7 research outputs found

    Conic regions and symmetric points

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    In this note, the concept of N-symmetric points. Janowski functions and the conic regions are combined to define a class of functions in a new interesting domain which represents the conic type regions. certain interesting coefficient inequalities are deduced. © 2014 Academic Publications, Ltd

    A new class of (j, k)-symmetric harmonic starlike functions

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    Using the concepts of (j, k)-symmetrical functions we define the class of sense-preserving harmonic univalent functions SHsj,k(beta), and prove certain interesting results

    A few results on generalized Janowski typefunctions associated with(j,k)-symmetricalfunctions

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    The aim of the present article is to introduce and study newsubclass of Janowski type functions defined using notions of Janowskifunctions and(j,k)-symmetrical functions. Certain interesting coefficientinequalities, sufficiency criteria, distortion theorem, neighborhood prop-erty are investigated for this class

    A few results on generalized Janowski type functions associated with (j, k)-symmetrical functions

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    The aim of the present article is to introduce and study new subclass of Janowski type functions defined using notions of Janowski functions and (j, k)-symmetrical functions. Certain interesting coefficient inequalities, sufficiency criteria, distortion theorem, neighborhood property are investigated for this class

    On Janowski functions associated with ( n

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