284 research outputs found

    Effects of Big Data Analytics on Sustainable Manufacturing: A Comparative Study Analysis

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    Application of big data analytics (BDA) is seen in various disciplines within an organization to predict trends, explore opportunities and monitor performance. Among all the industries, BDA presents immense value in sustainable manufacturing (SM) given that it is an industry that consumes a high amount of energy, emits high amounts of waste and carbon emissions and requires a large amount of manpower. This paper aims at illustrating the effects of BDA in supporting SM by studying the Indian manufacturing firms which have unfavorable labor laws compared to other developing countries. With an extensive literature review, this paper discusses the relationship between BDA and sustainability, the capabilities of BDA, the concept of SM, the BDA framework for SM, the relationship between Industry 4.0 and SM and the challenges of implementing BDA. Using qualitative meta-analysis research methodology, the paper examines the nine common critical success factors that enable SM through BDA implementation by comparing 15 primary studies. Finally, the paper concludes the research findings and outlines future research directions. The study provides theoretical and practical contributions to BDA implementation in achieving effective SM practices in emerging economies

    An analytical study of the utilization of classroom verbal interaction in social studies teaching in the secondary schools of the State of Bahrain

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    Analyzing Classroom Verbal Interaction (CVI) by means of systematic observation is not receiving sufficient attention in the field of education in Bahrain. The present study aims mainly at finding out the actual situation in the field of the utilization of CVI skills in the teaching of social studies in the secondary schools of Bahrain and at helping to develop such utilization by means of the "Verbal Interaction Category System" (VICS) of Amidon and Hunter as a systematic observation technique.The study embraces nine chapters in addition to the presentation of a summary and recommendations. It uses two research methods, descriptive and experimental. It is designed to examine four null hypotheses concerning the utilization of CVI skills in connection with: Sex, Qualification, Years of Experience and Teaching Subjects. All social studies teachers in the secondary schools of Bahrain are the subjects of the study.A multi-stage field work project has been designed and carried out. It embraces a questionnaire; two observations of the CVI performance; and a training programme for the experimental group by means of an instructional module along with a pre-test and a post-test.The findings of the first observation (prior to the training programme) indicate: (a) the lecturing style is still regarded as the favourite teaching format in the teaching of social studies in the secondary stage of schooling in Bahrain; (b) the absence of most CVI skills; (c) CVI generally takes place between the teacher and the pupils rather than between the pupils themselves; and (d) the wide use of narrow questions which mainly require the eliciting of factual information. The findings of the second observation (post- the training programme) indicate that the training programme by means of the instructional module had greatly helped the experimental group teachers to improve and develop their understanding and use of CVI skills, particularly in connection with the categories relating to: pupil initiated talk to another pupil; pupil response to another pupil; teacher asking broad questions; pupil responding unpredictably; teacher accepting behaviour; teacher accepting feeling, silence; and pupil initiated talk to teacher.It has been recommended that teacher training programmes include a special topic dealing with CVI by means of the systematic observation technique. It has also been recommended that special attention be given to the use of a variety of teaching strategies, particularly those which create positive verbal interaction in the classroom. and to the formulation and use of a variety of oral questions with an emphasis upon those dealing with high level cognitive processes

    Analytical applications of thin-layer phosphorimetry

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    The aim of the present work was to eliminate some of the problems associated with phosphorimetric techniques. Also to extend the use or the application of phosphorescence as an analytical tool to a number of different classes of drugs and determining them in low concentrations. The aim was to extend the application to environmental pollution by studying the characteristics of thirteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in solutions and on thin layer phosphorimetry. When this work started thin-layer phosphorimetry was already developed, the aim of this work is to examine the usefulness of TLC phosphorimetry for different groups of drugs and related compounds which have not been studied previously by this technique, and to determine them in very low concentrations. The sensitivity of phosphorescence and thin-layer chromatography could be combined to produce a rapid, sensitive and selective method of analysis capable of resolving small quantities of similar compounds, especially drugs and their metabolites, from complex mixtures

