30 research outputs found

    Valuable indulgence: a response to Schopenhauer and social pessimism

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    Submitted to Ian D. Dunkle for CAS PH 110 A1 Great Philosophers on Friendship and Solitude at Boston University, Spring 2019. Selected by classmates and the professor for publication in this special collection for the course in OpenBU

    Genital ulcers associated with systemic lupus erythematosus – what are the possible causes? A Case Report

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease that affects many organs. In this report, we discuss the case of a patient with SLE who presented to an out-hospital clinic, complaining of fever and pain with genital ulcers. Negative evaluations for other causes of genital ulcers, indicated these ulcers as related to SLE. This case highlights the importance of including SLE ulcers in the differential diagnosis of genital ulcers

    Severe headache in primary Sjögren’s syndrome responded to rituximab

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    Introduction: Primary Sjögren syndrome (pSS) is an immune systemic disease, that may affect the central nervous system. A severe headache unresponsive to treatment is the headache which is persistently nonresponsive to narcotic analgesics. Case presentation: A 48-year-old woman with a 10-year history of pSS was seen in January 2021, complaining of a headache one week previously. The headache was characterised by a dull persistent pressing intensity and was not responding to paracetamol, NSAIDs or codeine. She had no previous history, nor family history. Physical examination revealed bilateral parotid glands enlargement. Laboratory tests showed anaemia, and elevated levels of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP), with positive anti-La and anti-Ro antibodies. She was given topical treatment and different doses of Predlone, in addition to methotrexate10 mg/week. She had received three pulses of methylprednisolone and was started on azathioprine with a mild response to the headaches, so she received two initial IV doses of rituximab 375 mg/m2, then every 2 weeks, with a clinical and laboratory response. Two years later, she had no headache. Discussion: Headache that may presented in pSS are tension headaches, migraines and cluster headaches. The therapy is disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, hydroxychloroquine, glucocorticoids and biotherapeutics. Rituximab is used in the treatment of some patients with pSS, especially where it can affect systemic symptoms. Conclusion: Rituximab treatment may be an option for severe headache in patients with pSS. The mechanism is unknown but may be due to depletion of brain auto-reactive B cells. Further research is needed

    The Association between Zinc and Copper and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Adults

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    Cardiometabolic risk (CMR) factors increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases (CVD). In Qatar, 24% of the total deaths are attributed to CVDs. Several nutritional disturbances have been linked to high risk of CVD. Many studies have discussed the effects of zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) on CMR factors; however, evidence has been controversial. This investigated the association between CMR factors and the status of Zn, Cu, and Zn/Cu ratio. A total of 575 Qatari adults (?18 years) were obtained from Qatar Biobank. Plasma levels of Zn and Cu were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Anthropometric data and CMR factors were determined using standard methods. Adjusted associations between minerals and CMR were estimated by logistic regression. The associations' strength was tested using partial correlation. Zn was not strongly correlated (p-value?0.01) or significantly associated with CMR factors and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Cu levels correlated positively with body mass index (BMI) (0.23; p?0.001), pulse rate (PR) (0.18; p?0.001), total cholesterol (0.13; p=0.01), and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) (0.27; p?0.001); and negatively with diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (?0.13; p=0.01). High Cu significantly decreased the risk of MetS (0.121; p?0.001). Furthermore, Zn/Cu ratio positively correlated with waist circumference (0.13; p=0.01), systolic blood pressure (0.13; p?0.01), and DBP (0.14; p?0.01); and negatively with BMI (?0.19; p?0.001), PR (?0.17; p?0.001), and HDL (?0.27; p?0.001). High Zn/Cu ratio increased the prevalence of low HDL (4.508; p?0.001) and MetS (5.570; p?0.01). These findings suggest that high Cu levels are associated with a protective effect on DBP, HDL, and MetS and that high plasma Zn/Cu ratio is associated with the risk of low HDL and MetS. We recommend future studies to focus on minerals status among abdominally obese and prediabetic subjects because of the probable link between low serum Zn and Cu and insulin resistance and CVD

    جماليات الإيقاع الخارجي في شعر العبّاس بن الأحنف دراسة تحليليّة

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    يدرس هذا البحث الانزياح التّركيبي في شعر العبّاس بن الأحنف دراسة ً تحليلية ، حيث تبدأ الدراسة بمفهوم الانزياح ، ودور الانزياح التّركيبي في كشف الموقف الشّعري  داخل السّياق ،  من خلال قضيتين من القضايا الشّعرية هما التّقديم والتّأخير في سياقي الجملة الفعلية والجملة الاسمية ، و الالتفات الذي يتجلّى في الانتقال من ضمير ٍ إلى آخر أثناء الكلام  ، وارتباطهما بالحسّ الأدبي والذّوق الفنّي وذلك من خلال الحركة التي تؤدّيانها داخل السّياق الشّعري مما يعني خلخلة البنية اللغوية ، وانفتاح الأفق الّدلالي على فضاءات أوسع ، وأكثر تعبيرا ً عن وعي الشّاعر لعالمه ، وإيمانه بضرورة التّغيير القائم على الهدم ، وإعادة البناء ،  وذلك من خلال تحليل بعض الشواهد الشعرية  في ديوان العباس  ، محاولة ً تقفي الأثر الجمالي لهاتين القضيتين عند المتلقي بما  يعكس الغاية التي أراد العباس  إيصالها إليه ، والتي تظهر مدى عمق تأثير الانزياح التّركيبي  على المعاني التي سعى الشاعر إلى وضعها أمام القارئ

