97 research outputs found

    Involving Parents in CALL: An Empirical Study

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    The study examined Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) together with parental participation on Saudi students’ English language achievement. A teaching-learning software, pre-posttest, observation checklist, and semi-structured interviews were constructed. Two intermediate sections with 25 students at each took part in the study. The study reported the effectiveness of parental involvement on students’ overall performance in English language learning. Key words: EFL, CALL, Intermediate class, Parental participation, Saudi Arabia


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    This study investigated the effect of Jolly Phonics strategy on Jordanian first grade pupils’ reading. Hence, the study followed a quasi- experimental research design. The participants of the study consisted of 58 first grade male and female pupils purposefully chosen from Al- Farouq School in Irbid city, Jordan. Based on the results of a reading pre- tests, two groups are assigned: an experimental group which consists of 29 pupils taught by using the Jolly Phonics strategy under study for five weeks, and a control group of 29 pupils taught by using the Conventional strategy suggested by Action Pack 1 Teacher’s Guide, during the first semester of the academic year 2015-2016. In the current study, four instruments were used: a reading test, Jolly Phonics strategy worksheets, and Jolly Phonics songs with the Action Way. The findings of the study reported positive statistical effect of the strategy in focus

    Thinking Green: Analyzing EFL Textbooks in Light of Ecological Education Themes

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    The present study aimed at examining English as a Foreign Language (from now on as EFL) textbooks on ecological education key global themes in language teaching, since EFL teaching should not only be restricted to the development of learners’ language proficiency but also to empower them to improve thinking skills that can be worthwhile in ecological sustainability. The study followed a conceptual content analysis design where EFL materials were read recursively to match global themes. Themes were assessed against a developed content analysis checklist. For the purpose of analysis, data were gathered distinctly from 10th grade textbooks in the academic year 2013/2014. The examination of data was completed through descriptive and critical analysis. The study reported that only more than one third (34.57%; 33.33% respectively) of EFL textbook content involved types on sensitivity to ecological problems as well as ecological skills development. About 19.75% of the content reflected ecological knowledge. Another 12.35% of the content echoed ecological contribution themes. The study, however, came to a conclusion that entails that as given EFL textbook scarcity of global ecological themes, more responsibility of language teachers was emphasized in relation to raising students' awareness towards ecological themes by means of developing their language skills in meaningful theme-based communication. Keywords: Communicative competence, Ecological Education, EFL textbook, Jordan.

    The Affective Domain in English language Primary Stage Reading Texts in Jordan: A Content Analysis

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة الى الكشف عن المجال العاطفي (الوجداني ) المتضمن في كتب اللغة الانجليزية (في الصفوف الثلاثة الاولى).لجمع بيانات الدراسة , قامت الباحثة بتحليل محتوى الكتب في ضوء معايير ( Bloom et al., 1956)  وهي الاستقبال، الاستجابة، التقدير، التنظيم والاستيعاب. ولقد أظهرت النتائج درجات تضمين عالية للمجال العاطفي (الوجداني). حيث جاء كتاب Action Pack 3 في المرتبه الاولى ، وAction Pack 2 في المرتبة الثانية، وAction Pack 1 في المرتبة الثالثة.        This study aimed at exploring the affective domain as embedded in EFL textbooks (1st grade through 3rd). To collect data, a content analysis sheet was tailed in light of (Bloom et al., 1956) affective domain categories, namely, receiving, responding, valuing, organizing, and internalization.  The results showed that Action Pack textbooks are loaded with the affective domain criteria; as Action Pack 3 came on top with 649 occurrences, Action Pack 2 ranked second with 544 occurrences, and Action Pack 1 ranked third with 527 occurrences

    Mathematical Problem Solving Strategies in Plain English

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    The mathematics word problem solving in EFL setting of Jordanian undergraduates were investigated through Polya’s (1957) adopted test as accompanied by self-report open questions procedures. In this study, mathematical problems content is used to assess their language and learning strategies. The results indicated that participating undergraduates were identified either as low problem solvers as well as limited English language proficiency students. Key words:problem solving strategies, EFL, math, Jordanian undergraduates

