4 research outputs found

    Impacts of compound properties and sediment characteristics on the sorption behaviour of pharmaceuticals in aquatic systems

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    Sorption is a key factor in determining the persistence, attenuation and bioavailability of sediment-associated contaminants. However, our understanding of the sorption behaviour of pharmaceuticals in sediments is poor. In this study, we investigated the sorption behaviour of a diverse set of pharmaceuticals in a range sediment types. Sorption affinity of pharmaceuticals for all sediments was found to increase in the order mefenamic acid <cimetidine <atenolol <amitriptyline <diltiazem. Comparison of the experimental observations with predictions from an existing model for estimating sorption revealed the model worked poorly for the study pharmaceuticals. Multiple linear regression analysis was therefore used to develop new models for estimating sorption of individual pharmaceuticals based on sediment properties. The analyses indicated that sorption is related to properties such as Log Dow of a compound in the sediment (lipophilicity corrected for the sediment pH), cation exchange capacity, clay%, organic carbon content and exchangeable Ca2+, although, with the exception of atenolol, robust relationships between sediment properties and sorption were not obtained. Overall, the results demonstrate how complex the processes are that drive the sorption of pharmaceuticals in sediments and highlight the need for generation of further experimental data and further model development work


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    Degradation is one of the key processes governing the impact of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment. Most studies on the degradation of pharmaceuticals have focused on soil and sludge with fewer exploring persistence in aquatic sediments. Here we investigate the dissipation of six pharmaceuticals from different therapeutic classes in a range of sediment types. Dissipation of each pharmaceutical was found to follow first-order exponential decay. Half-lives in the sediments ranged from 9.5 d (atenolol) to 78.8 d (amitriptyline). Under sterile conditions, the persistence of pharmaceuticals was considerably longer. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was performed to explore the relationships between half-lives of the pharmaceuticals, sediment physicochemical properties and the sorption coefficients for the compounds. Sediment clay, silt and organic carbon content and microbial activity were the predominant factors related to the degradation rates of diltiazem, cimetidine and ranitidine. Regression analysis failed to highlight a key property which may be responsible for observed differences in the degradation of the other pharmaceuticals. The present study results suggest degradation rate of pharmaceuticals in sediments is determined by different factors and processes and does not exclusively depend on a single sediment parameter. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Risk-based prioritization of pharmaceuticals in the natural environment in Iraq

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    Numerous studies have demonstrated the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the natural environment, raising concerns about their impact on non-target organisms or human health. One region where little is known about the exposure and effects of pharmaceuticals in the environment is Iraq. Due to the high number of pharmaceuticals used by the public health sector in Iraq (hospitals and care centres) and distributed over the counter, there is a need for a systematic approach for identifying substances that should be monitored in the environment in Iraq and assessed in terms of environmental risk. In this study, a risk-based prioritization approach was applied to 99 of the most dispensed pharmaceuticals in three Iraqi cities, Baghdad, Mosul and Basrah. Initially, information on the amounts of pharmaceuticals used in Iraq was obtained. The top used medicines were found to be paracetamol, amoxicillin and metformin with total annual consumption exceeding 1000 tonnes per year. Predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) and predicted no-effect concentrations (PNECs), derived from ecotoxicological end-points and effects related to the therapeutic mode of action, were then used to rank the pharmaceuticals in terms of risks to different environmental compartments. Active pharmaceutical ingredients used as antibiotics, antidepressants and analgesics were identified as the highest priority in surface water, sediment and the terrestrial environment. Antibiotics were also prioritized according to their susceptibility to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria or to accelerate the evolution and dissemination of antibiotic-resistant genes in water. Future work will focus on understanding the occurrence, fate and effects of some of highly prioritized substances in the environment

    Modifications of Polymers through the Addition of Ultraviolet Absorbers to Reduce the Aging Effect of Accelerated and Natural Irradiation

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    The photooxidative degradation process of plastics caused by ultraviolet irradiation leads to bond breaking, crosslinking, the elimination of volatiles, formation of free radicals, and decreases in weight and molecular weight. Photodegradation deteriorates both the mechanical and physical properties of plastics and affects their predicted life use, in particular for applications in harsh environments. Plastics have many benefits, while on the other hand, they have numerous disadvantages, such as photodegradation and photooxidation in harsh environments and the release of toxic substances due to the leaching of some components, which have a negative effect on living organisms. Therefore, attention is paid to the design and use of safe, plastic, ultraviolet stabilizers that do not pose a danger to the environment if released. Plastic ultraviolet photostabilizers act as efficient light screeners (absorbers or pigments), excited-state deactivators (quenchers), hydroperoxide decomposers, and radical scavengers. Ultraviolet absorbers are cheap to produce, can be used in low concentrations, mix well with polymers to produce a homogenous matrix, and do not alter the color of polymers. Recently, polyphosphates, Schiff bases, and organometallic complexes were synthesized and used as potential ultraviolet absorbers for polymeric materials. They reduced the damage caused by accelerated and natural ultraviolet aging, which was confirmed by inspecting the surface morphology of irradiated polymeric films. For example, atomic force microscopy revealed that the roughness factor of polymers&rsquo; irradiated surfaces was improved significantly in the presence of ultraviolet absorbers. In addition, the investigation of the surface of irradiated polymers using scanning electron microscopy showed a high degree of homogeneity and the appearance of pores that were different in size and shape. The current work surveys for the first time the use of newly synthesized, ultraviolet absorbers as additives to enhance the photostability of polymeric materials and, in particular, polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene, based mainly on our own recent work in the field