38 research outputs found

    Towards monolithic integration of germanium light sources on silicon chips

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    Germanium (Ge) is a group-IV indirect band gap semiconductor, and therefore bulk Ge cannot emit light efficiently. However, the direct band gap energy is close to the indirect one, and significant engineering efforts are being made to convert Ge into an efficient gain material monolithically integrated on a Si chip. In this article, we will review the engineering challenges of developing Ge light sources fabricated using nano-fabrication technologies compatible with Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) processes. In particular, we review recent progress in applying high-tensile strain to Ge to reduce the direct band gap. Another important technique is doping Ge with donor impurities to fill the indirect band gap valleys in the conduction band. Realization of carrier confinement structures and suitable optical cavities will be discussed. Finally, we will discuss possible applications of Ge light sources in potential photonics-electronics convergent systems

    Photonic crystal waveguides on silicon rich nitride platform

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    We demonstrate design, fabrication, and characterization of two-dimensional photonic crystal (PhC) waveguides on a suspended silicon rich nitride (SRN) platform for applications at telecom wavelengths. Simulation results suggest that a 210 nm photonic band gap can be achieved in such PhC structures. We also developed a fabrication process to realize suspended PhC waveguides with a transmission bandwidth of 20 nm for a W1 PhC waveguide and over 70 nm for a W0.7 PhC waveguide. Using the Fabry–Pérot oscillations of the transmission spectrum we estimated a group index of over 110 for W1 PhC waveguides. For a W1 waveguide we estimated a propagation loss of 53 dB/cm for a group index of 37 and for a W0.7 waveguide the lowest propagation was 4.6 dB/cm

    Tensile strain engineering of germanium micro-disks on free-standing SiO2 beams

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    Tensile strain is required to enhance light-emitting direct-gap recombinations in germanium (Ge), which is a promising group IV material for realizing a monolithic light source on Si. Ge micro-disks on free-standing SiO2 beams were fabricated using Ge-on-Insulator wafers for applying tensile strain to Ge in a structure compatible with an optical confinement. We have studied the nature of the strain by Raman spectroscopy in comparison with finite-element computer simulations. We show the impacts of the beam design on the corresponding strain value, orientation, and uniformity, which can be exploited for Ge light emission applications. It was found that the tensile strain values are larger if the length of the beam is smaller. We confirmed that both uniaxial and biaxial strain can be applied to Ge disks, and maximum strain values of 1.1 and 0.6% have been achieved, as confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. From the photoluminescence spectra of Ge micro-disks, we have also found a larger energy splitting between the light-hole and the heavy-hole bands in shorter beams, indicating the impact of tensile strain

    Tensile strain of germanium micro-disks on freestanding SiO2 beams

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    Tensile strain is crucial to expect the direct recombination in germanium (Ge), towards monolithic light sources on silicon (Si). Freestanding beams of Ge are known to produce strong tensile strain, however, it is not trivial to construct a cavity in a freestanding structure. Here, we fabricated Ge micro-disks on freestanding oxide beams, and observed Whispering-Gallery-Modes (WGM) by photoluminescence. The tensile strain was larger in shorter beams, which is consistent with simulations

    Enhanced light emission from improved homogeneity in biaxially suspended Germanium membranes from curvature optimization

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    A silicon compatible light source is crucial to develop a fully monolithic silicon photonics platform. Strain engineering in suspended Germanium membranes has offered a potential route for such a light source. However, biaxial structures have suffered from poor optical properties due to unfavorable strain distributions. Using a novel geometric approach and finite element modelling (FEM) structures with improved strain homogeneity were designed and fabricated. Micro-Raman (ÎĽ-Raman) spectroscopy was used to determine central strain values. Micro-photoluminescence (ÎĽ-PL) was used to study the effects of the strain profiles on light emission; we report a PL enhancement of up to 3x by optimizing curvature at a strain value of 0.5% biaxial strain. This geometric approach offers opportunity for enhancing the light emission in Germanium towards developing a practical on chip light source

