547 research outputs found

    Quality Distance Education for Early Childhood During the Corona Pandemic: The Perceptions of Female Teachers

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    The corona (Covid-19) pandemic caused the closure of kindergarten institutions and schools around the world which forced higher authorities to shift focus towards online distance education. The impact of the pandemic was so severe that it affected almost a quarter of the people lives, public health and above all the education sectors. The present study was designed according to the Servqual Model using sample perceptions of early childhood parameters in Saudi Arabia and Jordan utilizing online questionnaires to collect the responses from 157 teachers.  The quality of the online education services provided for primary school children due to Covid-19 suffered greatly as the teachers were not accustomed to the technology of distance learning. The present study recommends the need to explore the research of the high level for primary school children’s study tool where teachers and parents will be able to deal with online platforms effectively. During the present unavoidable crisis, the article presents an easier and equitable platform for every child in the family

    aesthetic sensation of George Santayana The problematic

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    Beauty scholars differed about the aesthetic sense. Some argued that the aesthetic sense should be limited to those senses that are most capable of abstracting the image in their subjects, while others went on to say that all senses are equal in creating aesthetic experience.  In the past, there was a tendency to limit the cognitive sphere of beauty to certain physiological senses and to exclude other senses; however, Santayana  did not confine the aesthetic functions to the five senses and the three powers of the soul, but made man with all his powers and organs in general.  All things help the growth of life and harmony with existence, and thus not only aesthetic sense of a specific sense or form, but includes the senses combined, with Santayana emphasis on the forefront of the sense of sight and hearing on the other senses, because they relate to mental processes that transmit the sense of pleasure to an external subject  , A the  Caliber adopted by Santayana  in aesthetic pleasure to distinguish it from other pleasures and make it the foundation stone in the classification of aesthetic senses.

    The Role of Islamic Politics in Controlling the Public Expenditures

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    This study aims to indicate the role of Islamic politics in controlling public expenditures through the breakdown of the value of follow Islamic politics and mechanisms to control public expenditures which promotes Muslim confidence of his religion and that he is able to address each particular economic problems, which is the big issue pursued by the many of the countries that are looking for economic solutions to their problems with regard to the public their expenditures, especially when increasing claims that falls burden on its economy.The researcher followed the analytical, inductive and deductive research methodology so as to reach to indicate the role of Islamic politics in controlling public expenditures and at the end the study reached a set of findings and recommendations. Keywords’: Islamic Politics, Public Expenditures, Economic, Claims, Economic Problems

    Exploiting Wavelet Transform, Principal Component Analysis, Support Vector Machine, and K-Nearest Neighbors for Partial Face Recognition

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    Facial analysis has evolved to be a process of considerable importance due to its consequence on the safety and security, either individually or generally on the society level, especially in personal identification. The paper in hand applies facial identification on a facial image dataset by examining partial facial images before allocating a set of distinctive characteristics to them. Extracting the desired features from the input image is achieved by means of wavelet transform. Principal component analysis is used for feature selection, which specifies several aspects in the input image; these features are fed to two stages of classification using a support vector machine and K-nearest neighborhood to classify the face. The images used to test the strength of the suggested method are taken from the well-known (Yale) database. Test results showed the eligibility of the system when it comes to identify images and assign the correct face and name


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    Objective: In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an important tool and it is widely used in the treatment of infertility. However, the failure rate is still high. Thus the study of the factors affecting the rate of success of IVF cycles is very important field of study. In the present study, the possible relationship between the Sirtuin-6 (SIRT6), a stress-responsive protein deacetylase, and the outcome of IVF was studied. SIRT6 also was correlated with hormone levels in women with IVF failure.Methods: Sixty women undergo IVF patients were participated in the study. Women group that had conceived from IVF are expressed as "pregnant group" while women who hadn't are expressed as "failure group." All groups had same preparations and same treatment regimen.Results: Results revealed that there is an insignificant difference between pregnant and failure groups in serum SIRT6 level. The results showed a significant higher estradiol, and lower prolactin and antimullerian hormone in pregnant in comparing with failure group. Correlations studies indicated no significant correlation between SIRT6 and hormones in pregnant group, while there is a significant correlation between SIRT6 and estradiol hormone in the failure group.Conclusion: It can be concluded that serum SIRT6 level does not differ between women who had success or failure IVF. However, in women with failure, SIRT6 is correlated with estradiol level.Â

    The Association of TSHR Gene rs2268458 Polymorphism with Hypothyroidism in Females of Babylon Province-Iraq