    جماليات الإيقاع الخارجي في شعر العبّاس بن الأحنف دراسة تحليليّة

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    يدرس هذا البحث الانزياح التّركيبي في شعر العبّاس بن الأحنف دراسة ً تحليلية ، حيث تبدأ الدراسة بمفهوم الانزياح ، ودور الانزياح التّركيبي في كشف الموقف الشّعري  داخل السّياق ،  من خلال قضيتين من القضايا الشّعرية هما التّقديم والتّأخير في سياقي الجملة الفعلية والجملة الاسمية ، و الالتفات الذي يتجلّى في الانتقال من ضمير ٍ إلى آخر أثناء الكلام  ، وارتباطهما بالحسّ الأدبي والذّوق الفنّي وذلك من خلال الحركة التي تؤدّيانها داخل السّياق الشّعري مما يعني خلخلة البنية اللغوية ، وانفتاح الأفق الّدلالي على فضاءات أوسع ، وأكثر تعبيرا ً عن وعي الشّاعر لعالمه ، وإيمانه بضرورة التّغيير القائم على الهدم ، وإعادة البناء ،  وذلك من خلال تحليل بعض الشواهد الشعرية  في ديوان العباس  ، محاولة ً تقفي الأثر الجمالي لهاتين القضيتين عند المتلقي بما  يعكس الغاية التي أراد العباس  إيصالها إليه ، والتي تظهر مدى عمق تأثير الانزياح التّركيبي  على المعاني التي سعى الشاعر إلى وضعها أمام القارئ

    The Effect of Using Ethyl Alcohol Extract of Ginger and its Juice on Some Contaminating Microbes of Cow Milk

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    The study has been conduct to investigated effect of ethyl alcohol extract and its juice on some contaminating microbes cow milk such as, Escherichia colli , salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas fluorescens that have pathogen and spoiled effect on caw milk. The study has been carried out at College of Agriculture / University of Baghdad cooperation with Biotechnology and Research Center / University of Al-Nahrin. Concentrations of 1,2,3,4,5,10,20,30,40,50 % ethyl alcohol and ginger juice are prepared. Result show a positively inhibition correlating with concentration, being the halo diameter for S. typhimurium at 10 to 50 %concentration (11.19, 12.13 ,12.62 ,13.31 ,14.11 mm respectively). E. coli whereas its effect on are 8.96 , 10.90 , 11.37 , 12.12 , 12.56 mm for the same above concentration . On other hand, its effect on P. fluorescens, has tended to be lower value that is the concentration 10 to 50 % are 7.11 , 8.42 ,9.15 , 10.83 ,11.21 mm respectively. There is no significant effect on bacteria attributed the low concentration ( 1, 2 %). It has appear of that similar previous results when using sterilized by microbe filters. Inhibition is significantly increased by increasing concentration 5% probability . The results are not juice instead of extract and they are significant increment also with increasing the concentration in both sterilizing method. Hala diameter inhibition for filter sterilizing with 3% concentration are 0.00 ,2.01 and 3.3 mm for the three bacteria type respectively , while hala diameter inhibition with 50% concentration are 9.37, 11.91 and 12.70 mm for the three types respectively. Ginger juice which sterilized by autoclave for 3% is 0.00 mm while hala diameter inhibition with 50% are 8.29, 10.59 , and 11.35 mm for the three bacteria types respectively . Statistical analysis show significant differences in the effect of concentration between bacterial types for each concentration . In conclusion, the ginger extract and its juice have an inhibition effect on milk contaminating bacteria using 2%concentration. This effect is positively correlated with increasing concentrations for both mentioned matters

    Optic neuritis after mRNA COVID‐19 vaccination: a case report

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    Key Clinical Message Our case reported a 22‐year‐old male presented with headache, and sudden vision loss, 10 days after receiving the first dose of COVID‐19 vaccination. Counting fingers in both eyes was his visual acuity on examination and bilateral optic disc edema on fundoscopy was found. Brain MRI was normal. After methylprednisolone pulse therapy, plasmapheresis, and IV cyclophosphamide courses, the optic disc edema disappeared, and his visual function did not improve. Reported cases of optic neuritis develop after mRNA COVID‐19 vaccination are limited