    HER2/neu and α-Methylacyl Coemzyme A Racemase Overexpression in Prostatic Cancer as Indicators for Prognosis

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    سرطان البروستات هو ورم خبيث الذي يتميز بارتفاع انزيم (AMACR)  بمقدار 7-8 ضعف عن طبيعي  وايضا ارتفاع مستوى عامل النمو البشراوي (HER2/neu) الذي وجد في التنشؤ داخل الظهارة في بروستات ويؤثر على وظيفية مستقبل اندروجين وتقدم في مرض سرطان البروستات .تحديد علاقة التعابير بين عامل النمو البشراوي (HER2/neu) وانزيم (AMACR) في سرطان  البروستات كعوامل لتكهن السرطان. هذه الدراسة شملت 50 مريضا الذين تتراوح اعمارهم بين (50- ≥70) سنة مع 10 اشخاص سليمين من المرض كمجموعة مقارنة منسجمة مع اعمار مجموعة مرضى السرطان. ثم تتم تحضير عملية تغميس البارافين من  خزعة النسيج والتي ثم تصبغ بصبغة الايوزين و هيماتوكسيلين (H. and E.) .اخيرا, طريقة الفحص المناعي النسيجي كيميائي تجري على بلوكات البارافين لمرضى سرطان البروستات والاشخاص السليمين .  طريقة الفحص المناعي النسيجي كيميائي تعطي نتائج التعابير لكل من عامل النمو البشراوي(HER2/neu) وانزيم (AMACR)  وفقا لنظام بروتوكول داكو (DAKO).بينت هذه الدراسة انه لا توجد  علاقة بين اعمار الاشخاص المصابين بسرطان البروستات((68.46±6.26 years و الاشخاص السليمين ( 62.79±8.68 years) وسرطان البروستات هو الأكثر انتشارا في الاعمار التي هي اكبر من 69 سنة والتي تمثل 56% من الحالات المرضية . وأيضا, تعبير  انزيم (AMACR)  يمثل ضعيف موجب بنسبة 46% ومتوسط موجب بنسبة 34% و قوي موجب 20% بينما يمثل تعبير  عامل النمو البشراوي(HER2/neu) يمثل ضعيف موجب بنسبة 60%  و قوي موجب 40% وحالات الوفاة للمرضى يمتد الى 50% من حالات مرضى سرطان البروستات الذين لديهم تحليل  قوي موجب لعامل النمو البشراوي .الاعمار التي هي اكبر من 69 سنة لديهم قابلية الاصابة بسرطان بروستات  .  تعابير الفحص المناعي النسيجي كيميائي تعطي نتائج التعابير لكل من عامل النمو البشراوي(HER2/neu) وانزيم (AMACR)  لديها علاقة تكهن لسرطان البروستات .prostatic cancer is a malignant neoplasm characterized by elevated level 7-8 folds in both mRNA  and protein levels during tumorigenesis of the prostate. Also, HER2/neu expression  could be detected in  prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) ,It affects androgen receptor function  and the progression of prostatic cancer and thedetermination of Association between HER2/neu and α-methylacyl coemzyme A racemase (AMACR) overexpressions in prostatic cancer as prognostic factors. This study  included 50 patients aged from 50- < 70 years and 10 healthy men as control group matched with patient group ages. Then,  paraffin-embedding procedure was prepared on   tissues biopsy and then, hematoxylin and eosin staining (H. and E. staining) procedure was done . Finally, immunohistochemical procedure is done on both control cases and prostate cancer blocks. This immunohistochemical procedure detects her2/neu  and AMACR overexpression according to  DAKO protocol scoring system. The study showed that there is no significant difference in ages (P >0.05) between prostatic cancer patient and control group (68.46±6.26 years , 62.79±8.68 years)  respectively and the prostatic cancer is more prevalence in ages >69 years old which represent 56% of cases.  Also, the overexpression of AMACR  represent  weak positive  (46%), moderate positive   (34%), strong (20%) overexpressions. While, the overexpression of HER2/neu  gives  weak positive   (60%),  strong positive (40%) and the death occurred to 50% of prostatic cancer patient that have strong positive HER2/neu overexpression.  Those whose  ages are more than 69 years old who have liability for prostatic cancer . Immunohistochemical overexpressions of  α-methylacyl coemzyme A racemase enzyme and HER2/neu have prognostic marker for prostatic cancer

