internet for students to spread awareness of the concept and culture of e-learning, its importance, and how to benefit from it at the level of educational institutions and educational institutions &nbsp