    Content Analysis of Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) Techniques in Action Pack 10 Student’s Book

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    This study aims at analyzing the content of the Student’s Book of Action Pack 10 in the Jordanian context in terms of the reading activities. This study explores exactly to what extent the techniques of the Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) strategy (prediction, reading, confirmation and justification) are included and presented in Action Pack 10. The study used the descriptive methodology in analyzing the content of the reading activities. The findings showed that the techniques of the DRTA strategy are presented implicitly and explicitly in the Student’s Book of Action Pack 10. The study also showed that the levels of reading comprehension are distributed in reading activities in the Student’s Book of Action Pack 10 in order to achieve the General Outcomes and Specific Outcomes

    The Effect of Mall Instruction on Teens' Writing Performance

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    This paper considers MALL as an effective instruction method to develop teens' writing performance. The results indicated participants' development of content and ideas, organization and mechanics, vocabulary, and language use. The comparison of the experimental groups (viz. Smart teens & Amazing teens) with the control groups showed a noticeable development

    An Imaginative Approach to Teaching Grammar

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    The purpose of this study was to test a new teaching pedagogy that may provide EFL 10th grade students in Jordan with more opportunities to learn grammar away from traditional communicative tasks. Thus imaginative approach strategies - leading to a master’s degree - were assumed as effective in promoting students' achievement in grammar. A teaching-material based on Action Pack 10, a pre-post multiple choice grammar test and an observation checklist for recording students' progress were constructed. Two tenth grade sections with 30 students at each took part in the study. One group was assigned randomly as an experimental group and the other as a control one. The study reported the effectiveness of the imaginative approach on students’ achievement in grammar at the significance level where α ≤ 0.05 in favor of the experimental group. The study, also, reported an increase of awareness as a result of using the imaginative approach

    Jordanian EFL Female Ninth-Grade Students' Reading Engagement and their Attitudes toward Visual Thinking Strategy

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    الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو تحديد مدى انخراط طالبات الصف التاسع الأردني في مهارات القراءة وموقفهن من استراتيجية التفكير البصري. في هذا البحث التصميم التجريبي تم تطبيقه  . استخدمت الباحثة نموذج تقييم لقياس مشاركة طلاب التجربة في فصول القراءة ، واستبانة لاستقصاء اتجاهات الطلاب نحو استراتيجية التفكير البصريز كما تم قياسه من خلال نموذج تقييم الملاحظة ، بدا أن أعضاء المجموعات التجريبية مهتمون بشكل معتدل بمهام القراءة الخاصة بهم. كانت مواقف الطلاب تجاه استراتيجية التفكير البصري. التي تم التحقيق فيها إيجابية بشكل عام ، مع متوسط ​​درجات توافق في النطاق 3.2-3.22. تلقى مجال "المواقف تجاه استخدام استراتيجية التفكير المرئي في فصول القراءة" أعلى مستوى من الاتفاق من الطلاب ، يليه "المواقف تجاه دور المعلم وإدارة الفصل الدراسي أثناء تعليم التفكير البصري. و "المواقف تجاه مهارات القراءة من خلال استراتيجية التفكير البصري".The aim of this study was to determine the Jordanian EFL female ninth-grade students' engagement in the reading skill and their attitude toward visual thinking strategy. In this study, the experimental research methodology was applied. The researcher used an observation rubric to measure the experimental students' engagement in reading classes and a questionnaire to investigate the students' attitudes toward the visual thinking strategy (VTS). As measured by an observation rubric, the experimental groups' members appeared to be moderately interested in their reading assignments. Students' attitudes toward the investigated VTS modality were generally positive, with mean agreement scores in the 3.2–3.22 range. The domain "Attitudes toward using the Visual Thinking Strategy in reading classes" received the highest level of agreement from students, followed by "Attitudes toward the teacher's role and her classroom management during VTS instruction" and "Attitudes toward reading sub-skills through the VTS.