    Narrative Deconstruction and Dystopian Possibilities: Identity, Time, and Space in Paul Auster's ‘Man in the Dark’

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    Auster uses a complicated network of tales in which the presence of a conventional narrator stays elusive and the unique identity of the protagonist becomes mysterious to expertly immerse the reader into his literary works. Paul Auster uses a dual narrative framework in his work "Man in the Dark," with characters whose identities are not entirely clear, to question the veracity of grand stories. Because it tends to ignore the variety of voices present in literary works, Lyotard's theoretical framework on postmodernism scrutinizes the idea of embracing great narratives.  Brill and Brick are essentially the same person in the story, although they have different goals and responsibilities. Brill crafts a story well and on purpose, trying to create an imaginary storyline revolving around the persona of Brick. Throughout his investigation into an America that differs from the current political status quo, Brill uses Brick as a surrogate character, a kind of created embodiment of his own identity. The novel's examination of dystopian themes, identity issues, and spatial and temporal confusion serves to highlight the possibilities of storytelling in its many forms. This literary work successfully challenges the truth of tales offered by interrogating the chronological link between the past and the present via the prism of reinterpretations and imaginations. Auster expertly constructs and deconstructs identities and narratives within an American setting in his writing. His skillful writing implies that the hidden or ignored details of these stories weaken the overall story and cast doubt on its veracity

    The role of different antioxidant agents in human infertility and assisted reproductive techniques

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are a group of oxidants formed during oxygen metabolism. ROS appears to be involved in the pathogenesis of many human diseases. In reproductive medicine, ROS have both physiological and pathological role in male and female reproduction. Oxidative stress causes damage to spermatozoa, oocyte and embryos. It appears to play a role in both natural and in vitro fertilization and pregnancy.  In In recent years there has been a tremendous increase in couples seeking assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures in order to have children. However, the success rates of these procedures still remain very low. The negative impact of oxidative stress on fertility has become widely recognized. Several studies have demonstrated its negative effect on the number and quality of retrieved oocytes and embryos following in-vitro fertilization (IVF).   One of the major contributing factors to the low success rate in ART has been the damage caused by free radicals to the gametes and the developing embryo. Oxidative stress can originate from the early steps of ART involving the oocyte, sperm and embryo, as well as in the endometrial environment later on following embryo transfer. The patients with oxidative stress may benefit from the strategies to reduce oxidative stress and treatment with antioxidants. This review assessed the evidence for the effectiveness of different antioxidants in female and male subfertility. Keywords: infertility, assisted reproductive techniques, antioxidants, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10,  L-Carnitine ,  pentoxifylline, N-Acetyl cysteine, Zinc, melatonin, vitamin

    The Synthesis and Properties of Advanced Aluminium and Copper Based Metal Matrix Composites

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    This thesis studies the influence that submicrometric alumina particles (α-Al2O3) and milled carbon fibres (MCFs) have on the microstructure, hardness, mechanical properties, and wear of aluminium and copper matrices. The direct use of particulates (micrometric and nanometric scale) and carbon fibres (continuous and chopped) as reinforcement materials in Al-based and Cu-based alloys can potentially result in significant improvements in their property compared to existing Al-based and Cubased alloys. In this research, dual phase and hybrid (three-phase) composites were manufactured by introducing hard ceramic particles (α-Al2O3) and recycled MCFs (\u3c 100 μm long) into Al and Cu matrices. An advanced powder metallurgy processing method was also developed to prepare precursor powder blends for consolidation by uniaxial hot pressing, after which their performance was investigated and compared. This research is divided into, (i) the preparation of precursor composite powders using the magnetically Uniball controlled milling technique, (ii) a synthesis of monolithic aluminium and copper composites using the uniaxial hot pressing technique, (iii) advanced characterisation X-ray diffractometry, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FSEM) equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), Archimedes density, electrical conductivity, resistivity, universal compression testing, Vickers micro-hardness, Ultra-micro indentation testing (UMIS), and wear testing. All the mechanical testing and wear testing of monolithic products was carried out at ambient temperature and atmosphere

