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    This dissertation consists of a detailed study and critical edition of the invaluable historical work, al-Dībāj al-khusruwāni fī akhbār a'vān al-Mikhlāf al-Sulaymānī The first part of this study comprises an English introduction, in seven chapters, which attempts to paint a full picture of both the work and the historical period concerned. The author and his work are dealt with in the first chapter. This includes the first full biography of the author, a description of his other works, a review of the manuscripts used in the edition and an explanation of the editorial method. In chapter two the rule of the Āl Khayrāt family in al-Mikhlāf al-Sulaymāni and the arrival of Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhāb's movement in the area are discussed in order to provide full historical background. Chapter three is concentrated on a summary of the Dībāj, made to assist the English reader in his understanding of the subject as a whole. Chapter four is given over to a discussion on 'Ākish's style and language. It also contains a glossary of some unusual words. Comments and notes on the text, plus Qur'ānic and Hadīth references and an analysis of the poetic metres used by the author, make up chapter five. Chapter six comprises an index of the geographical places and tribal names mentioned in the text, while Chapter seven deals with biographies.The study closes with a bibliography, two maps and a family-tree of the Al Khayrāt dynasty. The edited Arabic text comprises the second part of this study and is followed by a chapter on the Hadīth quoted and by three appendices, containing the author's references and biographical indexes to the author's Hadā'iq al-Zahr and 'Uqūd al-durar manuscripts