13 research outputs found

    Terbufos sulfon pogorŔava srčane lezije u Ŕtakora koji boluju od dijabetesa: studija subakutne toksičnosti

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    Organophosphorus compounds (OPCs) have a wide range of applications, from agriculture to warfare. Exposure to these brings forward a varied kind of health issues globally. Terbufos is one of the leading OPCs used worldwide. The present study investigates the cardiac effect of no observable dose of a metabolite of terbufos, terbufos-sulfone (TS), under nondiabetic and streptozotocin-induced diabetic condition. 100 nmol per rat (1/20 of LD50) was administered intraperitoneally to adult male Wister rats daily for fifteen days. The left ventricle was collected for ultrastructural changes by transmission electron microscopy. The blood samples were collected for biochemical tests including RBC acetylcholinesterase, creatinine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), triglycerides, ALT, AST, and GGT. The study revealed about 10 % inhibition of RBC-AChE in two weeks of TS treatment in non-diabetic rats whereas RBC-AChE activity was significantly decreased in diabetic TS treated rats. CK, LDH, and triglycerides were significantly higher in diabetic TS treated rats. Electron microscopy of the heart showed derangement and lesions of the mitochondria of cardiomyocytes in the TS treated groups. The present study concludes that a non-lethal dose of TS causes cardiac lesions which exacerbate under diabetic condition. Biochemical tests confirmed the ultrastructural changes. It is concluded that a non-lethal dose of TS may be a risk factor for a cardiovascular disease, which may be fatal under diabetic condition.Organofosforni spojevi (eng. Organophosphorous Compounds - OPCs) imaju Å”iroku primjenu, od one u poljoprivredi do one u vojne svrhe. Izlaganje takvim spojevima izaziva niz različitih zdravstvenih problema od globalnog značaja. Terbufos je jedan od vodećih OPC-a koji se koriste diljem svijeta. U ovom je istraživanju na modelu Å”takora bez dijabetesa sa streptozotocinom izazvanim dijabetesom ispitivan metabolit terbufos-sulfon (TS) u najviÅ”oj dozi koja ne izaziva učinak te njezin utjecaj na srce. Odrasli mužjaci Å”takora soja Wistar dobivali su petnaest dana dnevnu dozu od 100 nmol Å”takor-1 (1/20 LD50) intraperitonealno. Transmisijskim elektronskim mikroskopom istražene su ultrastrukturne promjene lijeve klijetke. Na krvnim uzorcima provedeni su biokemijski testovi, uključujući aktivnost acetilkolinesteraze u crvenim krvnim stanicama, razinu kreatinin kinaze (CK), laktat dehidrogenaze (LDH), kolesterola, lipoproteina visoke gustoće (HDL), lipoproteina niske gustoće (LDL), triglicerida, ALT, AST i GGT. Istraživanjem je otkriveno oko 10 % inhibicije AChE-a u crvenim krvnim stanicama nakon dva tjedna izlaganja Å”takora bez dijabetesa TS-u, dok je u Å”takora s dijabetesom aktivnost AChE-a bila značajno smanjena. Razine CK, LDH i triglicerida bile su značajno viÅ”e u TS tretiranim Å”takorima s dijabetesom. Elektronsko-mikroskopska analiza srca upućuje na naruÅ”enu strukturu i lezije u mitohondrijima u kardiomiocitima skupina Å”takora koji su tretirani TS-om. Zaključuje se da nesmrtonosna doza TS-a uzrokuje srčane lezije koje se pogorÅ”avaju u prisutnosti dijabetesa. Biokemijski testovi potvrdili su ultrastrukturne promjene. Navedena doza TS-a može biti rizični čimbenik za kardiovaskularne bolesti, koje se mogu pokazati smrtonosnima uz istovremeno postojanje dijabetesa

    Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Diabetic Patients in the United Arab Emirates

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    Diabetes self-management education is a cornerstone of diabetes care. However, many diabetics in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) lack sufficient knowledge about their disease due to illiteracy. Thus, before considering any possible intervention it was imperative to assess present knowledge, attitudes, and practices of patients towards the management of diabetes

    Metabolic syndrome among children aged 6 - 11years, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates: Role of obesity

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    Objectives: To evaluate the association of metabolic syndrome with the varying degrees of obesity among children aged 6 to 11 years in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates (UAE).Methods: As an ancillary to the primary study examining prevalence of MetS in a random sample of 1186 adolescents from 114 schools in Al Ain, parents and siblings aged 6-11 years were invited to participate in this study. After informed consent from parents and assent from children, trained nurses administered questionnaires to assess socio-demographic and lifestyle variables and conducted anthropometric measurements. Fasting blood samples were drawn to measure plasma lipids and glucose. We used Centres for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC)-defined categories of body mass index (BMI=kg/m2 ) for normal weight (\u3c85th percentile), overweight (ā‰„85th to 94th percentile) and obese (ā‰„95th percentiles). MetS was defined according to National Cholesterol Education Program\u27s (NCEP) / Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III) criteria.Results: Of the total 234 siblings aged 6-11 years, 8.9% (95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 5.6-13.4) had MetS. The prevalence of MetS increased with the severity of obesity, 4.5% in normal, 16.7% in overweight and 30.0% in obese subjects. The age, sex and ethnicity adjusted odds (1.55, 95% CI: 1.23-1.96) of MetS increased significantly with per unit increase in BMI.Conclusions: The prevalence of MetS in study subjects increased with an increase in BMI. School-based interventions targeting metabolic risks in this population are urgently needed

    Patients Characteristics associated with Diabetes Knowledge Score in stepwise linear regression (nā€Š=ā€Š575).

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    <p> <i>Dependent variable: Total Knowledge Score. Co variables entered were: level of education, gender, age, type of DM (insulin treated/not on insulin), married, frequency of seeing a DM educator in the past 2 years, duration of DM, UAE nationality, family income, mode of diagnosis, family history of DM, being employed.</i></p

    Patients characteristics associated with Practice Score in stepwise linear regression (nā€Š=ā€Š575).

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    <p> <i>Dependent Variable: Total Practice Scores. Co variables entered were: level of education, sex, age, type of DM (insulin treated/not on insulin), married, frequency of seeing a DM educator in the past 2 years, duration of DM, UAE nationality, family income, mode of diagnosis, family history of DM, being employed.</i></p