    Diagnostic study of Toxoplasma gondii in students of Thi-Qar university-Iraq by Real- Time PCR

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a unique intracellular parasite, which infect a large proportion of the world, population, but clinically un commonly causes significant disease. The present study was performed for the first time in Thi-Qar province to estimate the prevalence of toxoplasmosis among university students . Venous blood samples were collected from 319 (111 males and 208 females) apparently healthy students ,they have ages between (18-42) years attended from different colleges of Thi-Qar university-Iraq, during the period from October 2013 to April 2014. Enzyme linked Immunosorbant Assay (ELISA), was used to evaluate the presence of anti-Toxoplasma IgM and IgG antibodies and detection of B1 gene of T.gondii DNA by Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction(RT-PCR). The results indicated that 70 (21.94%) of students were exposed positive for anti-Toxoplasma antibodies,17 (5.33%) of them had IgM,38 (11.91%) had IgG, and 15 (4.70%) had both IgM and IgG. Statistically, significant difference between them. The results showed significant difference between males and females in rate of positive for anti- Toxoplasma antibodies, which recorded 24 (7.52%) and 46 (14.42%) respectively . Besides the serological diagnosis of T.gondii Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR) technique was used to confirm the infection with T.gondii by detection B1 gene of T.gondii DNA in the blood of students. out of 319 students only 6.26% showed positive toxoplasmosis among those 8(2.50%)were males and 12(3.76%) were females. The positive result in RT-PCR analysis were distributed on the patterns of the antiToxoplasma antibodies by ELISA test , it was no found any positive blood samples with IgM,IgG and both IgM and IgG respectively whereas 20 positive cases of no ant

    Diagnostic study of Toxoplasma gondii in students of Thi-Qar university-Iraq by Real- Time PCR

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a unique intracellular parasite, which infect a large proportion of the world, population, but clinically un commonly causes significant disease. The present study was performed for the first time in Thi-Qar province to estimate the prevalence of toxoplasmosis among university students . Venous blood samples were collected from 319 (111 males and 208 females) apparently healthy students ,they have ages between (18-42) years attended from different colleges of Thi-Qar university-Iraq, during the period from October 2013 to April 2014. Enzyme linked Immunosorbant Assay (ELISA), was used to evaluate the presence of anti-Toxoplasma IgM and IgG antibodies and detection of B1 gene of T.gondii DNA by Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction(RT-PCR). The results indicated that 70 (21.94%) of students were exposed positive for anti-Toxoplasma antibodies,17 (5.33%) of them had IgM,38 (11.91%) had IgG, and 15 (4.70%) had both IgM and IgG. Statistically, significant difference between them. The results showed significant difference between males and females in rate of positive for anti- Toxoplasma antibodies, which recorded 24 (7.52%) and 46 (14.42%) respectively . Besides the serological diagnosis of T.gondii Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR) technique was used to confirm the infection with T.gondii by detection B1 gene of T.gondii DNA in the blood of students. out of 319 students only 6.26% showed positive toxoplasmosis among those 8(2.50%)were males and 12(3.76%) were females. The positive result in RT-PCR analysis were distributed on the patterns of the antiToxoplasma antibodies by ELISA test , it was no found any positive blood samples with IgM,IgG and both IgM and IgG respectively whereas 20 positive cases of no anti –Toxoplasma antibodies. Real-Time PCR test in blood of students has advantages in detection of recent or active toxoplasmosis