    Silicon nitride for integrated photonic applications

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    Due to its flexible optical properties silicon nitride is an attractive material for integrated photonic circuits. In this paper, we review the results we have obtained on near-infrared photonic devices including low loss waveguides based on SiN layers deposited with low temperature PECVD using an ammonia-free chemistry. In particular, we discuss the fabrication of subwavelength suspended structures to extend the use of SiN to mid-infrared photonic devices

    Band-gap engineering of Germanium monolithic light sources using tensile strain and n-type doping

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    Band-gap engineering of bulk germanium (Ge) holds the potential for realizing a laser source, permitting full integration of monolithic circuitry on CMOS platforms. Techniques rely mainly on tensile strain and n-type doping. In this thesis, we focus on studying diffusion-based phosphorus (P) doping of Ge using spin-on dopants (SOD), and tensile strain engineering using freestanding micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS)-like structures. Process development of a reliable SOD recipe was conducted using furnace and rapid-thermal annealing, and successful doping up to 2.5 × 1019cm-3 was achieved, resulting in approximately 10× enhancement in direct-gap emission. A transition in Ge direct-gap-photoluminescence (PL) behaviour is observed upon doping, from being quadratically dependent on excitation power to linear. We have also demonstrated that the limited doping concentration of P in Ge using SOD is not source limited, but more probably related to the diffusion mechanism. The other part of the project concentrated on Ge strain engineering. Previous works reported high tensile strain values based on freestanding MEMS-like structures made of Ge, yet without embedding an optical cavity (until recently). In this project, we realize this combination by fabricating Ge micro-disks as an optical cavity on top of freestanding SiO2 structures, utilizing Ge-on- Insulator wafers (GOI).3D computer simulations were used to understand and optimize the devices, in terms of strain and optical performance. Raman spectroscopy and PL measurements confirmed simulation results showing higher tensile strain for beams with shorter lengths, with a maximum uniaxial strain of 1.3%. Splitting of light and heavy hole energy bands was observed by PL as the strain increases, agreeing with theoretical models. Direct-gap sharp-peak whispering-gallery modes (WGMs) were confined in 3 µm disks with a maximum quality-factor of ~200. Two loss mechanisms could be distinguished, red-shift of the absorption edge, and free-carrier absorption. In order to avoid these excitation-related losses, higher strain values combined with heavy n-type doping are required. A possible implementation using the same GOI platform is proposed for future work.</p

    Group IV light sources to enable the convergence of photonics and electronics

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    Group IV lasers are expected to revolutionize chip-to-chip optical communications in terms of cost, scalability, yield, and compatibility to the existing infrastructure of silicon industries for mass production. Here, we review the current state-of-the-art developments of silicon and germanium light sources toward monolithic integration. Quantum confinement of electrons and holes in nanostructures has been the primary route for light emission from silicon, and we can use advanced silicon technologies using top-down patterning processes to fabricate these nanostructures, including fin-type vertical multiple-quantum-wells. Moreover, the electromagnetic environment can also be manipulated in a photonic crystal nanocavity to enhance the efficiency of light extraction and emission by the Purcell effect. Germanium is also widely investigated as an active material in Group IV photonics, and novel epitaxial growth technologies are being developed to make a high quality germanium layer on a silicon substrate.To develop a practical germanium laser, various technologies are employed for tensile-stress engineering and high electron doping to compensate the indirect valleys in the conduction band. These challenges are aiming to contribute toward the convergence of electronics and photonics on a silicon chip

    Impacts of atomically flat Si (111) surfaces on novel photonic crystal designs

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    Characteristics of photonic crystals are very sensitive to fabrication-induced disorders due to scattering losses. Here, we propose to use atomically flat silicon (111) surfaces, defined by anisotropic wet etching. We theoretically examined the impacts of the surfaces on the novel designs of photonic crystals