4 research outputs found

    Estimation of some Immunological Factors in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم بعض معايير المناعة الخلوية لمرضى التدرن الرئوي من خلال تقدير مستويات الانترلوكينات IFN-γ )وIL-10و( IL-12   وتقدير فيتامين. D3  تم خلال الدراسة جمع عينات الدم من 50 مريضا بالتدرن الرئوي من المراجعات الى العيادة الاستشارية للأمراض الصدرية في الحلة -محافظة بابل خلال الفترة مابين شهر شباط 2016 إلى شباط 2017. ومن بين مرضى التدرن الرئوي، كان هناك 27 ذكور و23 إناث، وعمر المرضى يتراوح بين 12-80 عاما. تم قياس السايتوكينات وفيتامين D3باستخدام تقنية الاليزا. أظهر متوسط ​​تركيز مصل الدم IL-10  وIL-12 أن هناك زيادة معنوية (p˂ 0.05) في مرضى التدرن الرئوي بالمقارنة مع مجموعة السيطرة (4.024 و1.049) بغ / مل , (51.563 و13.514) بغ / مل على التوالي.  في حين لم يظهر متوسط ​​تركيز مصل IFN-γ زيادة معنوية (p˃0.05) في مرضى التدرن الرئوي مقارنة بمجموعة السيطرة (36.505 و25.019) بغ / مل. أظهر متوسط ​​تركيز مصل الدم ل VD3 انخفاضا معنويا (p ˂ 0.05) في مرضى التدرن الرئوي مقارنة بمجموعة السيطرة (18.186 و29.321) نغ/ لThis study aimed to assess the status of cell mediated immunity for pulmonary tuberculosis patients through evaluation levels of Interleukins (IFN-γ ,IL-10, IL-12) and estimation vitamin D3 . Whole blood samples collected from 50 pulmonary tuberculosis patients who are admitted to consultant clinic for respiratory diseases in Hilla – Babylon province during the period from February 2016 to February 2017. Out of the pTB patients, there were 27 males and 23 females, the patients age range was between 12-80 years. Cytokines levels and vitamin D3 estimated by using ELISA technique. The mean of serum concentration of IL-10  and IL-12 revealed that there is a significantly increased (p˂ 0.05) in pulmonary tuberculosis patients as compared to controls (4.024 and 1.049)pg/ml (51.563 and 13.514) pg/ml ,respectively. While, the mean of serum concentration of IFN-γ showed no significant increasing (p˃0.05) in pulmonary tuberculosis patients compared to controls (36.505 and 25.019)pg/ml.  The mean of serum concentration of VD3 showed a significant decreasing (p˂ 0.05) in pulmonary tuberculosis patients as compared to controls (18.186 and 29.321) ng/ml. Conclusions: The results provide a good correlation between the levels of  IL-10 , IL-12, IFN-γ and Vitamin D3 with the cellular immunity against pulmonary tuberculosis

    Comparison and evaluation of diagnostic techniques of mycobacterium tuberculosis in Iraq

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    Objective Diagnostic tests devoted to the rapid, sensitive, and specifc identifcation of the causative agent are key components of successful wellness plans directed at tuberculosis control. This study focusses on rapid and accurate detection of tuberculosis cases among Babylon population. Methods The sputum samples were collected from 60 patients suspected have suffering from tuberculosis infection, in the Specialized Chest and Respiratory Center, Hilla City and Department of Medical Microbiology, College of Medicine, Babylon University, Hilla-Iraq during the period from February to June 2015. Molecular detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in patients’ sputum samples using real-time PCR, and gene X-pert for suspected TB-infected patients. The clinical signs were recorded for each patient, including night sweating, fever, loss of weight, and history of cough. Results Gene X-pert MTB/RIF technique, real-time PCR recording the high sensitivity for AFB positive smear (100%) for both, AFB negative smear (66%, and 58%), respectively. AFB sensitivity was (16.6%), and the specifcity was (100%) for all in the present study. Conclusion The comparison between advance technique (Gene X-pert and real-time PCR) and classical technique (AFB) for the diagnosis of MTB, shows that genetic technique is the best with high sensitivity and specifcity

    العدد الثالث والرابع-6-1.doc

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    Abstract The aim of this study is clinical and pathological evaluation. of nodular thyroid Goiter Patients. Methods :-The Present prospective study pts of nodule thyroid goiter who were treated surgically was performed over a period from February 2004 -January 2007. clinical symptoms and signs, thyroid function test and Formalin fixed , Paraffin embedded blocks from 127 patients with thyroidctomy were included in this study. Results : -A total of 127 cases were included there is female predominance (77%), (73.1 %) cases were euthyriod, (24.2 %) cases hyperthyriedism and (3.1 %) hypothyriedism. the histopathological results of thyroid Nodules were ( 69.3 %) colloid nodular Goiter, (15.7%) toxic Nodules, 11.8 % thyroid tumors only (3.2 %) was hashiomito's thyrioditis. The Papillary carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor (3 cases) followed by follicular carcinoma (2 cases). Conclusion :

    The Origin and MgCl2–NaCl Variations in an Athalassic Sag Pond: Insights from Chemical and Isotopic Data

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    The examination of past and new chemical–isotopic data (2H/1H–18O/16O,11B/10B and87Sr/86Sr ratios) shows the meteoric origin of the Sawa Lake (Muthanna Governorate, Iraq) and its connection with the local aquifers, which feed the lake via the groundwater emerging from its floor through fault systems. The chemical and isotopic evaporation models are traced by geochemical computer codes by using a different composition of some potential inflows to the lake (e.g., the Euphrates River and Dammam aquifer). The main product of the chemical evaporation models is gypsum, as confirmed by the mineralogical examination of the sediment and the surrounding outcrops. A strong18O–2H enrichment is a consequence of the evaporation effect in arid regions; δ18O–Cl models and δ11B = + 23.4‰ exclude the contribution of any seawater-derived fluids. This latter value along with87Sr/86Sr = 0.707989 suggests a mixed origin from the Eocene–Miocene aquifers. The isotope and chemical evaporation paths from the meteorically recharged sources match the lake composition. However, compositional switches from NaCl toward MgCl2occurred in the last decade and are related to post-drought periods, showing that the interaction of the recharging waters with the local soils (Na–Mg exchange and/or the leaching of the top layer salts) have a role in the chemical composition. This demonstrates that the lake is significantly influenced by climatic variations