284 research outputs found

    The Teachers’ Images towards the Administrative Accountability and the Degree of Principals’ Application for It in Tafila Governorate from the Teachers’ Perspectives

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    The Study aimed at investigating the Teachers’ Images towards the Administrative Accountability and the Degree of Principals’ Application for it in Tafila Governorate from the Teachers’ Perspectives. The researcher developed an instrument with four dimensions: Functional Commitment, Performance Effectiveness, Career Ethics, and Self-personal Behavior. The Sample Consisted of (210) teachers (male and female). The results indicated that the teachers images were high for administrative accountability dimension and mid for the principals application for its dimensions. There are no statistically significant differences in the degree of applying administrative accountability attributed to the variables of sex, experience, and specialization. The results also indicated that there are statistically significant differences attributed to the variables of sex and specialization interaction


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    RMS, rhabdomyosar-Abstract Background: The surgical management of paediatric bladder/prostate rhabdomyosarcoma (B/P RMS) continues to develop, with the goal of maximising organ preservation while achieving successful cancer control. The timing of radio-therapy and surgical excision to improve event-free survival (EFS) and overall sur-vival (OS) remains controversial. Methods: Previous reports in English on B/P RMS over the past 15 years were identified and reviewed, focusing on studies comparing the effects of radiotherapy and surgery for local control, the effect of local control on OS, and improved means of diagnosing viable tumour after chemotherapy. Results: The concept of lowering the ‘cost of cure ’ drives current protocols. Blad-otherapy, with a f urine, and add-tudies suggesting therapy did not determinants o

    An examination of the attitudes of downsized employees towards the downsizing process : the case of ESTEDA'A

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    This study explores employees' attitudes to, and perceptions of, ESTEDA'A, which is a downsizing method used in downsizing the Jordanian Civil Service. This study compares and contrasts the perceptions of employees who have been downsized by the method of ESTEDA'A regarding its organisational justice, and considers the moderating role of ESTEDA'A type (voluntary or compulsory) in reducing negative attitudes towards downsizing. Research was undertaken in a positivist paradigm. The employees' perceptions and attitudes were assessed in respect of the organisational justice associated with ESTEDA'A, which has two facets: distributive justice and procedural justice. Several factors that potentially affect these perceptions were " identified from the literature of downsizing and organisational justice. Consequently, nine hypotheses were formed and statistically tested to achieve the aims of this study. The required data were collected via self-administered postal questionnaire, which was sent to a stratified-systemic-random sample of 843 (30% of the population) ex-civil servants who have been awarded ESTEDA'A (ESTEDA'A leavers), stratified by the year of awarding ESTEDA'A. Response rate was 36% (= 306/843) of the sample and 58% (= 306/522) of the active sample (sample size less unreachable and ineligible cases). The findings indicate that when compared to compulsory cases, voluntary cases reported more positive attitudes to, and perceptions of, ESTEDA'A. The only exception was the perceived distributive justice. Working after ESTEDA'A, conditional upon wanting to work, significantly influenced the perceptions of distributive. justice and procedural justice. Unemployment rates, conditional upon working after ESTEDA'A, significantly influenced the perceived distributive justice, but not procedural justice. Within those who worked after ESTEDA'A, the new job level and type, significantly contributed to the variances in the perceived distributive justice (7.7%) and procedural justice (6.2%). Other results were found. It was concluded that the experienced decision control might hinder the effect of justification on the judgment of distributive justice and procedural justice

    Constructing a criterion-referenced test in psychometric subjects according to item response theory

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    The article aimed to construct criterion-referenced in the psychometric subject based on item response theory. The sample consisted of (121) participants (54 male & 67 female) selected from the Department of Psychology at Isra University (Jordan) during the second semester of the academic year 2021/2022. The criterion-referenced test consisted of (36) items following a multiple-choice shape in which each item has 4 options. The results showed the assumptions of items response theory in the study data and matched the responses to (34) items. The results found that there were two items that did not match the model of item response theory that were deleted. Finally, the results of the parameter assessments of the items (discrimination, difficulty, and estimation) indicated that they were agreeable with the test criteria mentioned in psychometric literature and educational. In light of the results obtained, the study recommended using the test, which was developed by the researchers to assess student’s achievement in the subject of psychometrics for students of Psychology, because it demonstrates acceptable validity and reliability and complies with the requirements of the logarithmic three-parameter model, and the possibility of using the same methods as assessments for other courses after ensuring their psychometric qualities

    Comparison Between the Effects of Different Sources of Dietary Fiber on Blood Lipid Profile in Rats

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different sources of dietary fiber on serum lipids and lipoproteins in Sprague-Dawley rats, namely total cholesterol (TC), Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high–density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) triglyceride (TG), and (HDL-C/LDL-C) ratio. The experimental diets included casein diet, untreated wheat bran diet, soaked wheat bran diet, Arabic white bread diet, lupine diet, chickpea and pectin diet. Each group of rats (6/group) was fed one of the seven prepared diets for 6 weeks. Untreated wheat bran has hypercholesterolemic effect since it significantly (p<0.05) increased TC, LDL-C and decreased HDL-C values as compared with treated bran diets. The soaking process lowered significantly (p<0.05) TC and LDL-C levels in comparison with casein diet. Chickpea diet had higher significant value of HDL-C than soaked wheat bran and lupine diets. However, it was not significantly different from casein and untreated wheat bran diet.  In addition, Chickpea diet had a significantly higher HDL-C value than pectin diet. The values of HDL-C of the Lupine diet are not significantly different (p>0.05) from casein and pectin diets, but it has also decreased LDL-C. White bread was found to have no hypocholesterolemic effect in comparison with treated brans groups and control group; it raised TG, TC and LDL-C levels. Pectin had a similar behavior in a remarkable decrease blood TC and LDL-C cholesterol. White bread was found to have  no hypocholesterolemic effect in comparison with treated brans groups and control group; it raised TG, TC and LDL-C  levels. It is concluded that the behavior of cereals and legumes varies in its effect on cholesterol–lowering ability. Preparation of wheat bran foods by soaking improve some physiological characteristics of insoluble fibers, particularly lowering total cholesterol TC and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol LDL-C). Keywords: Dietary fiber, Arabic bread, Wheat bran, Soaking, Chickpea, Lupine, Pectin, Lipoproteins, Rat