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    الهدف من الدراسة: لتقييم العلاقة بين تعدد الاشكال في الجين TSHR rs2268458 وبعض المعايير الفسلجية البايوكيميائية في النساء اللواتي يعانن من نقص الافراز الدرقي. طرق العمل: تضمنت هذه الدراسة 51 امرأة تعاني من نقص الافراز الدرقي و43 امرأة صحيحة كمجموعة سيطرة. تضمنت الفحوصات الفسلجية والبايوكيميائية كل من مؤشر كتلة الجسم، السايتوكروم، الكالسيوم والفسفور. شملت الفحوصات الهرمونية كل من الاوستيوبونتين ،الهرمون المحفز للدرقية والهرمون الدرقي الحر وهرمون الكالسيتونين. تم اجراء التنميط للجين TSHR rs2268458 باستخدام تقنية ال PCR-RFLP. النتائج: يرتبط تعدد الاشكال بالTSHR rs2268458  مع مرض نقص الافراز الدرقي في النساء العراقيات ويعد الاليل C عامل خطر لمرض نقص الافراز الدرقيOR= 4.393, CI= 1.42- 13.53. . حيث كانت الطرز الوراثية TC  و CC مرتبطة بارتفاع مؤشر كتلة الجسم  بينما ارتبط الطراز الوراثي TC مع المستويات العالية من السايتوكروم CYP4501A1 والكالسيتونين. الاستنتاج: ان تعدد الاشكال بالجين TSHR rs2268458  له علاقة بمرض نقص الافراز الدرقي في النساء العراقيات وان الاليل C  يمكن ان يكون عامل خطر لبعض الاختلالات الهرمونية والمعايير الكيميائية الفسلجية في مريضات نقص الافراز الدرقي.The Aim: To evaluate the association of TSHR gene polymorphism rs2268458 with some Physio-biochemical parameters among hypothyroidism women. Methods: This study included 51 hypothyroidism women and 43 healthy women as a control group. Some Physio-biochemical (body mass index (BMI), cytochrome 450 1A1 (CYP1A1), calcium, and phosphorus) and hormonal assay (Osteopontin (OPN), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), fT3, fT4 and Calcitonin (CT)) assay were performed. Genotyping of rs-2268458 of TSHR gene was carried out using the polymerase chain reaction-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique. Results: TSHR rs2268458 was associated with hypothyroidism in Iraqi women and allele C can be a risk factor for disease by OR= 4.393, CI=1.42-13.53 where TC and CC genotypes were associated with high BMI, while TC genotype was associated with high calcitonin and CYP1A1 levels. Conclusion: The TSHR rs2268458 polymorphism was associated with hypothyroidism in Iraqi women and allele C can be a risk factor for some Physio-biochemical and hormonal disorder in hypothyroidism women

    Synthesis and Characterization of New nano catalyst Mo-Ni /TiO2- γAl2O3 for Hydrodesulphurization of Iraqi Gas Oil

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          تشتمل دراسة هذا البحث عملية ازالة المركبات الكبريتية من مقطع زيت الغاز العراقي المأخوذ من مصفى الدورة الذي يحتوي على 8980 جزء من المليون محتوى كبريتي بواسطة طريقة المعاملة بالهيدروجين وباستخدام العامل المساعد النانوي Al2O    Ni-Mo/TiO2-γ-alumina ، تم تحضير الTiO2-γalumina  باستخدام طريقة الهلام-جيل . وبنسبة 64%للTiO2 و 32% لل Al2O3. وتم استخدام عملية التشريب الفراغي لتحميل المعادن على المتراكب الذي تم تحضيره وبنسبة تحميل كانت للNi  % 3.8  وال Mo   14% . تم تشخيص النماذج النانوية المحضرة باستخدام فحوصات حيود الاشعة السينية,(XRD) الاشعة تحت الحمراء(FT-IR) , (امتصاص وامتزاز النتروجين)(BET) , مجهر القوة الذرية(AFM) ,والمجهر الالكتروني الماسح(SEM). تم دراسة كفاءة العامل المساعد المحضر لاستخلاص الكبريت بواسطة المعاملة بالهيدروجين بدرجة حرارة (375 ,300,325,350) مئوية وبسرعة فراغية 1 ساعة-1 وبضغط 35  بار وبنسبة هيدروجين الى هيدروكربون تصل الى 200/200 سم3/سم 3 . وكانت اعلى نسبة ازالة عند الدرجة الحرارية 375 مئوي حيث وصلت نسبة الازالة الى 87.75 % عند الظروف اعلاه, كذلك تم دراسة كفاءة هذا العامل المساعد مع تغيير السرعة الفراغية 1- 4LHSV  عند الدرجة الحرارية التي كانت عندها اعلي ازالة للكبريت .اظهرت النتائج كفاءة العامل المساعد المحضر في تقليل نسبة المركبات الكبريتية في الظروف التشغيلية المستخدمة .   A new nano-sized NiMo/TiO2-γ-Al2O3 was prepared as a Hydrodesulphurization catalyst for Iraqi gas oil with sulfur content of 8980 ppm, supplied from Al-Dura Refinery. Sol-gel method was used to prepare TiO2- γ-Al2O3 nano catalyst support with 64% TiO2, 32% Al2O3, Ni-Mo/TiO-γ-Al2O3 catalyst was prepared under vacuum impregnation conditions to loading metals with percentage 3.8 wt.% and 14 wt.% for nickel and molybdenum respectively while the percentage for alumina, and titanium became 21.7, and 58.61 respectively. The synthesized TiO2- γ-Al2O3 nanocomposites and Ni-Mo /TiO2- γ-Al2O3 Nano catalyst were then characterized by XRD, AFM, and BET surface area, SEM, XRF, and FTIR. The performance of the synthesized catalyst for removing sulfur compounds was conducted through the pilot HDS laboratory unit, various temperatures range 275oC to 375°C, LHSV 1 h-1 were studied; moreover, the effect of LHSV 1 to 4 h-1 on the percentage of sulfur removal was also studied at the temperature of the best removal with constant pressure 35 bar and H2/HC ratio 200cm3/200cm3. The sulfur content results generally revealed that there was a substantial decrease at all operating conditions used, while the maximum sulfur removal was 87.75% in gas oil on Ni-Mo/TiO2-γ-Al2O3 catalyst at temperature 375˚C and LHSV 1h-1

    Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) isolated from clinical specimens in northern of Jordan

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    BACKGROUND: Coagulase negative Staphylococci (CoNS) are one of the most common bacteria found on human skin and on mucous membranes as a component of normal flora. The presence of CoNS in clinical specimens is frequently associated with an infectious aetiology or contamination. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to evaluate CoNS species distribution and susceptibility patterns in specimens obtained from clinics and hospitals in the Northern area of Jordan. METHODS: Standard identification methods showed the presence of CoNS in 223 specimens at different local hospitals. Susceptibility testing was performed using 18 antibiotics in accordance with the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) recommendations. RESULTS: Staphylococcus epidermidis and S. haemolyticus were found to be the most common species isolated from all specimens representing 122 (54.7%) and 52 (23.4%) of all CoNS species, respectively. Antibiotic susceptibility testing of CoNS species revealed their sensitivity to vancomycin, linozolid, rifampin and nitrofurantin, while showing a highly resistant pattern to ampicillin, penicillin, ceftriaxone, cefazolin, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and erythromycin. Some variation of the susceptibility pattern of CoNS species were identified in specimens isolated from the ICU and paediatric hospital wards as well as from clinical specimens of urine, blood and catheter tips. CONCLUSION: The most common CoNS isolates were found to be S. epidermidis and S. haemolyticus with variable percentages according to the specimen source. Moreover, a high susceptibility CoNS to vancomycin, rifampin, and linezolid showed resistance to amoxicillin and penicillin

    C -Reactive Protein as an Immunopathological Prognostic Marker for Giardia Lamblia and Entamoeba Histolytica Associated Diarrhea among Children of Baghdad Governorate

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    Background: C-reactive protein (CRP) is one of the classic acute phase proteins. The study of induction of acute phase reactants synthesis in parasitic infections would aid in understanding the host –parasite relationship.Methods:Seventy three children with parasitic diarrhea that proved through clinical and  microbiological investigation were selected. Thirteen of selected children were infected with G.lamblia and the rest sixty were infected with E.histolytica . Nineteen of the control group was females while the rest eleven were males. Venous Blood were collected from patients and control group for detection of CRP level via latex agglutination test.  Results : The high rate of infection was detected among the age group (19-36) months. The highest level of CRP was (192 mg/dl) while the lowest one was (12 mg/dl) with a mean level (51.20 mg/dl). the mean level of CRP  in control group was (3.7500 mg/dl). positive significant correlations between CRP level and the age of infected children (r=0.290,p=0.013), the chronic infection with G.lamblia and E.histolytica (r=0.760,p=0.000) . Positive significant correlation between the age group and the chronic infection with G.lamblia and E.histolytica (r=0.493,p=0.000) .  Significant difference was detected between the patients group and control group regarding the CRP level (p>0.05).Conclusion: This study proved that CRP level was increased in association with the age and chronic presentation of diarrhea caused by  G.lamblia and E.histolytica and can be used as a non specific immunological marker for monitoring of clinical presentation of G.lamblia and E.histolytica associated diarrheal . Key word: CRP, G.lamblia, E.histolytica, diarrhea