31 research outputs found

    Utilization of Landsat-8 data for the estimation of carrot and maize crop water footprint under the arid climate of Saudi Arabia

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    Understanding the spatial variability of Water Footprint (WF) of crops is essential for the efficient use of the available water resources. Therefore, this study was designed to bridge the gap in knowledge existed in the area of WF in the arid climate of Saudi Arabia by quantifying the remote sensing based blue-WF (WFblue) of maize and carrot crops cultivated during the period from December 2015 to December 2016. Agrometeorological (empirical) estimated WF components, namely, the WFblue, the green-WF (WFgreen) and the grey-WF (WFgrey), were determined at a farm scale in conjunction with the climatic conditions and cropping patterns. On the other hand, the WFBlue was estimated from Landsat-8 data using energy balance and yield models. The empirical approach based WFBlue was used as a reference for the accuracy assessment of the Landsat-8 estimated WFBlue. The empirically estimated WF of silage maize ranged from 3540 m3 t-1 to 4960 m3 t-1. Out of which the WFgreen, the WFblue and the WFgrey composed 0.74%, 83.28% and 15.98%, respectively. For the carrot crop; however, the WF ranged between 2970 m3 t-1 and 5020 m3 t-1. Where, the WFgreen, the WFblue and the WFgrey represented 0.50%, 77.31% and 22.19%, respectively. Using Landsat-8 data, the WFblue was found to vary across the crops from 2552 m3 t-1 (silage maize) to 3010 m3 t-1 (carrot). Results also revealed a highly significant linear relationship between the empirical and the Landsat-8 derived WFBlue (R2 = 0.77, P>F = 0.001). The utility of Landsat-8 data in mapping WF showed reliable seasonal estimates, which can greatly enhance precision management practices of irrigation water

    Performance of the METRIC model in estimating evapotranspiration fluxes over an irrigated field in Saudi Arabia using Landsat-8 images

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    Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) is essential for hydrological modeling and efficient crop water management in hyper-arid climates. In this study, we applied the METRIC algorithm on Landsat-8 images, acquired from June to October 2013, for the mapping of ET of a 50 ha center-pivot irrigated alfalfa field in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia. The METRIC-estimated energy balance components and ET were evaluated against the data provided by an eddy covariance (EC) flux tower installed in the field. Results indicated that the METRIC algorithm provided accurate ET estimates over the study area, with RMSE values of 0.13 and 4.15 mm d−1. The METRIC algorithm was observed to perform better in full canopy conditions compared to partial canopy conditions. On average, the METRIC algorithm overestimated the hourly ET by 6.6 % in comparison to the EC measurements; however, the daily ET was underestimated by 4.2 %

    Effects of quality of water and irrigation regimes on temporal changes in soil EC and yield of greenhouse-grown bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Abstract A greenhouse experiment was conducted in Strip Split Plot design with three replications to study the response of bell pepper (cv. Taranto) to quality of irrigation water and irrigation regimes. The main treatments included good quality water (EC-0.6 dSm ). The sub-treatments, however, included three irrigation regimes (at 100, 80 and 60 percent of crop evapotranspiration(ETc)) combined with three crop growth stages (vegetative, flowering to fruit setting and harvest). As expected, the application of saline water led to a significant increase in soil EC (up to 2.468 dSm -1) causing a drop in fresh fruit yield (from 1450.5 to 1038.8 g/plant for good quality and saline water, respectively). On the other hand, the irrigation regimes were not found to affect the soil EC, but noted to greatly affect the fresh fruit yield. The highest fresh fruit yield was obtained when irrigated at 100% ETc throughout the crop growth period. Combined effects of water quality and irrigation regimes on fresh fruit yield were found to be significant

    Impact of soil firmness and tillage depth on irrigated maize silage performance

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    -1 ). Precision fertigation, involving deficit irrigation at 80% ET c and adopting VRA technology for fertilizer application can be beneficial strategy for enhancing water and fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency for optimal Rhodes grass production

    Impact of Field Topography and Soil Characteristics on the Productivity of Alfalfa and Rhodes Grass: RTK-GPS Survey and GIS Approach

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    Understanding the spatial pattern of soil chemical properties along with the topologic indicators is essential for site-specific agriculture management. A study was conducted on a 50 ha field to investigate the effect of selected topographic indicators, including elevation (DEM), slope (SL), flow accumulation (FA) and Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) on forage crop production. The soil samples and yield data were obtained from the field inventory. Topographical parameters of elevation and slope were estimated with the use of a real-time kinematic global positioning system (RTK-GPS), and then the DEM was generated. The collected soil samples were analyzed for pH, EC, nitrogen and soil organic carbon. Sentinel-2 images were for the creation of yield maps of alfalfa and Rhodes grass. Subsequently, on the basis of DEM, the generated elevation, slope and FA model were then compared with the yield and soil chemical properties. Statistical analysis revealed that the SL, FA and TWI, which are associated with water distribution, were significantly related to crop yields. The FA showed a medium-to-non-significant correlation with the productivity of both alfalfa (R2 = 0.586; p = 0.015) and Rhodes grass (R2 = 0.578; p = 0.01). A significant inverse correlation was recorded between the SL and the yield of both crops (R2 = −0.591 to −0.617; p = 0.01). The yield map revealed that the majority of the area (37.56%) of the experimental field was occupied by the medium-yield class, followed by the high-yield class (33.03%)

    Response of leaf photosynthesis, chlorophyll content and yield of hydroponic tomatoes to different water salinity levels.

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is an important vegetable crop that grows easily under controlled conditions, such as in greenhouses and hydroponics. To overcome freshwater scarcity, researchers are searching for alternatives to groundwater sources such as desalinated water (saline water) for irrigation. High salinity in irrigation water alters physiological functions and crop development, thereby reducing the yield. Best management practices and the use of grafted tomato plants on salt-tolerant rootstocks can alleviate salinity stress. The present study was conducted to address the impact of salinity stress on leaf transpiration (Tr), stomatal conductance (gs), photosynthesis (Pn), leaf chlorophyll content, proline content, and yield of hydroponically cultivated tomato plants. Saline (NaCl) water was used for the preparation of nutrient solution with three salinity levels, electrical conductivity (EC, dS m-1) of 2.5 (control), 6.0, and 9.5. Three commercial tomato cultivars (Valouro-RZ, Ghandora-F1, and Feisty-Red) were used. Both self-rooted plants and plants grafted onto Maxifort rootstocks were transplanted onto a perlite substrate. The recorded data revealed that all studied cultivars were critically affected by higher salinity (≈ 9.5 dS m-1) compared to low (≈ 2.5 dS m-1) and medium (≈ 6.0 dS m-1) salinity levels. The Variations in Tr, Pn, gs, chlorophyll content of leaf, and yield between medium and high salinity trials were reported at 3%, 5%, 9%, 5%, and 7.1%, respectively, whereas no significant differences were observed between low and medium salinities. However, at medium salinity levels, grafted plants performed better in photosynthesis than non-grafted plants. This is due to the accumulation of leaf proline, which maintains osmotic regulation and photosynthetic activity by preventing cell damage at medium salinities. Hence, this study confirmed the use of saline water for growing tomatoes under hydroponic conditions up to an EC of 6.0 dS m-1 including the EC of nutrient fertilizers