    Seeking care behavior of men with sexual dysfunction in Jordan: patients’ perspective

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    BACKGROUND: Sexual health problems are common among different health conditions such as cancer, diabetes mellitus and heart diseases. Little has been published on why and what factors behind hesitance to seek help and hiding the problem. METHODS: The study explored the extent to which men suffering from sexual dysfunction are willing to discuss their sexual concerns and care needs with nurses. A qualitative exploratory approach was used to explore men’s perspectives on nurses’ role in providing men’s sexual healthcare in Jordan. Data were collected through semi-structural interviews from 16 men with sexual health problems secondary to chronic health conditions. RESULTS: Four themes were derived from the data; men’s perceptions about sexual healthcare, ability of men to seek help from nurses, barriers to seeking help, and desired sources for help. Men reported that they would not seek help from nurses; they preferred using other sources, including internet, friends and other men with similar experiences. CONCLUSIONS and discussion: closed social and family structure limited men’s willingness to seek help for their sexual problems in Jordan leaving them untreated, which might then threaten their general health and wellbeing. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Nursing is a profession that deals with human as a whole and the sexual health care was not part of nurses’ daily care for men. Therefore, this study added a view to nurses and health care professionals to consider sexual health care as part of their sexual health care for men. This might be through developing a multidisciplinary service for men. KEY WORDS: Sexual healthcare, Men’s health, Nurses, Jordan

    How the Palestinian Cause Has Been Framed in the Jordanian Opinion Articles

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    This study aims to identify the presentation of the Palestinian cause in Jordanian opinion articles published on online news sites representing daily newspapers. In addition to monitoring the topics and issues that have been highlighted, and comparing the similarities and differences between the sample newspapers in discussing this cause. The study uses the media survey methodology and the comparative approach in order to obtain required data and information, and compare the analysis results of the opinion articles in both Alghad and Addustour newspapers. The study population is represented in the opinion articles published on online news sites that represent daily newspapers, whereas the study sample consists of Alghad and Addustour newspapers. The paper concludes to a number of findings which include: First, Jordanian opinion writers deal with the Palestinian cause as top priority at all public and official levels. Second, the Hashemite care of holy places is an everlasting patriotic duty that has to be sustained. Third, there is a special relationship between the Jordanian and Palestinian people. And but not least, the Palestinian people need to be able to establish their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital, under the resolutions of international legitimacy

    Closing the Gap between Research Evidence and Clinical Practice: Jordanian Nurses’ Perceived Barriers to Research Utilisation

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    Background: The nursing profession is a combination of theory and practical skill, and nurses are required to generate and develop knowledge through implementing research into clinical practice. Considerable number of barriers could hind implementing research findings into practice. Barriers to research utilisation are not identified in the Jordanian context. Aims and Objectives: To explore Jordanian nurses’ perception of the barriers to research utilisation in clinical practice. Design: A quantitative descriptive survey design was used. Methods: The sample consisted of 239 Jordanian nurses from one university hospital and three governmental hospitals. Nurses were conveniently recruited. Data was collection using the Barriers to Research utilisation questionnaire. Results: The majority of the participants were males (54%) and 53% of the participants were under the age of 30. The mean total score of barriers to research utilisation (BRU) was high at 2.97 (SD) out of 4 (the highest possible barriers score). The top three barriers were: “research results are not generalizable to their settings”, “lack of authority to change patient care procedures”, and “research articles are not published fast enough”. Conclusions: Barriers to research utilisation are high and were related to all aspects of research utilisation. These barriers need to be eliminated to improve the provided nursing care. To enhance research utilisation, a national-level guidance development system is needed. This will has the sole responsibility is to develop clinical guidelines, which are informed by the research, which practitioners and health services are then responsible for implementing into practice. Hence, hospital policies need to be reformed to address the procedure and activities of keeping the patients care up to date with current advances in healthcare disciplines. Keywords: Research utilisation, barriers, Jordan, Nurses, clinical practic

    Synthetic generation of multidimensional data to improve classification model validity

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    This article aims to compare Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) models and feature selection methods for generating synthetic data in order to improve the validity of a classification model. The synthetic data generation technique involves generating new data samples from existing data to increase the diversity of the data and help the model generalize better. The multidimensional aspect of the data refers to the fact that it can have multiple features or variables that describe it. The GAN models have proven to be effective in preserving the statistical properties of the original data. However, the order of data augmentation and feature selection is crucial to build robust and accurate predictive models. By comparing the different GAN models with feature selection methods on multidimensional datasets, this article aims to determine the best combination to support the validity of a classification model in multidimensional data.</p
